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Thread: gin miniquicks

  1. #1
    Revelation78 is offline Banned
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    Oct 2006

    gin miniquicks

    Anyone have much experience with these?

    So I got the results back on my MRI - doc thinks that my low GH levels are due to the fact my pituitary is 1/4 the size of a normal healthy male. So I get the miniquicks on Mon to start treatment. So I'm just trying to see personal experience with these. He's going to start me at .25mg - any idea how that compares to the common terms on here in iu?

    Thanks again for any help and for the forums.

  2. #2
    aghdman is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008
    Hello Revolution78,
    I'm a 60 something & share your condition. Endured 3 or 4 MRIs to find this out. I have been on prescribed HGH & Andrgel for 2 years now. It helped many health problems go away. Frequent IGF tests are a big help and hard to get ordered. Hope you have a good endocine doc. Glad to meet you.
    Currently on 1mg/day Miniquick pen. They seem to be the easiest to use & you can be sure they are not bogus because of the proprietary pin. There's quite a history to the brands I've been on. Handling seems to be quite a problem and USA makers may not always be the best.
    What was your IGH low? Your age? And, what med problems were you having?
    Best Regards,

  3. #3
    Revelation78 is offline Banned
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    Oct 2006
    Thanks for the response, ever since about 1999 I' be had problems sleeping and low energy levels. Just recently in 2004 I started having low sex drive problems. My sex drive has been diving ever since. I'm 29 years old and on most days I feel like I'm 50. I used to hit the gym ever day an felt sick if I missed a day; now it's like getting a kid outta bed for school, for me to go to the gym. My doc so far is great, if you read my previous posts you'll see I had my doubts initially. He's taking care of my problems and that of a co-worker of mine. Tomorrow I get another round of tests to ensure that my adrenal glands are working. (if I remember correctly) my script is supposed to arrive tomorrow but he may hold off on giving them to me until after this test. I can't remember if he's was going to wait for this test or the blood work from last week. These tests are to make sure nothing else is wrong that needs to be fixed first. He didn't tell me the number, but did joke that he's seen corpses with higher GH levels. (in a thick german accent) Do I understand correctly that the miniquicks come pre-mixed?

    Thanks again for the reply.

  4. #4
    aghdman is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008
    Hello, wow sorry to hear you have all that at your age. I believe it hits many people at advanced age. But our gov. & medical system expects and tries to ensure this. You're very luckly to have good docs. Few are understanding of endocrine HGH problems. I believe cadaver levels are probably IGF 40s & lower -- but HGH is made in other parts of the body. That's were I was. Couldn't sleep, thin skin, worse heart, GI problems & on & on. If I get bad product or run out, all kinds of health probs come back or get worse gradually. I think I saw you had an Blue Cross PPO . Do you have a big deductable? Can you afford miniquicks? At 1mg/day cost is 360-400 week.
    They don't come pre mixed exactly, but preloaded. You twist the end forward like a screw. The air space inside compresses forward and mixes the power with it's self contained water. If you google miniquick you should be able to find the users manual in pdf which is helpful.
    Good luck, aghdman

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