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Thread: My nuts have shrunken!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    My nuts have shrunken!

    Okay I've been on TRT for about 2 months now. I know that being on exogenous test. will shut-down my own test production and essentially make my nuts nothing more than decorations....I'm assuming this is just a normal side effect correct?

    Mine have noticeably shrunk however, especially in the last month. Now, I'm not saying I had huge balls or anything, but I will say that my g/f liked feeling them smack against her ass...I don't think that is gonna happen anymore at this point.

    Is there any way to get them to "plump" back up while still on TRT or am I going to have to deal with it?

    I also realize the frivolity of this post...but in all seriousness, will they come back to normal at any point?.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    hcg would plump them up, i wouldnt really bother though. perhaps ask your MD? if you're on trt you could probably get hcg

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bombguy
    Okay I've been on TRT for about 2 months now. I know that being on exogenous test. will shut-down my own test production and essentially make my nuts nothing more than decorations....I'm assuming this is just a normal side effect correct?

    Mine have noticeably shrunk however, especially in the last month. Now, I'm not saying I had huge balls or anything, but I will say that my g/f liked feeling them smack against her ass...I don't think that is gonna happen anymore at this point.

    Is there any way to get them to "plump" back up while still on TRT or am I going to have to deal with it?

    I also realize the frivolity of this post...but in all seriousness, will they come back to normal at any point?.
    Never heard of that before. What are we talking grape nuts or raisin nuts?

    I've heard HRT docs say to use HCG while on a cycle to bring back your nuts but I'm doubtful. If the gears working something tells me you are smacken her ass a lot more with the raisin nuts than you were before.

    If you try the Hcg on cycle let us know if/how it works.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i have read many posts where hcg is added to TRT for just this symptom and with favorable results

    i've been on trt for 19 months now and didnt experience the shrinks until a few months ago....if i could/can get hcg, i will add to my trt

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    What are you using for TRT? How many mg.'s/week are you taking?

    Quote Originally Posted by bombguy
    Okay I've been on TRT for about 2 months now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    What up guys, I'm new to the site, but not to the steroid world. I was on 250 and Deca 200 doing more than 2mls. of each per week getting ready for a comp., on my 6th week of a 16 week cycle, I used HCG (Gonakor) and it brought back my testicles to their normal size. The only catch is that I diluted 6mls. into the powder solution instead of the whole 10, but if you are a first time user of HCG, you should try diluting the whole 10 mls. into the powder solution, just to be on the safe side.

  7. #7
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    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by bombguy View Post
    Okay I've been on TRT for about 2 months now. I know that being on exogenous test. will shut-down my own test production and essentially make my nuts nothing more than decorations....I'm assuming this is just a normal side effect correct?

    Mine have noticeably shrunk however, especially in the last month. Now, I'm not saying I had huge balls or anything, but I will say that my g/f liked feeling them smack against her ass...I don't think that is gonna happen anymore at this point.

    Is there any way to get them to "plump" back up while still on TRT or am I going to have to deal with it?

    I also realize the frivolity of this post...but in all seriousness, will they come back to normal at any point?.
    Yes, this is normal.

    Yes, hcg will bring them back.

    Talk to your doctor. There is a wide variety of opinions as to protocol, some do 1000 mcg ed for 10 days, some do 500 mcg eod for two weeks.

    When you go off, they will come back. The key is to get them back ASAP or you will be a ragdoll without test the whole time until they start pumping again.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    JPK...19 months? How is sex drive holding up? Mine was through the roof for about 2 months and it suddenly fell off the table this past month....was wondering if the supplemental test e was bogus (BP).....but the drive has dropped noticeably....know why??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    in paradise
    dont mean to does one inject hcg? i found a site selling 1 amp 5000 iu. i will be starting my cycle of test and would like to have the hcg on hand in the event i end up with some raisins. thanks

  10. #10
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    Oct 2007
    HCG is a sub q injection.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteowl View Post
    JPK...19 months? How is sex drive holding up? Mine was through the roof for about 2 months and it suddenly fell off the table this past month....was wondering if the supplemental test e was bogus (BP).....but the drive has dropped noticeably....know why??
    It is probably your estrogen level. Are you using an anti-e, like novaldex?

    Test converts to estrogen. If you get excess estrogen, your willie loses its desire to go cave diving.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by freakon View Post
    dont mean to does one inject hcg? i found a site selling 1 amp 5000 iu. i will be starting my cycle of test and would like to have the hcg on hand in the event i end up with some raisins. thanks
    You are also going to have to plan on what to do with the excess hcg. Make sure to buy a sterile vial for mixing. Once you crack an amp, it is done and you will have 4000-4500 mcg in a syringe with no where to go.

    You can inject IM or sub-q.

  13. #13
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by whiteowl View Post
    JPK...19 months? How is sex drive holding up? Mine was through the roof for about 2 months and it suddenly fell off the table this past month....was wondering if the supplemental test e was bogus (BP).....but the drive has dropped noticeably....know why??
    owl...ditto on what znak estro went up when i increased androgel and i was feeling it and when i added arimidex my TRT was complete...i always wondered but shortly after i became vascular especially in my arms but i had been losing fat slowly but surely anyway but i really think the arimidex helped with that

  14. #14
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    Jun 2007


    Thanks M8.....remember reading a bit about that on this site (Educational Threads).....just so much it got just feels so damned good to feel good again .....gotta fix it cause cave diving is still best sport around.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Lakewood. CO
    I do 250 I/U of HcG twice a week per per Dr Crisler, I do 100 mg of Test Cyp for TRT, broken down into 2 shots. One of monday morning ind one of Thurs evening. I do the HcG subQ the daqy before the IM shot of Test Cyp.

    It has brought testicle size back by about 75%.

    We do NOT cycle it. It is is just a standard partr of the weekly regimen.

    Check out his protocols (can be downloaded for free) at

    He explains it fairfly good there.

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