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Thread: my recent lab work

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    my recent lab work

    id copy and past ,but ************* not working for me

    im 30yrs old and my total test is 332nmol/l (norm is 300-1200)
    and my bioAvailable levels came back at 6.42 (norm is 4-10) i however am unsure what levels this is in.. im thinking ng/dl, therfore its 185nmol/l

    of course my GP said this is all normal.... i know what the reference range is for the total test.... cant seem to get the bioT, which is the important one..

    can anyone please help me.... i feel like crap, no memory...

    i got him to order more blood work for a more complete pic, and he is sending me to a urologist.......

    IF my bio-t is normal....could my E2 be high?? i dont feel right i KNOW THIS

    thanks phats

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Central Florida
    go to a doctor that understands HRT, most docs are unsympathetic if your levels are on the very lowest level of normal, they're out there...just takes time to find one.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    im lucky, my doc is sympathetc.. im thinking hes just worried about writing a script for a 30yr old, i do however want the other baselines anyway before i go on anything....

    he is referring me to a urologist whom is well known for a 2nd opinion.... i think (again) my future is looking bright...just a few more weeks....

    i emailed one HRT doc, and he said they would treat me if im not happy with the referral doc (whom he knows), he also said, yes estrogen my be doing something, and YES your test levels are low!!! that made me really happy....

    i was worried about hearing "well, your bio-t is normal, so its in your head"\

    open to other opinions.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    london england
    Give your GP a kick up the ASS you have very low test for your age , Memory no intrest in life , no sex drive just feeling like shit is a common low test and i have had it for 5 years from steroid abuse my own fault but i am now trying to get sorted , Have you taken steroids before ? If your in UK it sucks as they think 9 to 29 and your low end is 9 and is ok because its not 8 1/2 in your early 30s your test should be in the high end of 24 to 26 i have done a lot of research on this subject and have just started a PCT with HCG fingers crossed and good luck sir.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    most of us here will advise you to find a doctor that is not afraid to treat your symptoms and not worry about if the numbers are borderline...sometimes it takes interviewing a few docs before you find a good one
    your doing good by getting more bloodwork, etc. but that step could have been done when they drew blood already know your total test level, but not your e2 or estrogen, etc.

    now you have to go to the lab again, then back to the doc.....

    get a good game plan together and tell the docs what you want done

    good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    yes i have a cycle history...but who knows eh.... could of been low b4 hand? no wonder i felt better, my acne actually cleared up...ect

    im in canada...i actually got the letter in the mail today, the urologist app't is not until AUGUST 14TH!!!!! so im thinking, im going to get the other blood work tomorrow, i see my GP on June 1, and i m going to encourage starting the androgel immediately as i dont see the specialist for almost 3 months!!

    im worried about the specialist getting mad that im already on HRT, BUT IM THINKING....

    1. we have my baseline levels before therapy commenced,

    2. ill be 10 weeks into the androgel, could have another blood draw, so when i see him in AUGUST.... he can make an informed decision what to do with me
    we will see if my body absorbs the androgel, ect...

    im thinking it would be like beeing 10 weeks ahead.... because if i dont start on June 1.... i wait till august, just to likely get androgel scripted....wait 4-6 weeks, get blood work.....go see specialist again!!!! my way could save us a trip potentially..



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    my test levels were close to yours ( a little lower at 37 years old) when i first started androgel....and i felt better soon after starting....but my complaints weren't of memory per say....i just couldn't gain muscle/lose fat even while working out my case it was just what i needed

    good luck bro

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