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Thread: TRT Effect on PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Rochester, New York

    TRT Effect on PCT

    I am currently taking 5g of Androgel per day to maintain my test levels. I am considering beginning a cycle in the near future. After the cycle, I will resume taking the Androgel. Will resumption of Androgel vitiate need for PCT?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Getinbgr
    I am currently taking 5g of Androgel per day to maintain my test levels. I am considering beginning a cycle in the near future. After the cycle, I will resume taking the Androgel. Will resumption of Androgel vitiate need for PCT?
    No you won't need PCT, what you are doing there is basically bridging.

  3. #3
    Won't he need to go through a normal PCT after the cycle and before he restarts the Androgel?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by skank
    Won't he need to go through a normal PCT after the cycle and before he restarts the Androgel?
    He said he will be jumping right back on the andogel after the cycle. Sounds like he is probably on TRT for life. After the cycle he will be introducing another form of exogenous testosterone so a PCT is not going to get his natural testosterone production going again. The exogenous testosterone (androgel) will keep his natural testosterone production suppressed. So to answer the original question. No. But I guess we need more info from the original poster. Are you on TRT for life? Do you one day wish to get your natural testosterone production fuctioning properly? If so, probably not a good idea to jump right back on the andogel. Run PCT, give yourself a few moths off and then start back on the exogenous hormones. But from the way you explained it, I'm guessing you are probably on TRT for life.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Rochester, New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    He said he will be jumping right back on the andogel after the cycle. Sounds like he is probably on TRT for life. After the cycle he will be introducing another form of exogenous testosterone so a PCT is not going to get his natural testosterone production going again. The exogenous testosterone (androgel) will keep his natural testosterone production suppressed. So to answer the original question. No. But I guess we need more info from the original poster. Are you on TRT for life? Do you one day wish to get your natural testosterone production fuctioning properly? If so, probably not a good idea to jump right back on the andogel. Run PCT, give yourself a few moths off and then start back on the exogenous hormones. But from the way you explained it, I'm guessing you are probably on TRT for life.
    The answer is: I'm not sure. I went into my doctor's office 18 months ago for something unrelated to my test levels. As a result, I had lab work performed. The lab results showed that my test levels were a little low. My Doctor recomended that I begin taking Androgel. I followed that advice and have now been on the Androgel for the last 17 months. I recently had more blood work to determine whether my current dosage is doing the job but haven't received the results yet. Since my doc has never mentioned discontinuing use of Androgel and I've been on it for 17 months, I'm assuming I will never discontinue use.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Getinbgr
    The answer is: I'm not sure. I went into my doctor's office 18 months ago for something unrelated to my test levels. As a result, I had lab work performed. The lab results showed that my test levels were a little low. My Doctor recomended that I begin taking Androgel. I followed that advice and have now been on the Androgel for the last 17 months. I recently had more blood work to determine whether my current dosage is doing the job but haven't received the results yet. Since my doc has never mentioned discontinuing use of Androgel and I've been on it for 17 months, I'm assuming I will never discontinue use.

    Well, talk to your doctor and find out. If you are going to be on the androgel for life, then no need for the PCT. How old are you btw?

  7. #7
    have you had testicular shrinkage?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    yes hes goin to be on TRT after cycle, but a pct is must, not to raise his testosterone levels but to lower estrogen.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Middle East 4 Now
    so atleast an AI should be used after cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    controlling estrogen can be done without pct...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx***
    controlling estrogen can be done without pct...
    so in that case are you saying that we dont need to deal with aromatizing steroids ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by x_moe
    so in that case are you saying that we dont need to deal with aromatizing steroids ?
    controlling estrogen is a must - to a certain point. u have stated that pct would be a must to lower estrogen. thats just not right. if u are on hrt u dont need pct but MAY BE some estrogen control (e.g. aromasin) if u have to much estrogen in ur blood. thats a difference.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Middle East 4 Now
    and running aromasin only for few wks after cycle is still considered a PCT. he needs to run an AI, either during cycle or after cycle.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Rochester, New York
    I'm 30. No shrinkage. What's your AI preference?

    And, thanks.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    Quote Originally Posted by Getinbgr
    I'm 30. No shrinkage. What's your AI preference?

    And, thanks.
    Aromasin is fine, sorry getinbgr but you will need an AI for cycles, if you were running a different steroid but at a Trt dose then probably not, but you said you wanna cycle, and a cycle consists of higher doses than trt. at your situation you can either run it during the cycle or after.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by x_moe
    Aromasin is fine, sorry getinbgr but you will need an AI for cycles, if you were running a different steroid but at a Trt dose then probably not, but you said you wanna cycle, and a cycle consists of higher doses than trt. at your situation you can either run it during the cycle or after.

    That is simply not true. Not everyone needs an AI during cycle as not everyone is sensitive to the effects of estrogen. AI's, with the possibility of Aromasin as an exception, are extremely harsh on the lipid profile. If I didn't have to run one I would not. Usually doses of up to 500mg/wk of testosterone can usually be tolerated by most people with out estrogen related problems. Of course it is on a case by case basis. I would just have an AI on hand in case any estrogen problems arise. If he is going to be on TRT forever and does not have problems with estrogen, he does not need an AI, or a "PCT" used in the manner you are speaking of. I'm sorry, but you are wrong.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Middle East 4 Now
    you say im wrong, ok! Getinbgr do us a favour, after your cycle get some blood work done and lets see if your estrogen was above normal or not.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Rochester, New York
    Will do. Balancing the opposing opinions, I think I'll keep an AI on hand for after cycle. If, at end of cycle, I am exhibiting no estrogen symptons, I'll avoid it.

    Thanks to both.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by x_moe
    you say im wrong, ok! Getinbgr do us a favour, after your cycle get some blood work done and lets see if your estrogen was above normal or not.

    Yes, I'm sorry but you are wrong, plain and simple. Not everyone needs an AI. Not everyone is affected by estrogen in the same way. Here you want blood work. This was me on 400mg of test c per week 12 weeks into a 16 week cycle. Way above a 200mg dose every 2 weeks for HRT. My estrogen levels were in normal range as you can see. Getinbgr, keep the AI on hand in case you experience estrogen related symptoms. If not, you don't need it. You risk further damaging your lipid profile for no good reason at all, if estrogen is not a problem for you. X_Moe is generalizing and saying estrogen will be a problem for everyone, including you, so you must take an AI. He is well meaning I'm sure, but incorrect.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bloodwork1.jpg 
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    Last edited by Georgie; 04-28-2007 at 01:14 AM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    and what kind of AI are suggesting!? the guy didnt even mention if he's prone to gyno. i know ppl who had signs of gyno after only 5 shots of 500mg test e. imo, his best option is running aromasin during cycle, if he wants to listen to you then he's better off having letro on hand.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    OK let me weigh in here. I have been on HRT/TRT for the last two years and I have done a couple of cycles as well so I am talking from some level of experience. Not everyone needs an AI either during PCT or during or even after a cycle, some are prone to estrogen and some just are not. That is not to say that those that do a cycle do not need to do PCT, that is entirly different from what is being discussed here. The prudent thing to do is to get regular blood tests to work out where you are at on that estrogen scale and make a decision from there. There is no doubt in my mind that arimidex is the best choice for controlling estrogen. When on cycle I take .25mg ED and off cycle while on TRT I take .25mg EOD I like to keep my estrogen levels pretty low but not too low as that can have an effect on libido which you can live without, the same as to much estrogen.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    OK let me weigh in here. I have been on HRT/TRT for the last two years and I have done a couple of cycles as well so I am talking from some level of experience. Not everyone needs an AI either during PCT or during or even after a cycle, some are prone to estrogen and some just are not. That is not to say that those that do a cycle do not need to do PCT, that is entirly different from what is being discussed here. The prudent thing to do is to get regular blood tests to work out where you are at on that estrogen scale and make a decision from there. There is no doubt in my mind that arimidex is the best choice for controlling estrogen. When on cycle I take .25mg ED and off cycle while on TRT I take .25mg EOD I like to keep my estrogen levels pretty low but not too low as that can have an effect on libido which you can live without, the same as to much estrogen.
    Thank you for your input. This is exactly the point I was trying to get across. And you added the bit about blood work, which is an excellent point. I regularly get blood work done, as can be seen above. However, you can pretty much know when you are experiencing estrogen related side effects without blood work. But, I do agree blood work is very important and the most definitive way to know where you are at.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Rochester, New York
    I took 250 per week of Test E. six years ago and experienced no sides, including estrogen related problems. Of course, I'm planning on taking 500 this time around.

    How about Nolvadex during and after cycle instead of arimidex?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I find it funny that no one asked him what cycle he was planning on running. What cycle do you plan on running? Different cycles call for different estrogen controlling compounds IMO, and you might not even need any ***ending on your cycle in mind.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Rochester, New York
    Cycle: 250 Test E. Twice Weekly for 10 weeks.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Middle East 4 Now
    Kale yes you are right, but i always advice an AI during cycle coz i look at it as better safe than sorry.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Rochester, New York
    nolva ok?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Getinbgr
    nolva ok?
    Yes its OK bot no where near as effective as Adex

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Ontario, Canada
    I will be starting my TRT after I finish my cycle. I will be doing androgel at 7.5g/day.

    My current cycle, test e @ 250mg/ 2x wk, I have used Nolva @ 10mg ED and .25mg a-dex ED. I will extend this protocol 3 weeks or so past my last injection and take it from there.

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