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  1. #1
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Unhappy Going backwards it's seems

    Hey guys! Well after two and half months, it seems like I'm back to square one. Actually, I'm just being forced to do it the right way. Here's what's been going on.
    I originally went to my GP and asked him to run my bloodwork and test levels. Test came back at 209 for test w/ 31 free. He gave me script for Testim gel and I used it for about two weeks. It became a hassle cause I have a wife and four sons in the home. After getting the advice of respected members here I decided to be proactive with my program and drove across the border to Mex and got Sust 250 (couldn't find any enth). I used that for about two weeks and was feeling good. My recovery from workouts was better than it had been for years and I really felt like I was making progress. Then I found the Test e (Testoprim) in Mex and switched to that at 200 mg. per week because of the longer acting esters. I used it for a month and went in to have my bloodwork done again. I was open with the doc and even asked if he thought the rash on my back was gyno. He said my back wasn't clear but it wasn't acne or anything to worry about. My second round of bloodwork came back and it was 307! Which suprised me, but really, I hadn't been feeling all that great for a couple of weeks. I've just been run down by eating crap now that the baseball season has started and we travel alot. My workouts are sporadic and I am tired all the time. That was my chief complaint when I started looking into HRT. I've never had libido probs (I hit it whenever she's willing). So when I went back to the doc, he scripted me test cyp. I took it to the pharmacy and when I returned the next day, they said I needed a pre-authorization from my ins. carrier. So I kept checking back for the next ten days and nothing. I finally went to the pharmacy and asked what I needed to do. They said call my doc. I called and spoke to the nurse and she said they won't give me an auth. until I see a Urologist. Would have been nice to know!
    So I have an appt. next week to see the URO and hopefully I'll be back on my NEW program. I say new, because my doc thinks I'll be fine on 200 mg. every two weeks or a month. At least the cyp will be pharm grade, and I won't have to go to Mex and get this stuff that obviously wasn't getting the job done.
    That's where I'm at and I'd like to get some feedback from educated members.


  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Sounds like bunk gear to me dude, or at least very under dosed. At 200mg a week you should be jumping out of your skin.

  3. #3
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Sounds like bunk gear to me dude, or at least very under dosed. At 200mg a week you should be jumping out of your skin.

    If your doctor doesn't want to do needle and only wants to give you patches, tell him you think your wife might be pregnant.

  4. #4
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Test cyp is inexpensive. Just pay for it and let them reimburse you afterwards.

  5. #5
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Kale and Fallen: Thanks guys. I didn't want to get all cynical, but the gear was not performing like anything I've ever used. I didn't even think to ask what the price was (just assuming it was expensive-you know big pharma!) I'll check it out tomorrow.
    I'll just feel better contacting my doc with any probs if I'm using the stuff he prescribes and not my latest Mex aquisitions. Thanks again & Take Care.

  6. #6
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    I just started with Test-Cyp and my doc. wants me to take 200mg. every two weeks. I just don't feel like that will be sufficient, I would like to run 150mgs. per week. I also see a G.P. for my TRT, and everytime I ask him a question, that he doesn't know, which is frequent, he always has to consult with his Edno. I'm thinking I should go to the Endo and bypass my primary care physician. I'm going to give it 1 month and at the end I'll have my levels tested.

    My Test-Cyp Thread w/Bloodwork:Starting TRT With Test-Cyp Today!

    Quote Originally Posted by Coach 44 View Post
    because my doc thinks I'll be fine on 200 mg. every two weeks

  7. #7
    VTliftVT's Avatar
    VTliftVT is offline Associate Member
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    Did your endo give you any idea of what may be causing your low test levels? Your HPTA is something that needs to be balanced. Its sort of like a law of physics, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Meaning you adjust one part of the HPTA and all other parts may be affected. It could be possible that your sluggishness is due to some other part of your HPTA also under-functioning such as your thyroid etc.

    As far as picking up your prescription I agree that you should just go pick it up. My Test E is not covered by my insurance and runs about 115 bucks for a 5ml bottle dosed at 200mg/ml.

  8. #8
    keith1958 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    Test cyp is inexpensive. Just pay for it and let them reimburse you afterwards.
    I agree pay for it yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    I just started with Test-Cyp and my doc. wants me to take 200mg. every two weeks. I just don't feel like that will be sufficient, I would like to run 150mgs. per week. I also see a G.P. for my TRT, and everytime I ask him a question, that he doesn't know, which is frequent, he always has to consult with his Edno. I'm thinking I should go to the Endo and bypass my primary care physician. I'm going to give it 1 month and at the end I'll have my levels tested.

    My Test-Cyp Thread w/Bloodwork:Starting TRT With Test-Cyp Today!
    This sounds like my doctor, but mine gives in to me most of the time.

  9. #9
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    Hale is right and if he isn't then your Dr needs to be a little more dialed in than he far as your insurance goes, i always say i don't have it and just long as you have the $$ they will give it to can deal with the insurance company after the fact....i actually ended up with two scripts as a result of that....and you will have good stuff....209 to 307 after 200 a week? again Hale is should be jumping around in your skin.....good luck M8....

  10. #10
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    legal gear makes my mind clear...good luck with it coach

  11. #11
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    Thanks to the pros on this site I went to bi-weekly inj of cypionate . Cutting my prescribed dose in 4ths...WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. Recommend you look into doing the same. No crashing this way.

  12. #12
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    So what's your magical dose that works for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by IronUte View Post

    Thanks to the pros on this site I went to bi-weekly inj of cypionate. Cutting my prescribed dose in 4ths...WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. Recommend you look into doing the same. No crashing this way.

  13. #13
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    Go to an endocrinologist. They specialize in this kinda stuff. Most G.P.'s dont have a clue about steroids . Get your thyroid checked if you are tired alot. You also might try some D Ribose. If all this doesnt work PM me. I have been dealing with chronic fatigue for a long time and have just recently found the cure (for me). Good luck.

  14. #14
    ReggyD is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    Go to an endocrinologist. They specialize in this kinda stuff. Most G.P.'s dont have a clue about steroids. Get your thyroid checked if you are tired alot. You also might try some D Ribose. If all this doesnt work PM me. I have been dealing with chronic fatigue for a long time and have just recently found the cure (for me). Good luck.
    I didnt know your thyroid level could make you tired.
    I am ALWAYS tired it seems...
    My Throid Stimulating Hormone was at 1.9 when I got my bloodwork done. Is that low enough to make me tired?
    I am 23 btw.

  15. #15
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    So you guys think I should bypass the Urologist that my doc is referring me to, and tell him to refer me to an endo? lmk what you think. Thanks to all that responded. We're all on the same page. I'm gonna pick up the cyp and pay cash 2moro. Take Care and good luck guys. I'lll keep you posted.

  16. #16
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    do a search on the word Urologist in this section.....seems to me the skinny is you are in way better and more aggressive hands if you do a uro versus an endo.....if you get your choice may as well be an educated one....and you won;t have to go south to get your treatment....pretty sure the uro is the ticket.

  17. #17
    keith1958 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coach 44 View Post
    So you guys think I should bypass the Urologist that my doc is referring me to, and tell him to refer me to an endo? lmk what you think. Thanks to all that responded. We're all on the same page. I'm gonna pick up the cyp and pay cash 2moro. Take Care and good luck guys. I'lll keep you posted.
    Coach I think it all depends on how good the doctor is no matter what kind they are. You cpuld always go toa anti-aging doc.

  18. #18
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    coach, i agree with keith....the best doc is going to be the one that has researched and or practiced hrt whether it be family doc, uro, or endo....i went through 2 endo's, 1 uro, b4 finding my hrt doc which was the second family doctor
    best advice would be to ask the questions that you want to know b4 you decide on an appt. if you dont need a referal to see a specialist with your insurance you can chose where you want to go....if you do need a referal maybe you can ask your family doc to give you a list of docs but wait til you interview them b4 you get the referal...just a thought that might save you a wasted trip

  19. #19
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks again guys! My doc referred me to this Uro. Now with spring break upon us, I'm going to get all of this cleared up. I'm not only dealing with my hrt, but I just saw an ortho surg last week about possible surgery on my right elbow. I have an hmo so it's back to trying to get the auth's to get the REAL treatments. The ortho didn't order an mri, (my primary already has the useless x-ray) and I've already had two cort shots in the elbow. From my understanding, anymore cort shots could damage the tendons (that came from our team trainer). So he ordered 10 pt visits and we'll go from there.
    So as far as hrt is concerned, I've learned some valuable lessons: Don't get my gear from south of the border, ask who why and where I'm being sent, ask about AI's before starting any hrt therapies, and most of all...just because my primary is a sports medicine doc don't assume he knows what he's doing when it comes to up-to-date hrt therapies.
    I'm going to see the Uro and go from there. In the mean time, my friend just took a job at a local pharmacy, and says he can fill the cyp script cheap. Now I just have to get script back from Rite-Aid. As always, I'll keep you posted.

  20. #20
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    how much does test cyp cost from a pharamcy?

  21. #21
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    how much does test cyp cost from a pharamcy?
    here in Fl usually a little over a hondo

  22. #22
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    One of my ex-players works at a pharmacy here in CA, he's giving me the Coach's Discount seventy-five a bottle out the door. 10 doses @ 200 mg./per

  23. #23
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReggyD View Post
    I didnt know your thyroid level could make you tired.
    I am ALWAYS tired it seems...
    My Throid Stimulating Hormone was at 1.9 when I got my bloodwork done. Is that low enough to make me tired?
    I am 23 btw.
    TSH 1.9 is very good. PM me if you wanna ttalk bout chronic fatigue.

  24. #24
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    that'll work ...coaches discount is OK....your insurance will do you quite a bit better....i double checked the threads i was referring to and other M8s swear the urologist is definitely the better way to go....wish you well...

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