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  1. #1
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2007
    Imperial Valley, CA

    Update on my search for the right hrt

    Hey guys, thought I'd let you know how this thing is going. I went to my doc on fri. to get my levels checked again. I informed him that the Testim gel didn't work for me and I switched to Sust 250 from across the border. After 3 weeks of that I found the test e there that I was looking for and I went to that at 200 mg./week. for a month. I started having a lot of joint pain and I added 50 mg. of deca to the weekly test e. So many of you suggested that I look into arimidex and it has proven to be good advice. The last month, my back has been breaking out. I showed the doc and he said it's not bad but it's not clear (whatever the f that means). I asked him about arimidex but he said let's wait and see how my bloodwork looks. On the bright side, he gave me script for test cyp. I should have went back to him earlier like I planned, but the baseball season is in full swing and we've been traveling alot. My one question is: Would you guys wait for the bloodwork and scheduling another appt. with the doc to get the arimidex, or just go get it on my own? Where can I get it?
    I don't want to wait and the doc say, "yeah, your back's pretty jacked up now, let's see what we can do." All opinions, as always, are appreciated".
    Take Care.


  2. #2
    keith1958 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2008
    I believe it is very important to get lots of blood work done at first. This way you can see what the numbers are and gauge them on how your body is reacting to the meds. Doctors like them also. I can't belive you have a doctor that still works with you after you self medicate. I wouldn't do this either until you get things settled with HRT. I would stop putting things in your body and work with your doctor getting you to a good place. I would think it might be hard to monitor you and prescribe to you if your doing things on your own. These boards are the internet and should not take the place of a good doctor. I am not bitching at you coach just letting you know my thoughts and trying to help. Good Luck

  3. #3
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    Based on my previous AS use, nothing you are doing really concerns me (low dosages) as long as he is willing to work with you upon getting test results back and finding he needs to prescribe something to get something back in line if you mess it up. Make sense?... in other words, if the Deca jacks up your prolactin levels and he's willing to prescribe something to keep it in check.

    Are you wanting to take the arimidex for your acne or high estrogen levels? The acne is most likely cystic acne from the deca. I used to get it all the time bad. The only thing I think that will get rid of that for good would be acutane and that’s some harsh stuff on liver.


  4. #4
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2007
    copy TBones...i use test enth and arimidex issue at all with understanding is the arimidex is to combat the elevated levels of estrogen caused from test if that is right, that is the closest to a right answer i ever had in a health class...bless this site

  5. #5
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Coach 44 View Post
    Hey guys, thought I'd let you know how this thing is going. I went to my doc on fri. to get my levels checked again. I informed him that the Testim gel didn't work for me and I switched to Sust 250 from across the border. After 3 weeks of that I found the test e there that I was looking for and I went to that at 200 mg./week. for a month. I started having a lot of joint pain and I added 50 mg. of deca to the weekly test e. So many of you suggested that I look into arimidex and it has proven to be good advice. The last month, my back has been breaking out. I showed the doc and he said it's not bad but it's not clear (whatever the f that means). I asked him about arimidex but he said let's wait and see how my bloodwork looks. On the bright side, he gave me script for test cyp. I should have went back to him earlier like I planned, but the baseball season is in full swing and we've been traveling alot. My one question is: Would you guys wait for the bloodwork and scheduling another appt. with the doc to get the arimidex, or just go get it on my own? Where can I get it?
    I don't want to wait and the doc say, "yeah, your back's pretty jacked up now, let's see what we can do." All opinions, as always, are appreciated".
    Take Care.

    Hmm, there is a link somewhere on the board where you can order the research chemical version of arimidex in liquid form. I think it is called liquidex. Now where is that bloody link?

  6. #6
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Imperial Valley, CA
    Thanks guys. I should have made the acne prob more clear. It's not acne, certainly not cystic acne, it's more like minor heat rash. My bad, I shoulda been more to the point.
    TBone and Whiteowl, as always, thanks for your input.
    Keith: I've been doing the "self medicating" since I was 20 and playing pro ball. I'm 45 now, and this is the first time that I've had my gear usage overseen by a doctor. I realize that my program, if you will, is a little different from most. But it's only because I have options by living so close to the border. There are a lot frustrated bros on this site that have been jerked around by docs and they wish they would have had another route. I admit that I would have seen the doc earlier if I would have had the time, but it just wasn't in the cards. If I would have gone from hrt to full on cycle, I would have been more open-minded to your comments, but as it is I have to say you came off a little Professor Woofie and a Know It All. Just letting you know how I took it. Good Luck and Take Care.


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