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Thread: Staying on

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Question Staying on

    I am in my last week of a six week PCT of Nolva and Aromasin. In fact this week is only the Nolva. I still have low to zero libido, but I understand that is to be expected sometimes. The cycle I did was my first ever of Test Enth at 500 PW with two shots mon and thur etc....

    An interesting thing happened to me on cycle that is making me think about staying on as I feel I may have low Test. Basically when it kicked in I became a different person. I could think clearly, I did not get angry over nothing all the time and my wife (who at the time did not know I was on) thought a miracle had taken place. She said it was as though I suddenly became sane and could hold normal conversations. Makes me sound kinda whacked lol. I also felt less lethargic.

    Anyway, now everything is back to normal. It's difficult to explain but It's like I even think differently now. I am much more negative in my thoughts and kinda give less of a shit about ppl. So my plan is to go and get some blood work done from the doc but I have few questions I was hoping some of you vets could answer. If anyone does take the time to answer I would really appreciate it, this could be a life changing thing for my whole family.

    1) How long should I wait after PCT before I get bloodwork done?

    2) What is the typical dosage of test for HRT?

    3) When permanently on, your nuts must shrink to non existence. Can you also stay on long term HGC at one shot a week?

    4) Does HRT last forever?

    To aid answering questions here are some stats;

    Age: 30
    Weight: 225 pounds

    I also suffer from depression if that makes a difference. Does anyone use anti depressants with gear?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

  3. #3
    kinda weird reading ur story. mirror image of myself. wife thinks i'm a new person, i had grumpy old man syndrome, no energy, no sex drive, no patience, overwhelmed easy, depressed, easily angered, then came my first cycle of test at 400mg's a week and blam, i'm a new person. wife doesnt know what happened to me but she loves the new me. (she has no idea what i'm doing). now i'm in my second week of pct and i can start to feel the old miserable me coming back. wish i could give u some info but i just figured u would find it interesting that someone has gone thru the exact changes as ur self. the only difference is our age. i'm 42 now but i waited at least ten yrs of those symptoms before finally trying something. i think i will be making this a way of life for me. only wish i could do test non stop. well i'll be looking into some HRT myself. good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by scottyd311 View Post
    kinda weird reading ur story. mirror image of myself. wife thinks i'm a new person, i had grumpy old man syndrome, no energy, no sex drive, no patience, overwhelmed easy, depressed, easily angered, then came my first cycle of test at 400mg's a week and blam, i'm a new person. wife doesnt know what happened to me but she loves the new me. (she has no idea what i'm doing). now i'm in my second week of pct and i can start to feel the old miserable me coming back. wish i could give u some info but i just figured u would find it interesting that someone has gone thru the exact changes as ur self. the only difference is our age. i'm 42 now but i waited at least ten yrs of those symptoms before finally trying something. i think i will be making this a way of life for me. only wish i could do test non stop. well i'll be looking into some HRT myself. good luck
    Thanks for the reply man, it does feel good to know someone else is having the same kind of symptoms. I have struggled for years, never thought men had HRT, I thought that was just for women. I only found out about it after the cycle after searching this site trying to find out what happened to me. I always felt that I could NEVER tell my wife about the gear. But I did. I told her is was a test as I thought I had low test and she was very understanding. I am going to the doc ASAP to get myself checked out. I have struggled and felt like I am living on the edge for years now. If feels like there is light at the end of the tunnel.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

  6. #6
    Yours is the same story as thousands of men, they stumble upon HRT by accident while cycling. Sounds like your serious enough if you've set up a doctors appointment. You'll go through a series of blood tests and then a visit to an endo for an MRI. You'll receive your HRT dosages according to results with some trial and error, mainly highs and troughs. Expect more bloodwork to follow. Of course all depends on your family doctor. Most insurance companies cover with deductible. My question to you is, with over 200 posts and you being an assoc. member, how are you just stumbling onto this now?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by TheSmay View Post
    Yours is the same story as thousands of men, they stumble upon HRT by accident while cycling. Sounds like your serious enough if you've set up a doctors appointment. You'll go through a series of blood tests and then a visit to an endo for an MRI. You'll receive your HRT dosages according to results with some trial and error, mainly highs and troughs. Expect more bloodwork to follow. Of course all depends on your family doctor. Most insurance companies cover with deductible. My question to you is, with over 200 posts and you being an assoc. member, how are you just stumbling onto this now?
    I might have a few posts but I am still a newbie with having only done one cycle of just Test E. And I am just finishing the PCT from that cycle now. I came to the site as I wanted to find out more about roids as I was considering doing if for the first time. With all the 'no source checks' and minimum post requirements I have been trying to contribute as much as possible so I could get a source check and help etc. Turns out I never needed it.

    I haven never really posted about the depression, feeling lethargic as I have seen ppl get flamed for even thinking about cycling with those symptoms. There are a lot of big mouths on here. I never mentioned low libido as most guys don't want to shout that from the ****ing roof tops. The more I have read the more I am sure now that it is a low Test issue. Only the doc will know.... I am seeing a doc later today so will see what happens.

  8. #8
    Good luck. Hopefully everything works out for you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Imperial Valley, CA
    I use anti-d's with my hrt. I was taking 20 mg. paxil bfore I started hrt. I don't want to mess around with the anti-d regiment until I have the time to ween myself slowly off of them. I wish I listened to my hrt doc like I do my doc that scribes the anti-d's. It's nothing to mess around with. Also, I've been on some sort of anti -d's for 15 years.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by rodgerj View Post

    1) How long should I wait after PCT before I get bloodwork done?

    2) What is the typical dosage of test for HRT?

    3) When permanently on, your nuts must shrink to non existence. Can you also stay on long term HGC at one shot a week?

    4) Does HRT last forever?
    1) If you go to a progressive anti-aging clinic doc, I don't think you need to wait long or even at all.

    2) 100-200mgs week test cyp

    3) yes, some HRTers like kale take HCG couple times a year .

    4) HRT is for life.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    1) If you go to a progressive anti-aging clinic doc, I don't think you need to wait long or even at all.

    2) 100-200mgs week test cyp

    3) yes, some HRTers like kale take HCG couple times a year .

    4) HRT is for life.
    Sweet, that is good info. Now I have already approached a clinic (there is nothing close to me I live in the bush) and they told me for an initial consultation I am looking at $400. That is before any tests!! Outta my price range although I am sure some of the meds if approved would be covered by my health care.

    I have also looked at that site, they have some places listed in Canada. I will give them a call. I was interested in what the site sats about male HRT, specifically on this page under Testosterone Therapies;

    Basically its says that Synthetic anabolic steroids like methyltestosterone, danazol, oxandrolone, testosterone propionate, cyclopentanepropionate, and enanthate are not only chemically different from the testosterone made by the body and do not accomplish the same effect but have a myriad of toxic side effects, including causing serious heart and kidney complications. They recommend natural testosterone drugs like trans-dermal patches and testosterone creams, pellets, and sub-lingual tablets.

    Looks like a bullshit thing to say in some respects? excellent resource though. I will call some of the clinics (nothing close to me:-(). If anyone does know a good HRT place in BC Canada let me know! I am worried now however that it
    is all going to cost too much. If I get the right blood test and it comes up low I might consider just getting my test from a UGL. That's the other problem though. Loads of online labs that do bloodwork in the US but I can't find any decent ones in Canada (BC).

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    Same boat, I'm 25 with low free test. Working on going the legal route. Everyone that takes the cream says it's garbage, it works but not that great and prefer injections over cream.
    If you have insurance it should be covered with a copay, otherwise i hear HRT is pretty expensive.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Imperial Valley, CA
    If you can get a script for Test c, you can just pay cash for it. It's not expensive at all.

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