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  1. #1
    TBones is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Finally got the test results back...

    There were a few that I want to update and figured I would start a new thread.

    After almost 3 weeks the lab finally got the results back to my doc. (machine issues bla, bla ) I guess all he tested was free test. Whatever, (again ) I’m looking for a new doctor anyway. it was 11.3. (5 years ago it was at 9) He feel that’s fairly normal but on the low side. Low enough to give me a script for gel to see if it helps then revisit. That’s fine with me for now until I go to a “pro”. (if you know my story, you know what I’m talking about)


  2. #2
    iceman1961 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Glad you at least got yr results back guy...At least u have a starting point right? I was givin a website of a pharmacy that specializes in all types of anti-aging an hormone therapy meds. On there site they also have a physician finder for all different areas. These r docs an clinics that do conciderable buisness with them! If you email me I'll give u the site...(would give it here but I'm not sure if I'm already breakin the rules) hope not this site has been really helpful! PEACE ICE

  3. #3
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Gotta stay with it TBones....and i know that the last thing you feel like doing is hassling with people....but you have to be your own advocate and your world is going to be a lot better place to live in once you are back on track....right there with you.

  4. #4
    TBones is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Thanks guys. Ice, i PM'd you.

    I they gave me testim 50. looking at the insert, i dont know if it will be enough once my own production slows down. i will request blood work in a few weeks. Maybe i'll get a new doc by then.

    thanks for your support!

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