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Thread: 27 yr old 185 Test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    27 yr old 185 Test

    Had my blookwork done last week as I was contemplating a cycle and found my test levels at 185. Went today for a retest and primary doc said if they come back low again its off to endo doc. I am currently on a cutting diet just trying to shed some body fat using clen/T3 also some NO Xplode before workouts. Would these have any effect on test levels? If I am prescribed test injections down the road would I still be able to cycle or does the doc take blood test often. I have never done any steriods in my life btw, but have been working out about 3 months steady and 6 yrs on/off. Is there somewhere to search for hrt docs? I am near Phila Pa if anyone can recommend. Thanks for all info and here is a link to complete test results

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by reignman1 View Post
    Had my blookwork done last week as I was contemplating a cycle and found my test levels at 185. Went today for a retest and primary doc said if they come back low again its off to endo doc. I am currently on a cutting diet just trying to shed some body fat using clen/T3 also some NO Xplode before workouts. Would these have any effect on test levels? If I am prescribed test injections down the road would I still be able to cycle or does the doc take blood test often. I have never done any steriods in my life btw, but have been working out about 3 months steady and 6 yrs on/off. Is there somewhere to search for hrt docs? I am near Phila Pa if anyone can recommend. Thanks for all info and here is a link to complete test results

    A little ways from you but he is very good. I don't know enough about the supplements to help you out there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Are you having low test symptoms?

    This might help you out for docs around your area. Give them a call first to see what there deal is with treating low T before picking one.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    how are you feeling? my low test came with fatigue and an overall f**k it interest in anything....blood tests were done when the level of test enth was adjusted....15 days after first shot (original shots were every other week)... 8 days after second shot (injections went to weekly) ..... the "trough" test is to find out how much test you idea on your is your libido?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    well i def have fatigue and thought it was possibly diabetes but that wasnt the case, no libido at all like once a month and we live together. Just feel like life sucks even though I have everything i want $$$, 2 houses, kid....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I went on hrt 3 weeks ago. It changed my life forever. 3 days after my first shot I was a new person.

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