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  1. #1
    Eddie Richey is offline New Member
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    Question Blood works in, now what?

    A respected member of this site suggested that I have my blood work done and see if HRT was in order.
    Tests came back like this: Total Testosterone 209, Free Test: 31.1
    I've been feeling run down, fatigued, out of sorts, etc. for what seems like 3 years. I'm 45 years old and a college baseball coach. I get some of my energy and zest back for a few months a year and I get in the gym and drive iron hard. My recovery takes forever and really don't see results. Now, I don't expect the same gains I made when I was younger, but this is just worthless.
    O.k., enough whining!.
    Any common experiences from my brethren here? I would like some info before I go back to my doctor.
    I live less than a mile from the Mexico border, so if my insurance doesn't cover the test (and god forbid if he prescribes HGH cause I know my ins. doesn't cover it and I can't afford it), any suggestions?
    Happy Holidays!


  2. #2
    SF65 is offline New Member
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    Well your total test results were much lower than mine and I was put on 150mg cyp/week plus 1IU GH/day. The cyp made all the difference in the world to me by the 4th week. Overall...huge difference. The doc said most of it is due to the test but the GH adds a nice synergistic effect (1+1=3 as he puts it).

    No insurance coverage on this so, yes, it's expensive. But then, if I just did the test, and I only got 80% of the benefits, it'd still be great. And the test is not that expensive at all (I guess that's relative).

    Go for it. Try the test only and see if that helps, just give it time to work it magic.

  3. #3
    Eddie Richey is offline New Member
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    Thanks SF65. I feel the same way. I'm not trying to get in game shape, just in shape and feel better. If my doc doesn't give me at least 200 mg test/week, I've already decided to drive the mile and a half across the border in Mex (take my alcohol and some cotton balls) and make up the difference.
    Thanks again for your input.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    yes your total test is low but free test looks good...i was wondering what kind of doctor are you working with currently for a couple of reasons
    1) you know your blood test results before your follow up (most docs i've seen or heard of wont let you see the tests b4 they see you)
    2) why would he prescribe HGH with low testosterone results alone?

    are we dealing with a clinic (online or other)?

    best of luck with your treatment either way


  5. #5
    Eddie Richey is offline New Member
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    Test results website

    My family practitioner has a website that you can check your test results. It takes about 2 weeks, but at least you know before you go in. It's one of things where you avoid the extra trip if all is normal and you don't just assume. Like many docs, they only notify you if there is a major problem. This gives you a little more control of your health.


  6. #6
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    hey Coach,

    went through a year of a total lack of interest in anything.....fatigue, unable to focus, libido was gone, night sweats, sleepless nights followed by a worthless doc wanted to treat me for depression....even prescribed the meds with me saying nope...will not even take them which was followed by the lecture about medicine being able to treat it now and there was no shame, night the dog woke me up...while standing outside i realized i had been sweating from every pore on my was not just the wife having too many blankets....did my own homework and found out i was basically 7 for 7 for low testosterone ....with a threat of going elsewhere after 10 years my dr ordered the test which came back at 143....then a four month wait for the endocronologist (don;t ask)....currently at 100 mg per week with blood test scheduled again first week of Jan....i have been supplementing my prescription with another 50 per week....before the 50 my shots were on Saturday morning and the first restless night would be on Thursday followed by a two hr toss and turn nap on i increased see i lost a year of my life while my doc wanted to prozac me into submission......without this site i would not have had any educational threads...they are persistent....i have been considering HGH for war wounds (knee and shoulder) that i feel like a man again i want to be able to do more physically you i am not asking for my 25 yr old fighting shape...just want to contribute.

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie Richey;3751344[B
    ]My family practitioner has a website that you can check your test results.[/B] It takes about 2 weeks, but at least you know before you go in. It's one of things where you avoid the extra trip if all is normal and you don't just assume. Like many docs, they only notify you if there is a major problem. This gives you a little more control of your health.

    that's a nice feature...hope you get what you need...keep us posted

  8. #8
    Eddie Richey is offline New Member
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    Hey guys!

    I know what you mean Whiteowl. I have been on anti-depression meds for about 10 years (I finally gave in to the pressure from the doc). I really don't feel anything until I try to get off them. That's a trip (the buzzing in the head, etc.). It's some dangerous stuff and just like illegal drugs the money's in the comeback. That's why I'm cynical about doctors.
    But anyway, I got the Sostenon 250 from Mex on Fri. It comes ready to use, just shake, screw on the needle and fire away. I figured I would try this once a week and see if I feel any different. Then today, I got a prescription from my doctor in the mail for Andro Gel. I guess he saw that aI check my blood test results and sent the script. I'll go see him next week and we'll talk about it.
    What do you guys think?

  9. #9
    SF65 is offline New Member
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    Well...congrats on your acquisitions. Now I'm curious, I'm assuming you'll start with the Sustanon 250, but what dose will you start with? And what about the gel? You gonna use it or just run with the Sustanon for now?

    Hopefully you'll see the improvements you're looking for. Looks like you're on your way!

  10. #10
    Eddie Richey is offline New Member
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    I'm going to use the Sostenon 250 (that's the way it's spelled on the package from Mex) once per week, and like I said it's pre-loaded so I don't really know the dosage. I'm going to hit the iron hard and see how my recovery goes. If it's not working (staying sore for 2-3 days) I'll use the 5 mg Andro gel with it.
    The only other supplements I'm using are protien and aminos, fish body oil, vitamin E (so the fish oil doesn't oxidize) and 100 mg of zinc per day.
    Let's see how it goes! I'll keep you all posted.
    Comments and/or suggestions are welcome.

    Coach Richey

  11. #11
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Wink Testim 50 mg gel

    My doc prescribed 50 mg Testim gel or Andro Gel. The pharm filled the 50 mg Testim gel.
    So I'm going to stay on the Sostenon 250 and supp the Testim if needed.
    Our baseball season kicks off spring practice on Thurs. 1/3/08. So I'm in the gym and ready to go.
    Take Care all!

    Coach 44

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