I recently went to the clinic and the doc stated my levels were a little low TEST was 14.7 (low) and 707 (which he said was good)
Thyroid was 3.7 (low)
DHEA (Low)
Growth Hormone (low)
Today I spoke with the pharmacy the exact meds prescribed were
DHEA (only one not covered by insurance)
Vitamin D tablets
Testosterone Cream (he stated it was 200mg) but i doubt its that strength
and for the thyroid T3/T4---
Total cost to me is 102.18
My main question is what overall results would you guys expect to see from a mixture of these meds? And the T3/T4, what would you guys compare this to, as I could not find information on it on the internet?
Additionally he is going to start me on HCG but apparently the pharmacy he uses is out of the stuff for a while.
Any and all information and advice is greatly appreciated--- If it helps im 5'9" 26 years old, 182 lbs, 35" waist... athletic body, slight fat on my stomach