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  1. #1
    Warrior1700's Avatar
    Warrior1700 is offline Associate Member
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    Testosterone Levels??

    I am currently 45yoa and have been recieving Dr. prescribed HRT/TRT for about 2 years...CYP and DECA ....I recently had a blood test and my Total Test was off the chart...very high. I would like to know what level I should try to maintain for health and bodybuilding? Can I keep getting HRT/TRT weekly or BI-weekly to maintain my Test. or should I actually cycle on and off? I have been recieving 400mg CYP and 200mg DECA weekly for quite some time now. Also, are there other risk factors involved with high levels of Free Test(other than the obvious)...I have read here and there that tendon injuries(I have a thread regarding my ruptured Biceps tendon), sexual diseases(don't get this one??) along with an increase in smoking and/or drinking alcohol are a few other mentioned but not much elaboration or definative information...Thanks in advance for the help.
    Last edited by Warrior1700; 03-08-2008 at 01:47 PM. Reason: Wrong wording..Total test not free...

  2. #2
    Teegunn's Avatar
    Teegunn is offline Banned
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    400 mg of Cyp weekly would lead to high test levels for sure. Most docs will only go as high as 200mg a week. I'd consider cutting the test in half (200mg weekly) and maybe even cutting out the Deca for a while, then get your bloodwork done again to see where the levels are.

  3. #3
    Warrior1700's Avatar
    Warrior1700 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok on the Cyp. Why and for how long would you cut out the Deca for? Would cutting that back to 100mg weekly suffice or cut it out completely? Can Deca even be monitored via blood work? Thanks.

  4. #4
    Teegunn's Avatar
    Teegunn is offline Banned
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    I can tell you what I would personally do: Cut out the Deca completely and cut the test to 200mg a week. Do this for 2 or 3 months, then get your levels rechecked. But I'm not a doc and this is just my opinion from my own experience and being around the boards for many years. BTW - are you running any anti e's?? At the levels you are running, I'd be suprised if your estro levels aren't as bit high too. Consider .25 to .50 mg of Adex a day.

  5. #5
    Warrior1700's Avatar
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    Oh I will take all the advice from here np, doc will do whatever...I'll cut back to 200mg Cyp weekly and cut out Deca for a few months. Not using any anti e's. I am getting my blood work dont again next week and I will know what the e level is. Is Adex an otc supplement or do I get that from the Dr.? How long for the Adex?

  6. #6
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
    AaronJM1984 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior1700 View Post
    Oh I will take all the advice from here np, doc will do whatever...I'll cut back to 200mg Cyp weekly and cut out Deca for a few months. Not using any anti e's. I am getting my blood work dont again next week and I will know what the e level is. Is Adex an otc supplement or do I get that from the Dr.? How long for the Adex?
    Arimidex (Anastrozole)

  7. #7
    Warrior1700's Avatar
    Warrior1700 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AaronJM1984 View Post
    Arimidex (Anastrozole)
    Ahhhh. OK.

  8. #8
    Warrior1700's Avatar
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  9. #9
    mb16610 is offline New Member
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    Warrior, just curious - what were your total test levels? I've been on 175mg/wk of sustanon (3/4 cc) for quite sometime and have recently added 100mg of deca (for approx the past 6 weeks). 275mg total per week.

    Just had bloodwork done and my total testosterone was 2,387ng/dl!!! My free testosterone was 545.9. I was floored and couldn't believe it. I thought that only injecting 175mg/wk would put me around 1,000 maximum.

    Does Deca give false testosterone readings? I know oxandrolone can add to the total serum testosterone level, but I'm unsure about deca, since it is NOT a testosterone analog, rather a nortestosterone.

    I've now dropped the deca for now and will cut back to 1/2 cc of sustanon (125mg) every 10 days and see if that lowers things a bit.

    And no, at 2,387 I've had ZERO estrogen related sides. No sensitive nipples, no bloat, nothing. I'm 36 btw with a natural testosterone level of 429, taken approx 2 1/2 yrs ago before taking my first cycle.

    I've since gotten sick of doing 10wk cycles, followed by 2-3 months off, etc, etc. So, I've decided to live on 1/2 cc/wk. The only reason I upped my testosterone is because of recent addition of deca. Historically, if my test dosage = deca dose, I had sexual sides...


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