Well Sports fans, bad sh^t can happen to anyone.
I have done at least a dozen TRT cycles and do injections pretty much on autopilot. Last week I did a test-e injection when I was overseas. Did everything by the book, but the first injection site (glute) was not going in smoothly, so I changed the needle and injected about an eighth of an inch from the original site. I don’t think that I re-wiped the site.
Next day, I felt a little more pain than usual, but the test is dosed higher than what I usually buy (300mg/ml) so I thought that it was from moving around on the injection and the increased dose.
Soon, I had all the classic Symptoms that I had learned on this site:
Site becomes larger and tight (like a tight muscle, not ball)
Site is warm to touch (very slightly)
I was sweating at night
This meant, my friends, that I had an infection. It can happen.
Luckily, I was in a country where you can buy antibiotics over the counter and I bought a course of 500 mg amoxicillin. Pain slowed down on the very first pill and I feel normal on normal on the second day.
Moral of the story—Be careful, be sterile and don’t get complacent.
Hope this will save at least one infection somewhere.