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Thread: Got my results

  1. #1
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Got my results

    My total came back normal, my free is low.
    What does this mean exactly?
    Will I be eligible for TRT even with normal total and my age (25)?
    Thanks guys

    Total: 623 Range (241-827)
    Free: 9.4 Range (9.3-26.5)

  2. #2
    juicelee is offline Associate Member
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    Im not sure how they treat everything yet bro, this is all new to me as well, but I think your still in the normal range on both even tho free is low normal and from what I ve read It will be difficult to get prescribed anything (because you are still considered normal) depending on your doc...good luck bro

  3. #3
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    That sucks. If anything I'll got to a HRT doc

  4. #4
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    ironside...Merc did a sticky on blood test results. you may want to search the educational threads for it. it'll help you know what to expect regarding total vs free. and it will help you question your doc. At 25 you should demand to have the benefits of a full boat of test. There also seems to be a debate on having and endo vs a urologist. Seems the endos want to keep their patients at the low end of normal while the uros are more aggressive on treating the problem. If you read the sides of low test you may note alot of symptoms you are experiencing that you have not identified to a low test cause. don't let 25 you have the right to expect a medical treatment...nor a half-assed attempt by your Dr at avoiding the DEA radar.

  5. #5
    xXDevilDogXx's Avatar
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    Been to the doc again yet?

  6. #6
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    not yet, had it pushed back to the 3rd of july

  7. #7
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    More updates, didn't get the Deca so I just went with it and got my bloodwork done.
    I'll get my results in a week and a half, doc said if they're low they'll put me on Injections. Didn't even offer gel
    Report back in a week and a half

  8. #8
    xXDevilDogXx's Avatar
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    Got mine too. Total T was 60.7, Free was 2.6, and estro was 33.0! LH was 1.0.

  9. #9
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Ouch, brutal.
    My levels came back normal but they didn't test my free testosterone which is what is the one that I self diagnosed as being low.
    This is what my total levels were, taken in the am than 5 hrs later in the pm.
    The second one was supposed to be tested for free but they tested total again by mistake. So as it stands I'm untreatable because I'm in the 'normal' even though it's borderline.
    My doc is on vacation so I can't get tested again till a week from now.

    1st 402
    2nd 269

    262-1593 scale
    Last edited by Pac Man; 07-07-2008 at 01:05 PM. Reason: Dyslexic

  10. #10
    xXDevilDogXx's Avatar
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    OK, well, keep me posted.

  11. #11
    homeboybonanza's Avatar
    homeboybonanza is offline Associate Member
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    Sup bros. I just got mine tested as well (I'm 35). To everyone's surprise I was low at 208 total. There was another number of 15. Maybe that's free? Not sure what that means, just that my total is WAAAAAAY too low. I was prescribed Testim Gel. Hope that gets me up into normal. My brother had the same low test problem and Gel nor Shots helped him. I believe he's got an appntmt. with an Endo soon.

  12. #12
    xXDevilDogXx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by homeboybonanza View Post
    Sup bros. I just got mine tested as well (I'm 35). To everyone's surprise I was low at 208 total. There was another number of 15. Maybe that's free? Not sure what that means, just that my total is WAAAAAAY too low. I was prescribed Testim Gel. Hope that gets me up into normal. My brother had the same low test problem and Gel nor Shots helped him. I believe he's got an appntmt. with an Endo soon.
    I hope everything works out for him.

  13. #13
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    I hope that you know that TRT is for life.

    Do you want legal steroids just to cycle or do you want TRT that eventually makes it impossible to produce your own and you are on it till you die?

    If you want to cycle then cycle. If you have low quality of life and want the permanent benefits of TRT then go to a doc.

  14. #14
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    I've never cycled, want for quality of life.

  15. #15
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by homeboybonanza View Post
    Sup bros. I just got mine tested as well (I'm 35). To everyone's surprise I was low at 208 total. There was another number of 15. Maybe that's free? Not sure what that means, just that my total is WAAAAAAY too low. I was prescribed Testim Gel. Hope that gets me up into normal. My brother had the same low test problem and Gel nor Shots helped him. I believe he's got an appntmt. with an Endo soon.
    What did they have your brother taking? Was it weekly?
    I've heard of people being non responders to testosterone .
    Has he tried the oral testosterone tablets?
    keep us updated on that, if he finds something that works it could help others here with the same issues.

  16. #16
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Doc scheduled me for a PSA, gonna go in for that tomorrow and we'll see how it goes from there.

  17. #17
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    cant believe that wasnt done to start....was the goal ini the beggining to go on trt iron?

  18. #18
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Just trying to figure out what's going on, if the PSA comes back negative he'll probably refer me to an endo.

  19. #19
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    just looked back at this thread....your first test came back kind of mid range...not too high for your age...but my ? is are you having any symptoms that make you think you need trt?

  20. #20
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    just looked back at this thread....your first test came back kind of mid range...not too high for your age...but my ? is are you having any symptoms that make you think you need trt?
    OO yea big time. It's been getting worse over the past few years.
    I have no idea what caused it and I wish I knew the cause of gynocostmastia years ago when I developed it coming back from Iraq, I can only assume I've been on a steady decline since 22. The last year and a half has been the worse, I've been feeling more and more sluggish, depressed, unmotivated, unaroused. Complete different person from who I used to be.
    There's a chance it could have been aggravated by previous oral supplement usage as early as age 19. I'm talking off the shelf GNC sups before the PH ban. At the time I didn't even know they were PH's or what a PH was, in fact I still dunno if they were (can't remember what I took) but I do know I was just another dumb kid who when referred a new sup tried it without much research. I figured they wouldn't sell stuff that was bad for you. What a naive fool I was.

  21. #21
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    OO yea big time. It's been getting worse over the past few years.
    I have no idea what caused it and I wish I knew the cause of gynocostmastia years ago when I developed it coming back from Iraq, I can only assume I've been on a steady decline since 22. The last year and a half has been the worse, I've been feeling more and more sluggish, depressed, unmotivated, unaroused. Complete different person from who I used to be.
    There's a chance it could have been aggravated by previous oral supplement usage as early as age 19. I'm talking off the shelf GNC sups before the PH ban. At the time I didn't even know they were PH's or what a PH was, in fact I still dunno if they were (can't remember what I took) but I do know I was just another dumb kid who when referred a new sup tried it without much research. I figured they wouldn't sell stuff that was bad for you. What a naive fool I was.
    yes, i took andro...isnt that a pro hormone as well but i took that just b4 going on trt and had already had symptoms

  22. #22
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    PSA came back negative at 1.8. Waiting on doc to see what he wants to do from here

  23. #23
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    I scheduled a 'Nurse Intervention' today since my Doc hasn't responded. I don't blame him, he's busy as shit but I'm working on a tight schedule here so I had to get the ball rolling.
    I'll go in Tuesday and sit down with a Nurse, discuss my options and then we'll see what happens from there. With any luck I'll start that day, it'll be great to see my penis move again.

  24. #24
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    So at first the Doc had be scripted for 100mg of testosterone per month (Yea, once a month injects) but after I told him how stupid that was and went on to talk about half life's, stabled hormone levels, etc. We finally agreed that I should see someone more qualified and he set me up for a consult with Urology.
    I'm gonna keep calling in and trying to catch a spot for cancellations but as it stands the earliest I can get in is the 1st week of Aug.

  25. #25
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    Damn bro, sounds really frustrating. I would try another doctor as well. Mine recently put me on 200 mgs a month and I get tested again in 3 weeks. Hang in there man.

  26. #26
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    Don't have a choice on doctors. It's gov.
    I requested some Viagra today to help with the whole down low problems. I'll hear back from my doc on that in a few days, in the mean time I have some old liquid V I'll try.
    Last edited by Pac Man; 07-24-2008 at 07:42 PM.

  27. #27
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Went to the uro today and was diagnosed with hypogonadism but as far as TRT goes 'D ****ING NIED!'
    ****ing Uro was a woman and she said "you have hypogonadism but you're results are 'normal' " I looked at her and asked how is it normal for a 25 year old to have levels of 269? She said because it falls into the normal range above 262 and below 1593. I said yea, but it's not normal, she argued and said that my total and free were completely normal for someone my age and that there is no way she will start me on any kind of hormone replacement therapy and if I didn't like it I could go get a second opinion. Easy for her to say, she's the only Uro that VA offers.
    My free test was 7 on a 4.3 to 30 scale.
    Here's a big **** you to Veterans Assistance.
    Going to go private care where the real doctors that know what they are talking about are at and pay out of pocket.

    O yea and she acted like my symptoms were in my head. What a bitch.

  28. #28
    jleal is offline Junior Member
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    wow... if you have no other choice you might want to go ug. good luck bro.

  29. #29
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    FVKIN BIACH.....sorry bro....heard bad things about VA b4...that sucks....vets should get the best care available
    hope you get the last laugh bro

  30. #30
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    I'm seriously considering doing the UG thing but I don't want to have to fear buying and carrying illegal substances across state lines since I'm starting work out of Louisiana.
    VA's healthcare system is a slow, tedious and generally unhelpful in every aspect.

  31. #31
    warchild's Avatar
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    good luck

  32. #32
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    **** yea boy!
    I went in for blood test again the other day and I got my results today, 214.
    So now that snooty bitch can give me what I need.
    BTW, does anyone know why the lab results varied so much from my first results at a private clinic to the other ones at a hospital?
    They're on two different scales but it still doesnt make sense to me.

  33. #33
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    test levels you've had 3 days of bloodwork now, right?

    the first one... total was in 600's but free was low

    second had am total of 400's and pm total was in the 200's

    now... 200's and below range


    She put a couple vials in a bag for you yet?

  34. #34
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    The first test was done at a private clinic, I've had three test with the hospital at 400 in the am and 260 in pm, last one was done in the pm and at 214.
    No she didn't, I went to talk to her and she was leaving 15 minutes early and said she didn't want to look at my paperwork right than and said she would call me about it monday. She's a total bitch. I leave sunday to louisiana for 2 weeks so hopefully when I get back I have some test in the mail. Once I get it or if she still refuses, I'm requesting to be treated by a different Dr. Either way, I don't want her to be my Dr.

  35. #35
    warchild's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    **** yea boy!
    I went in for blood test again the other day and I got my results today, 214.
    So now that snooty bitch can give me what I need.
    BTW, does anyone know why the lab results varied so much from my first results at a private clinic to the other ones at a hospital?
    They're on two different scales but it still doesnt make sense to me.
    time of day and when you ate last

  36. #36
    warchild's Avatar
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    dont get to excited, she will prob try to give you hcg or the gel. be assertive or find another doc bro

  37. #37
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    Actually it's VA, they don't do the Gel because it cost them more. HCG is possible, we'll see monday. If anything I just got medical insurance so I can see a real Dr in the private field.

  38. #38
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    Scripted 300 mg every 3 weeks. They're gonna give me my first inject and ill maintain from there. I'm gonna do once a week at 100 mg. Prolly gonna use the first 300 as a kicker for the first 2 weeks and do 100 per week after that. Hope this makes me feel better. Also I learned my last test wasn't 269 it was 260 so I was aleady below normal.

  39. #39
    warchild's Avatar
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    what? 300mgs of test every 3 weeks? awesome! e or c?

  40. #40
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    I hear ya man, so she finally came through for you.

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