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First of all, the methadone and other opiate pain medications you are taking is in fact the main reason for you lethargy and depression, low test levels, etc. You are completely physically and mentally addicted to these opiates. If I were you, I would first try to get off of the pain meds, namely the methadone, but not all of your pain meds. You will go into severe withgrawals, but I would guess that you know this. The methadone has the longest half life out of all the meds you mentioned and is also the number one hardest to come off of. If you take oxycontin also, then you should be able to get off of the methadone and continue the other meds. Methadone is horrible stuff. It is what your number one problem is for the lethargy. It is the best pain med going, but comes with a plethura of harsh sides. The testosterone will help you, but maybe talk to your doc about getting going with some enanth rather than cyp as enanth has a little bit of a shorter esther attached to it, meaning that it has more test, less esther than cyp, and is more effective.
I am telling you for a fact that the pain meds is your biggest downfall right now. I know its is the toughest thing there is next to cigarrettes to get off of, and also that some people need to take pain meds, but you are taking a opiate cocktail I would guess 4 to 5 times a day????
Like taking synthetic tesatosterone shuts down your bodys ability to produce its own natty test, opiates will stop your body from producing its own natty endorphines. After awhile, your body builds a tolerance to opiates, and you need to take m,ore and more to get the desired analgesic affect andf also that feeling of well being. I can go on and on about this my friend, but to break it down to you, talk to your doc about another form of pain relief, and also talk to him about a drug called suboxone. This drug is used to detox people from long term opiate use, but unlike methadone, you dont get high, and you are for the first time in years yoursself again, and without any withdrawals. Google suboxone. but there is a process with all this and it begins with your doctor, not this board. You are an older gentleman with alot of medical issues to take care of. The only advice I would give regarding the test is ask for test enanthate, or even sustanon.
6 years of continued opiate use is well, talk to your doctor, please...........
I hope the best for you my friend. I am talking to you from personal experience, not just from what I read on this board. Your 26 YO wife,,,.... way to go by the way, is good incentive to persue a better life. good luck bro