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  1. #1
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Test results are in!

    Hey guys, got my latest blood test results, they are as follows:

    Test=307 (up from 209)
    TSH=normal range
    Blood Chemistry=normal liver, kidney, blood sugars, protien, calcium, and potassium.
    CBC=normal range

    I asked the doc to run my estrogen, but obviously it wasn't included in the test.
    I kind of expected more of an increase in my test numbers, but oh well. I'm 45, what is high normal? I'm stopping the 50 mg. deca like the doc said to but he suggested that I inject 200 mg. test cyp once every two weeks. With the numbers I just got back from taking 200 mg. test e per week, I personally think I would be going backwards.
    What do you guys think? I'm going back to the doc soon so don't think that I am looking for medical advice. Just your opinion.


  2. #2
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    ya, if you are taking 200mg per week and 307 is your number than I wouldn’t back off. Did he give you a good reason to stop the deca ? You might have practically no production on your own because of the deca. That might explain why you are at 307 with 200mg/wk or test. Maybe he will prescribe you some HCG to bump your nut into gear and keep running that every 3 days and then you might be able to back off to 100mg test per week since I believe you are paying for it yourself. (unless he gave you a script for the cyp) Just my thoughts...

  3. #3
    SF65 is offline New Member
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    That does seem odd that you only went up to 307. So you were taking 200mg Enth/wk and he wants you to go to 200mg Cyp every 2 weeks. Yeah, to me that's going backwards. Also, why the switch from Enth to Cyp? My understanding was that they're pretty much the same thing with only 1 day difference in half life.

    In my case, I went from low 300s to mid 800s on 150mg Cyp/week. I realize we're all different but man, I would've thought you'd get a bigger bump than you did. I wonder what your estradiol is, as well. Maybe you could add it as the lab might still have sample left. Why not ask your doc when you visit?

    Oh and high normal at the lab I went to was 1100.

  4. #4
    Philly Grappler is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SF65 View Post
    That does seem odd that you only went up to 307. So you were taking 200mg Enth/wk and he wants you to go to 200mg Cyp every 2 weeks. Yeah, to me that's going backwards. Also, why the switch from Enth to Cyp? My understanding was that they're pretty much the same thing with only 1 day difference in half life.

    In my case, I went from low 300s to mid 800s on 150mg Cyp/week. I realize we're all different but man, I would've thought you'd get a bigger bump than you did. I wonder what your estradiol is, as well. Maybe you could add it as the lab might still have sample left. Why not ask your doc when you visit?

    Oh and high normal at the lab I went to was 1100.

    How much of a difference have you noticed pertaining to energy, strength, etc in the test jump? I just started on 200 mg/cyp every 2 weeks and can feel the difference. My libido went way up and I am not walking around feeling as sh!tty as I used to. I am going back this Monday to see what my levels jumped up to? What were your levels? I had a 209 or something like that, and am 31. I'm just curious because, like i said, I am new to TRT.

  5. #5
    SF65 is offline New Member
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    How much of a difference have you noticed pertaining to energy, strength, etc in the test jump?
    It took a while for me to see any effects. I think it was was around week 4 or 5 that all the sudden my libido went way up. It was night and day. I work out quite a bit (always have) and this bumped my strength up a lot. Energy is good too. The main problem I've got is that I sweat more now when I work out. But it worth it.

    I just started on 200 mg/cyp every 2 weeks and can feel the difference.
    I run every week, according to my doc, it tends to be a smoother ride that way. So far so good.

  6. #6
    biggunSC's Avatar
    biggunSC is offline New Member
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    I just completed a six month cycle, hrt and trt. I will have bloodwork results back Monday or Tuesday age 44. As for my results:

    203pds sept 1 07, 24.9% bodyfat, bench press 135 4 to 6 reps
    222pds march 1 08, 15.4% bodyfat bench press 295 4 to 6 reps

    All other strenths increased also.

    My cycle was steady at 320mg test eth. once every two weeks. HCG 11,12,13 day of the two week cycle at 3 ius per day. HGH 1 iu 5 days per week two days off. I am now off everything for three weeks and start second six month program this Friday coming. This cycle kept my own test production in play according to my doctor. I see that in these forms many question their Doctors, I followed mine to the t and excellent results. I'm a southern boy and like soul food so I ate it every day... ate like a mule to be exact! Hit the gym with two to three rest days between each but hit it real hard on the days I do train. I don't expect the same results on my second cycle, but I'm going to try my best (within reason) haha. Everyone has commited on my results, some have not seen me since Aug before the program the look on their faces... PRICELESS. My Doctor seems to think less is more due to the fact I am going to continue hrt and trt for the rest of my life his thoughts are let the body continue to produce if it can and run your cycle like a dna helix a wave back and forth to keep from crashing between cycles. BTW last shot of test Feb 15 today March 9 feel great testes working just fine and actually no weight loss or size loss and no strenth loss either. YES!!! can't wait for the next run!!!
    Last edited by biggunSC; 03-09-2008 at 10:03 PM. Reason: spelling

  7. #7
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Biggun-Thanks for the inspiration. Like I said, since the baseball season started my diet isn't what it should be, I can only train when I get the chance, and I seem to be tired all the time. Maybe the 200 mg. weekly was too much. I've never had any libido probs, my only complaint was the lethergy and no reults when I did train hard. Just sore...and stayed sore for a week. Recovery was to the point that it wasn't even worht training, I seemed to just get run down more. I'll keep you posted and good luck. Sounds like you're in a good place.


  8. #8
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    I switched from enth to cyp because in was getting the cyp in Mex. Now my ins. will cover it, and who knows if the gear I was getting in Mex was even worth a damn? Guess I'll see. And yea, I'm going to contact doc to see if can get the est levels tested.That does seem odd that you only went up to 307. So you were taking 200mg Enth/wk and he wants you to go to 200mg Cyp every 2 weeks. Yeah, to me that's going backwards. Also, why the switch from Enth to Cyp? My understanding was that they're pretty much the same thing with only 1 day difference in half life.

    In my case, I went from low 300s to mid 800s on 150mg Cyp/week. I realize we're all different but man, I would've thought you'd get a bigger bump than you did. I wonder what your estradiol is, as well. Maybe you could add it as the lab might still have sample left. Why not ask your doc when you visit?

    Oh and high normal at the lab I went to was 1100.[/QUOTE]

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