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Thread: Blood work Questions

  1. #1

    Blood work Questions

    Ok so I scheduled an appointment At my Navy Medical Clinic for blood work tomorrow at 8am. I got a few questions...

    1) I just finished PCT but decided to stay on a low dose of Letro... Is it possible that my levels might be out of wack?

    2)What is considered normal numbers? (test levels etc)

    3)Can they test for Roids right there in the clinic?

    4)If my levels are Normal... How long should I wait before I hop on my next cycle. I know the standar is cycle time plus length of pct = off time. But if levels are good to go can i start sooner?

  2. #2
    anybody? I only got 12 hours left

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Dec 2005
    I can't answer all your questions but I'll give my opinion:
    1) yes it's possible that your levels will be out of whack.
    2) I can't remember what the natural number range per age is, but others here know far more than me perhaps someone else can answer this one.
    3) yes it's possible that they could test for gear, but highly unlikely that they will unless you ask them to.
    4) the standard "time off = time on + pct" is to get your levels back to normal, so if you are completely back to normal in my opinion you would be fine to cycle again.
    I hope this helps, good luck.

  4. #4
    thanks alot for your input...

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