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  1. #1
    Ironman5151 is offline Associate Member
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    What should I do - 24yrs old

    24yrs old

    Make a long story short, I ate a vigara pill while cycling and it about made my heart explode. Was rushed to the hospital and stay there for four days...That was 1.5 years ago. I quit anabolics and etc to try to start feeling better because it gave me bad anxiety. Well it has been 1.5 years now and I feel like crap. Always tired, hate training, no energy, no sex drive, etc etc....Well went to the doctor to get a checkup to find out I have EXTREMELY low test levels. She is calling low around 250 and she says for a person my age they should be around 600. Well she wouldn't put me on test yet due to my history(yes i'm an idot for telling her my history)..well i went for a checkup yesterday and she wants me to wait another 6 freakin months to see if they will start raising... She says she hates to put me on test at such a young age...Is HRT really that bad of a thing to be on? Should I start looking for another doctor?
    The worst part is I can't even half a$$ train. If I train too hard(not even 75%), I begin to black out and get light headed as if my body can't recover from anything....thanks for the help. What would you do?

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    has she offered any other suggestion to relieve your current symptoms other than wait 6 months?

  3. #3
    Ironman5151 is offline Associate Member
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    No I went 6 months ago and she said lets wait 6 months, went back today and she just says the same thing...want me to wait 6 more months and ran test...test levels still the same

    I have some test here at home but I'm trying to do the right thing and wait...its just hard as hell because i am fixing to start my senior year of civil engineering school, working, and running my business is already busy enough, but having no energy and being tired all day just makes it worst...
    Last edited by Ironman5151; 03-05-2008 at 09:24 PM.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i understand her not wanting to rx test rite off the bat but offering no remedy for your symptoms except making your wallet lighter and inviting you back in 6 month intervals is ridiculous

  5. #5
    Ironman5151 is offline Associate Member
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    yeah what I was thinking. Thanks for your reply jpkman...guess I will look for another physician for there opinion.

  6. #6
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    ironman....250? and she wants to wait? sorry M8....if she is asking you to wait another six months you have to find someone who cares how you are feeling....this is not just about the training .....i'm 55 and if i ate a V-10 my heart would explode so you do not have to have a PHD to deal with that....she does not want to prescribe HRT because of your youth? should you waste your youth being lethargic until she decides you are old enough for low test?

  7. #7
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    PSS i just sat through an hour (and i do mean an hour) with my wife and listened to her doc go on about hormones and menopause....and the concern and the empathy....and we can do this and we can do that....

    Ask your doc what she would say to a woman who was not producing estrogen at 24 and could not sleep, no energy, no libido....just ask what the hell she would do for a woman in your position....

  8. #8
    Concept420's Avatar
    Concept420 is offline Associate Member
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    You should be able to get another doc and therefore a scrip no problem. That is way low man, your symptoms require attention, who the hell does that b*tch think she is?

  9. #9
    Concept420's Avatar
    Concept420 is offline Associate Member
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    Post an update sometime, I'm 24 as well, and curious to see how this turns out. I guess I've always wondered what I would do in your situation

  10. #10
    maxex's Avatar
    maxex is offline Member
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    She's gun shy. Obviously this lady can not make an educated decision. She has no business being a dr. get rid of her.

  11. #11
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    I am shocked you waited 6 months, after finding out you had low test a full year after you stopped a cycle cold turkey, and I am assuming no PCT.

    However, even without PCT, by now you should have responded.

    However, running a PCT would still be a good idea before taking the HRT jump.

    Keep in mind, and this is the scary thing a lot of guys do not realize, E2, estradiol, at levels over 100 pg/ml, is toxic to the leydig cells in your testes, and can cause permanent shutdown. Hence the reason PCT does not always work in guys who have done a lot of heavy cycles, and why say, if someone has competed at the NPC or higher level, for 10+ years, once they get tired of competing most are on HRT for life.

    However, you are only 24 years old, and likely the E2 (Estradiol) that builds up durring cycle, has been in perpetual mostion since you stopped. High levels of Estradiol, only lead to your body making more Estradiol. E2, is also the main factor in the negative feedback loop.

    Now, I am not saying you need to go on all out war with E2, as you do need some, even for gains, and sex drive, E2 is an important hormone, however for the durration of PCT, you will first be blocking it for 4 weeks, then nocking it out for 1 week. It will take about 2 weeks after that to climb back up to where it should be, but no higher. Welcome back to puberty.

    Ok, here is your PCT. There should be links to a place where you can order the research version of these things for your pet cat, as he needs PCT.

    Week 1-4: Nolvadex 20mg ED.
    Week 5: Arimidex 0.3mg ED (3 sprays of liquidex)
    Week 6+ : OFF of everyting

    You should feel better around week 8 if it works. Weeks 1-4 you may feel like shite, and week 5 your joints may ache.

    Get blood tests done around week 10, see how you are doing. If your testosterone is still low, then you find a good Urologist.

    The way to find one (a good one) is easier than you think. Call the Urology clinics in your area, and ask to talk to the doctors nurse (as the doctor will not speak with you unless you make an appt and you don't want to wait 3 months). Ask the nurse if the doctor has experience working with men with low testosterone , and if he has experience using the IM types of testosterone such as cypionate . Ask if he works with female to male transgender patients (that one is one of the best).

    You will want to find a Urologist who has experience in dealing with HRT for former AAS users, "f to m" transgenders, and who often uses IM test in his practice.

    Then get a refferal to this doctor. You may have to talk to a dozen nurses to find one who answers your questions properly.

    First however, try I would try that PCT.
    Last edited by meathead320; 03-07-2008 at 01:00 PM.

  12. #12
    zartan is offline Banned
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    f that doctor, its so hard to find a physician that gives a damn.

    Props meathead on that post. Wow, can tell you know this stuff inside and out..

  13. #13
    Ironman5151 is offline Associate Member
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    Man, I feel so blessed for all the replies...Great to have some input...The lady (my doctor) is just beginning her practice as doctor so maybe that why she is gun shy.. I keep trying to explain to her that if its not producing by now, something has to happen....

    whiteowl: thanks bro for the your input

    Concept420: thanks for your input 2 dude.. I will keep you posted, thanks for your concern....Hope it never happens to you...I've ran PCT in my life, but sometimes my breaks wasn't the length they should have been...if I could go back I would have never ran the dosage I done...I was dumb and young...Live and learn.....For 24yr old people, my vote is for HGH, IGF, and very little juice...which I would have figure this out at first.... best of luck

    meathead320: damn bro, you got it going on lol...never expected all that information. I have did run PCT after my last cycle but it was light...I went from juicing, to eating vigara and heart almost exploding, to being in the hospital almost a week so that kinda messed up my PCT. I still ran clomid for 6 weeks after I got out of the hospital....The only reason I haven't done a PCT now was because I was kinda wanting to get on HRT and run some HGH, but now I am starting to think different...I'm pretty young to have to rely on a test shot the rest of my life to function at proper levels....but it also would be nice to have a script of test because I always plan to workout...I dunno... I am going to give your PCT protocol a shot and see what happens... thanks for your input and taking the time to reply to my post...hopefully others can search the thread and learn from it as well...

    zartan: I agree, it hard finding a good doctor


    Well, a pro bodybuilder here in town referred me to a sport doctor in Memphis TN, name Kevin..Suppose to be one of the best doctors in the states for HGH, HRT, and etc..I am going to give him a call on Monday and see if I had my lab results fax to him, if he could consult with me via phone...if not, I might make the drive...only about 5 hrs from here...

    I mean last night, my girls ass was all up in my face and I was thinking "go away, let me watch tv"... unusual for me...but sluggish training aggravates me more than the sex issue...

    thanks again, and I will update once I speak with different physician
    Last edited by Ironman5151; 03-07-2008 at 10:35 PM.

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