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Thread: HRT & Hair loss

  1. #1

    HRT & Hair loss

    I just started my HRT and have been on propecia (1mg) for about 10 years. Needless to say, at age 40, I want to keep the hair that I currently have.

    I was prescribed the following:

    100 mg of Deca & 100 mg of Test C 2X a week
    30 iu's of HCG 2X a week
    Nolvadex 20 mg a day
    Thyroid (armour) 30 mg a day
    Finasteride 2.5 mg a day

    I read on line that taking Finasteride with Deca is counter productive and can damage your hairline. Quote: Never take 5AR blockers like Propecia with Deca, it blocks the conversion of Nandrolone to DHN in tissues like the scalp and the prostate. Is this true & what does this mean? Should I worry about losing any more hair while on this life long HRT? Thanks for the assistance!
    Last edited by Billy-the-kid; 06-07-2008 at 08:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    Wow, that's a laundry list of scripts.
    Sorry I can't help but =O

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    What's the Decca for in hrt do you have joint probs? Is that 2x100mg cyp/wk if so that's quite high for hrt, or is it 100mg/wk split into 50mgx2? Not sure about the Decca and finasteride, I take 140mg test/wk in a cream with 1.5mg/day finasteride for hair loss.

  4. #4
    I take a total of 400 mg a week. 200 mg of test C & 200 mg of Deca. I have no joint problems.

    Has anyone had problem with hair loss while on Deca & Finasteride?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    deca and fina is not a good idea. you can get massive problems problems with hair loss...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Chicago IL
    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx*** View Post
    deca and fina is not a good idea. you can get massive problems problems with hair loss...

  7. #7
    Ok, but please explain. Why would I have hair loss while taking 200 mg a week of deca if I take 2.5 mg a day of Finasteride (which blocks the DHT)? Should I stop taking Deca and ask my Doc for an alternative? Should I take more Finasteride a day (5 mg)?
    Last edited by Billy-the-kid; 06-09-2008 at 09:42 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    South Jersey
    Yeah my question is why is Deca a part of your HRT at all?????

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Are you going to your private doctor?, or did that laundry list of items come from a "Longevity Clinic?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    I just started my HRT and have been on propecia (1mg) for about 10 years. Needless to say, at age 40, I want to keep the hair that I currently have.

    I was prescribed the following:

    100 mg of Deca & 100 mg of Test C 2X a week
    30 iu's of HCG 2X a week
    Nolvadex 20 mg a day
    Thyroid (armour) 30 mg a day
    Finasteride 2.5 mg a day

    I read on line that taking Finasteride with Deca is counter productive and can damage your hairline. Quote: Never take 5AR blockers like Propecia with Deca, it blocks the conversion of Nandrolone to DHN in tissues like the scalp and the prostate. Is this true & what does this mean? Should I worry about losing any more hair while on this life long HRT? Thanks for the assistance!

  10. #10
    I go to a Health Clinic that deals in anti-aging & hormone replacement. Unknown why Deca was prescribed. Anyway, can anyone answer my question listed above? Thanks for the help!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    Yeah my question is why is Deca a part of your HRT at all?????
    AND WHO IS PRESCRIBING IT? I don't know of any legitimate HRT providers that prescribe deca. I also don't know where you could get that prescription filled other that your favorite gym medicine man or a southern border run. -Bob

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Anyways, from what I've read. You'll have the opposite effect from Finasteride if you mix it with deca. Because of the fact that Deca converts to DHN.

    I guess the question would be, is it better to take finastride anyways? Since it helps the hairloss from the testo. Or is it better to remove the finasteride, and pray the testo won't effect the hair too much. Or just not take the deca. :P

  13. #13
    I've been on propecia for 10 years and my hair looks very good (some even grew back while on propecia). I'm taking 2.5 mg a day of finasteride, Deca & Test C (see above). So far no hair loss. There is no way I'm going to stop taking finasteride.

    I'll keep you guys posted if I end up bald. But the question in the thread still remain unanswered, can anyone answer it?
    Last edited by Billy-the-kid; 06-21-2008 at 12:18 PM.

  14. #14
    Since no one could answer my question I did much research and spoke to my Doc, here are the results.

    Deca (nandrolone) converts to DHN, just like test converts to DHT. DHN is a mild androgen and it is not supposed to hurt your hair line. As we all know DHT is the stuff that kills you hair.

    By taking finasteride (propecia) the deca will not convert to DHN, and the Deca will just stay Deca in your system. Deca is more androgenic than DHN; hence the common statement-don't take finasteride with Deca. However, It is unknown how much more androgenic deca is than DHN. The Deca will never convert into DHT.

    From everything I have read the results are inconclusive! Will having Deca in your system cause you to lose your hair when DHT is the culprit???

    My Doc says not to worry. Taking a small amout of Deca weekly while on finasteride is ok.
    Last edited by Billy-the-kid; 06-28-2008 at 11:43 AM.

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