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Thread: 5-htp

  1. #1
    Chitown Raider's Avatar
    Chitown Raider is offline Anabolic Member
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    Go Figure


    I got a quick question for anyone who has used this for a while. The manager at my gym suggested taking this for mood enhancement. I used it for the past 3 days at 1000mg a day to help put me in a better mood. I have been having relationship issues so I figured I would give it a try. Well, I noticed I was in a lighter mood and I wasn't stressing as much. The week before I had two road rage incidents in within 4 days. Keep in mind I have been off my cycle for 3 months. I just started my new cycle yesterday and being that this is the only thing in my life right now that I am actually happy about. Anyways, last night I went out with my lady to a bar and I'm waiting for her to come out of the bathroom and she see's this guy that looks familiar. He says something to her as she passes by him and she said Hi it was some bum from along time ago. So she said by have a nice night, then he went to touch her hand and said dream of me tonight. For some reason before I got back on my cyle I would have knocked his teeth in. So now I'm thinking to myself I wonder if it is because of this 5-HTP I've been taking. Cause I was thinking it ain't worth it kicking his ass and we just left the bar.

  2. #2
    sorel_C is offline Member
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    Oct 2005
    sounds like your just getting soft dude,, j/k

    from my expierences,, juice has never made me do something i never wanted to do

  3. #3
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
    dedic8ed1 is offline Banned
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    You need to just relax big guy before you really hurt somebody as a direct result of your intolerance for frustration.It's always better when you can walk away from a confrontation without biting your nose off despite your face.Without being in control,which is often just an illusion to some people you could put yourself so far behind in life that the thought of feeling right in these situation after the fact seems miniscule or worth less.

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