I am 47 yrs old and haven't been lifting for about 5 years. I lifted regularly between ages 38 and 42. I started one cycle of enanthate (500 mg's a week) but quit after 4 weeks due to extreme mood swings. I was already high-strung & stressed out in my life (divorcing at the time) and it just put me over the edge.
After 5 years of not much activity I recently decided to get back in the gym, and have been going for about 6 weeks.
I am now really suffering from rhuematoid arthritis, and am wondering how to ask my doctor about HGH. Is that the way to go for someone of my age ? I am not looking to gain a lot of muscle mass, just fight off the aging process & arthritis. A friend has told me he read that arthritis can be reversed with HGH -- is this true ?
Thanks in advance for any help.