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Thread: Hcg

  1. #1
    bonangus is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Hi, Ive been on the Testogel for a week and already am feeling alot better - happier, more relaxed, more confident, more energy even a bit of morning and night time wood which I havnt had in years. Im 35 by the way. My questions are, does everyones balls stop producing T when on the Gel (im on 5g) so in a couple of weeks I will crash ? And is there a pill I can take to keep my balls producing T or will I have to start taking shots of HCG as well as the gel ?
    Any bit of advice will be a huge help as my endo and GP besides being very unsurpportive dont seem to have much of an idea ?
    Also will the gel make me sterile ?
    Thank you

  2. #2
    zoidbar's Avatar
    zoidbar is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    london england
    You will stop producing natral test from your nutz they will shrink to the size of a peanuts , 500iu of HCG will help your nuts to keep thier size , Is thier nothing els you cant try i too have low test i just posted a MSG on the board may intrest you.
    All the best

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