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  1. #1
    newrobb is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2007

    What Should I Tell My Doctor Re: Testosterone

    I found a Dr. (Endrocronologist) that believes in, and treats, male "andropose" with testosterone treatment. Based on my blood work, they've determined that my test levels are on the low-end of normal. I want to use Test primarily for bodybuilding but in order to have it medically administered and covered, as u guys know, it has to be diagnosed for H.R.T. Here's the question: What do i tell him so that he perscribes me a min. dose of 200mg of Test per week. This is what I want to do so that i can get a benefit for my bodybuilding. I know, most of u guys on here think that this is akin to baby aspirin, but i've tried this before and it is all i'm willing to take for a variety of reasons (health, addiction, etc.). It has worked for me. Should i tell him that i want it for bodybuilding or should i just take what he orders for my particular condition as he see it and then add to it behind his back or should i just be honest and then risk that he doesn't treat me at all? Not really sure what to do. thanks.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Tell him you're tired, fatigued, lethargic, no sex drive, etc.

  3. #3
    Revelation78 is offline Banned
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    If he prescribes a smaller dosage, you can always say that the first shot was great, but you haven't felt any since. This is a longer term solution to ultimately get what you want - he'll slowly increase the dosage based on how you feel and your blood tests. Some docs will base the dosage strictly off of the results, so it may not work.

  4. #4
    keith1958 is offline Junior Member
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    I know your going to hate this, but for us men that need HRT to be normal we have a hard time to get what we need because so many play these doctors for the wrong reasons. I was prescribed 200mg T-CYP a week but only take 100. There is a reason for this. Testosterone has it's side effects and taking more than 1 needs for life is asking for all kinds of problems. There is a difference between doing a cycle and treating low or out of whack hormones. Now that I got that off my chest I would not tell him it is for bodybuilding. I would take what he gives you and get your self back to normal (3-6 months) then add something more for a cycle.

    I do not know what you mean as far as addiction, but being an recovering Addict myself you need to know that Testosterone is a drug and is addictive. So be careful. It does not have a toloerence like other drugs so you will not need more to get the same effects for HRT. But doing a cycle can hurt you big time. I have done this and know. Being an addict I got use to the great feeling you get from high amounts of T-CYP. So when I went back to doing just my normal I felt like shit for several months. I had to go off of treatment then back on to get myself back to normal. This might not happen to you but then again it might. I am not trying to be a downer just letting you know my experiences. I have been clean for a really long time also. Good luck and this was not directed at you but all you this might help.

  5. #5
    newrobb is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2007
    again, i thank you guys and appreciate that you took the time to consider and reply to my post.

  6. #6
    bombguy is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2005
    Word...these guys speak the truth. Absolutely do not even mention bodybuilding or lifting to your doc. My doc told me today, as a matter of fact, that if I was a competitive bodybuilder or intended on doing shows that he would have a problem prescribing me injectables. The best thing to do is get your levels back on track and follow his prescribed amount.

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