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  1. #1
    wingding's Avatar
    wingding is offline New Member
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    Nov 2007

    3 illness in 2 months kicked my ass

    I'm a little bummed because within the last two months I had the worst flu ever, thought I was going to die, then i caught the worst cold ever that lasted a week. And most recently I caught this nasty lung infection thing where death seems like a real option.

    Am I a big ***** or are these strains getting stronger? How can I boost my metabolism so I can better fight off these illnesses? Until this hit I was feeling rather superman like. I'm not so sure now.

  2. #2
    Swiggy's Avatar
    Swiggy is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2006
    Long Island
    i take jarro-dophillus EPS which is a priobiotic. basically it promotes good bacteria while killing the bad bacteria in your body. it also gets rid of all the yeast in your body, which you probably need from the anti-biotics. one thing about anti-biotics that is bad is that it loads you up with yeast. i dont ever get sick if i take it at least 3 or 4 times a week. acidophillus is good also, its basically the same thing not quite as strong. you can get it at vitamin shop.
    btw i keep the jarro in the fridge... you dont have to but i think its better .

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