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  1. #1
    BuildaBeast's Avatar
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    Is 1mg MWF too much Arimidex

    I've been on test 200mg every 2 weeks and my total estro was 211 so the Doc put me on 1mg for each day Arimidex mon,wed,fri. Does this seem like alot?

    Just seems like I'm tired all the time now for some reason. Maybe shut down my own test and not enough yet?


  2. #2
    mmabox is offline New Member
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    My estrogen was at 18 and jumped to about 40 when I went to on HRT. I take Arimidex .5 mg twice a week to control any surges. 211 seems high and your dose seems appropriate. What was your estro before you were taking test?

  3. #3
    Stat1951 is offline New Member
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    I was on 1/4 tablet every other day and (with some other changes in my TRT regimen) my E2 went up to high 50s and my Total Es were in mid 200s. My doc switched me over to 1/2 tablet (1mg tablets) every third day, and that dropped my E2 down to 24 and my Total Es down to low 100s - like 104).

    At 1 mg every M - W - F, you are taking easily over twice what I am taking. While every person is different and actual tests will need to be done to show your results (not just short term but also over time), I personally would be concerned that this regimen could drive your E2 and Tital E levels too LOW....

  4. #4
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Ive been taking Arim 1mg tabs ED, so im curious myself on how this will affect gains? My E lvls were in the 80 range. since starting this for last few mnths E lvls r in the 74 range.

  5. #5
    BuildaBeast's Avatar
    BuildaBeast is offline Associate Member
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    Well heading for some testing on the 25th then in a few weeks I will get the results and let you guys know what my levels are.

  6. #6
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    well 1 full mg pill is 2 much. plus arimidex for me, could be used as a sleeping drug. problem is it last for a few days. most people arent like me but i feel better when my estrogens higher, and i mean with sex drive and energy and everything. unfortunately the blood pressure goes up, but hawthorn berry can fix that.

  7. #7
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Sry, dont wanna seem like im hi-jacking ur thread, Just Im taking same stuff, and am curious about ur results,

    -so 1 tab ED is over kill? And side affects to worry about? Does any1 else seem to get Hot-flashed on this, Im hot all the time?

  8. #8
    BuildaBeast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    well 1 full mg pill is 2 much. plus arimidex for me, could be used as a sleeping drug. problem is it last for a few days. most people arent like me but i feel better when my estrogens higher, and i mean with sex drive and energy and everything. unfortunately the blood pressure goes up, but hawthorn berry can fix that.

    What do you like to keep your estro levels at? How much Test are you taking? Last question...... How much Hawthorn Berry 1000mg a day?

  9. #9
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    u dont wanna know my hrt levels. its done through a dr but people flip so im over it. ill just say its more than your taking. and estro level for some reason mine never goes above 56 really. and when my test is around 3000 ng/ml, thats an appropriate balance.

  10. #10
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i think i am one that needs a bigger dose of arimidex as i was taking 1mg ED as well and total estrogens were not too low or too stated above...each person may be different...look at iron..test at 3000 and estro only interesting....good thread
    i'm still searching for the perfect dose if there is one....i got a little confused when all my previous bloodwork showed estradiol and the last one showed only total estrogens so it was hard for me to see where i was

  11. #11
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    just saw doc today, been taking 1mg ED arim, I thought it was to much, but I guess it was just wright,

    E lvls went from 88 (1mg M,W,F) to 25 ( 1mg ED)

    -and T lvls went from 300 to 500 range,

  12. #12
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrennK

    just saw doc today, been taking 1mg ED arim, I thought it was to much, but I guess it was just wright,

    E lvls went from 88 (1mg M,W,F) to 25 ( 1mg ED)

    -and T lvls went from 300 to 500 range,
    kudos trennk

    feeling good with this large dose?

    and are you taking test as well?

  13. #13
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman
    kudos trennk

    feeling good with this large dose?

    and are you taking test as well?

    Tnx, I was taking 8 pumps of Androgel ED, but I just got My Doc to switch me to Cyp injections @ 200mg every 2 weeks. I really didnt feel good at all on the gel, hopefully things will get better on the Cyp,

  14. #14
    BuildaBeast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrennK
    Tnx, I was taking 8 pumps of Androgel ED, but I just got My Doc to switch me to Cyp injections @ 200mg every 2 weeks. I really didnt feel good at all on the gel, hopefully things will get better on the Cyp,

    Did you have your E levels checked while running the cyp at 200mg every 2 weeks? What are your test levels at?

    I should have my results from all the blood work on the 12th from my endo and I will post where my levels are at.

  15. #15
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuildaBeast
    Did you have your E levels checked while running the cyp at 200mg every 2 weeks? What are your test levels at?

    I should have my results from all the blood work on the 12th from my endo and I will post where my levels are at.

    Sry, I just started the Cyp yesterday, my last T lvl i had done 3 weeks ago while on 1mg Arim ED and 8 pumps Androgel was 500, E was 25. When I was taking 1mg Arim (M,W,F) and 8 pumps Androgel, T-lvls were 360, and E was 88. So from what my results show, going to 1mg Every day, it made a big difference in my E lvl, and really cranked up my T lvls.

    -Ill post my Cyp results once i have them in 2 wks.
    Last edited by TrennK; 06-28-2007 at 04:12 PM.

  16. #16
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    I have arimdex 25 small blue triangle shaped pill, I can maybe at best cut it in half, so i dont see a way to take it in a small dosage, is it 25mgs or is it .25 mgs? if its .25 mgs then it makes sence.

  17. #17
    fbcoach is offline Junior Member
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    There are case studies of Drs. prescribing 1mg. arimidex /day on HRT patients and it doubles..sometimes triples there natural testosterone levels . Once you add in synthetic testosterone , you will have to adjust your arimidex, depending on how much Test you take and how high it reaises your test levels. Remember, it is the ratio of Test to E2 that matter. Driving your E2

  18. #18
    fbcoach is offline Junior Member
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    too low, can cause similar side-effects as too high. I have been in the same boat as you. I started with just the arimidex and my E2 levels were great and my natural test doubled..unfortunately not high enough. Then when I added in the Test (100mgs./week)..taking the arimidex lowered my E2 too much and I didn't feel well. Just be careful and make sure to run tests frequently until you hit the right dose.

  19. #19
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Yea, Thats what I was thinking myself. Since the first shot Cyp, Im taking 1/2mg ED now till I get new BW, to see how that feels, and to see what the E lvls do, and T lvls do. In a few weeks Il know if 1/2 is better, or to stick with 1mg ED.

  20. #20
    fbcoach is offline Junior Member
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    That's a good idea..I am at the point now that I only take 2.5mgs. every 3 days and my e2 levels are great. Last test had me at Test (887) E2 (24) One of the signs for me when going to low was brainfog and decreased libido. Good luck and make sure to get the appropriate bloodwork until you get it right. You won't regret it

  21. #21
    lacey231 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuildaBeast
    Did you have your E levels checked while running the cyp at 200mg every 2 weeks? What are your test levels at?

    I should have my results from all the blood work on the 12th from my endo and I will post where my levels are at.
    Bump for results.

    I'm curious about this too. I just got on TRT, my E2 was 175 with a range of (0-206). Total T was at the top of the range but usually free test blows. Guessing when e2 goes down free test should be better.

  22. #22
    fbcoach is offline Junior Member
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    I just got my labwork back. On .25mgs every 3rd day, my E2 levels are at 15..too low. My test level this time is at 830.

  23. #23
    lacey231 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fbcoach
    I just got my labwork back. On .25mgs every 3rd day, my E2 levels are at 15..too low. My test level this time is at 830.
    What were your E2 results without any arimidex at all? I'm hovering around 45ish right now on your scale w/o arimidex test levels at 900ish, and free T at around half the range. Also any idea what the T to E ratio is idealy? I've heard 30 to 1 from a guy on a board but havn't heard anything straign from Dr. Crisler or my doc.

  24. #24
    fbcoach is offline Junior Member
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    That will be a good question to ask him. I am trying to set up a virtual consultation with Dr. Crisler now.

  25. #25
    lacey231 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fbcoach
    That will be a good question to ask him. I am trying to set up a virtual consultation with Dr. Crisler now.
    I asked Dr. Crisler, and it turned into a decent thread. Some people don't agree with him.

    Here it is. http://*************.com/forum/male-...rect-test.html Replace * with a n a b o l i c m i n d s

  26. #26
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    toxicity wise, arimidex has been used in doses 60mg/day.....yes, thats what i said. these were intiial trials. a lethal dose has not been established.

    a-dex imo has never reduced my sex drive, even using it off cycle at 1mg a day.
    letro though...diff story. lethargy and low boner power. I slept well on it though cuz i never needed to spank before bed,lol.

  27. #27
    fbcoach is offline Junior Member
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    I just got back in the country from vacation. I have a virtual consultation with Dr. Crisler on 7-31 (Tues.). I will ask him then.

  28. #28
    fbcoach is offline Junior Member
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    At .25mgs arimidex every 3rd day, my E2 was at 15 (0-54). This is too low. It makes my fatigue worse and my muscles don't feel as full. This is coming from a guy that always thought the lower the E2..the better. I hink this is due to lower aldosterone and cortisol levels. I will ask Dr. Crisler tomorrow via virtual consultation.

  29. #29
    boslogan is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    u dont wanna know my hrt levels. its done through a dr but people flip so im over it. ill just say its more than your taking. and estro level for some reason mine never goes above 56 really. and when my test is around 3000 ng/ml, thats an appropriate balance.
    With "normal" range topping out about 1100 or so, how does he justify a total T of 3000?

    I'm not flipping, I just want your Dr.! I actually am curious as to your HRT routine but if you want to keep it to yourself, I understand.

    Take care.

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