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Thread: Endo

  1. #1


    My Endo just phoned me to tell me that even tho my testosterone is low he dosnt think I have an Androgen problem, he thinks the problem is that I am depressed. He dosnt know that I have been on testogel for a week and a half now and feel the best I have felt in 5 years. I know I am not suffering from depression. My endo has been nothing but unsupportive to my needs.

    Should I listen to what he has said or continue with the gel ? And find other Doctors that are more supportive ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    u just answered you own question,, screw that doc,,, if you test is low and you feel like sh*t because of it,, and he wont help you out,, find a new one that will

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    agree with above...and you said you're already on...what exactly was you're goal in seing the endo?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I'm going through the same thing. I've been to 2 endos and 1 urologist. Definitely dump that doc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    how high is you test level? adding test always is the easy answer, but not necessarily the right one. the ednocrine system is very fragile and complicated and your endogenous test production could suffer from other things, like adrenal fatigue. I don t think it is wise to jump on test right away. get more test started!

  6. #6
    That's not a Dr, that's a politician.

    All the steroid raids have these Dr's peeing their pants. They should be treating the patient and not bending to public will. If you have the signs you should be treated as such.

    Estrogen is given to any woman who asks for it, but we have to be dying to get a script for test C... This country is bass ackwards.

  7. #7
    xxx- Testosterone is at 7 normal range is 8 to 30.
    Im 35 years old.
    I have also just done a saliva test through a nautrapath and cortosol levels were very low so she has put me on some supplements to start to give my adrenals some support.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    My experience with doctors is not good, they are mostly oblivious to the evidence out there unless they are highly specailised in the HRT field of endicronology and even then you can have problems, such as if your young, or have health complications. Id prefer to got a doc to get blood tests, but as for gear, human grade stuff is obtainable online, and that way I can do whatever dose I feel like..

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