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Thread: Kidneys

  1. #1
    silk_22 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Ok, I was diagnosed with a rare form of kidney disease awhile back. I am young, only 27. I have never done a cycle and only come here to learn about cycles and workout routines. I love the knowledge.

    Anyway, I have been reading new research on growth hormone and kidney disease. The research has been promising with kidney patients using gh. I am a progressive thinker even though my docs are not. I want to try anything and everything if I think I can get better or live a better life. My diagnoses is that I will for sure have a kidney transplant; however, my goal all along has been to do whatever I can to keep pushing it back.

    My cholestral and bp are always under control through drugs and I also take an epo shot because of anemia problems. My questions is, should I ask my doc about gh and tell her I want to try it?

  2. #2
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Have u ever tried injectable b-12? Not sayin it works miracles, but, may be healthier than epo, though certainly not as effective i would assume. not sayin to sub it, just maybe add it to your regimen...ask yer doc

    i read a couple things about gh and kidneys. not much though. i think its safe to say most roids are out, if not all. Defintatly no orals ever, no trenbolone ever. If later in life you need HRT for any reason, i dont see an hrt dose being a problem though youd have to correspond your hrt endo guy with your nephro, and they'd both better be sharp cookies on top of there game.but the main things with testosterone that youd need to watch is blood pressure and water retention, this is what can stress the kidneys, and this is usually related to estrogen levels. Testosterone as all roids will increase rbc, but if its an hrt dose, i dont see how it would chage your situation from how it is now. Gh, in doses over 2 ius a day i have seen on here guys talk about edema...again you gotta watch that edema....and then of course there are other guys that take 8 ius of the stuff and say they have never been dryer, so..
    Tread these waters carfully, and IMO it doesnt sound like you have utmost confidence in your guys. Get good docs. And dont base good on JUST there "personality". So what if hes charasmatic and talks about golf with ya? right? fix the freakin kidneys. Find a guy thats good, sharp, and aggressive and open minded...AND has personality. A good guy WILL have personality becuase part of being "sharp" and on the ball is not "trating a patient" but "treating a person". A good doc will naturally have a good personality. You have to have insight into a patients life, to really diagnose a problem. You might need a younger guy, but not too young, some of these old guys are one way thinkers, but u dont want a guy fresh outa school either. You may have to bounce around abit or drive an hour or 2.
    Just some things to think about.
    Good luck.

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