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  1. #1
    FortKnox36's Avatar
    FortKnox36 is offline Associate Member
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    in the kitchen

    low testosterone

    1st: 20 days ago 3/20/08 (1:45pm)

    Test Total: 179
    Estriadol: 20

    2nd: 14 days ago 3/26/08 (2:15pm)

    Estriadol: Below 10
    LH: 3.2
    Progesterone: 0.9
    Prolactin: 7.2
    Test Total: 222
    FSH: 6.6

    3rd: 3 days ago 3/31/08 (11:15am)

    LH: 6.9
    Prolactin: 8.3
    Test Total: 187
    FSH: 8.5

    Sup Guys, Above are my blood results for the month. Three different doctors/ Three different labs.

    Did cycle 1 year ago:

    Test E 250/week weeks 1-10
    Winny 50 ED weeks 1-6
    Test P 75 EOD weeks 8-12

    I ran PCT of only nolvadex

    I have not ran anything else since has been almost a year since the end of my PCT.

    Body weight: 194
    BF%: Somewhere around 9-10%

    My doctors have really told me nothing but keep taking my blood. I have only told one of them that I did a cycle about 1 year ago and he is the one who requested that I go to the endo.

    I have enough clomid/nolva on hand to run a strong PCT for one month.
    I have an appointment made for the 17th of april...which is 2 weeks away with an endo doctor.

    Do I run the PCT? Do I wait? Can anyone tell me anything due to my bloodwork on here? Do my flucuations of hormones tell anyone anything?

    Please help guys,

  2. #2
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    You'll get better responses if you post this in the Steroid section. We TRT'ers don't have to worry about PCT anymore.

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