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Thread: Some more ANDROGEL questions??? (estrogen conversion, etc.)

  1. #1

    Red face Some more ANDROGEL questions??? (estrogen conversion, etc.)

    Hey guys - been perusing the site for some time now as I am on 5 mg of Androgel and trying to get all the input I can. I am having success with it in that I feel much better in "general". Some questions I do have are as follows:
    1. In regards to Estrogen conversion - is this dose enough to "cause" that and if so - what products would one suggest to take to prevent it and how much???
    2. Does anyone have any ideas on protocol related to things like sitting hot tubs, saunas, etc. (like will you sweat it out? lol)
    3. I am looking for people who have had some experience with this product and can give me some good anecdotal information on their use?
    Input on the above appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    welcome to ar

    i've never heard of 5mg ed of androgel creating a problem with estro but that doesnt make it fact...just my personal experience with use and reading this site for 2 years

    on a second note, i personally, had my estro go way up on double that dose and arimidex is the perfect solution for this problem....

    check to site out....lot of reading/observing....lots of easy questions can be answered...

    after you apply the have most of it absorbed in a few hours as far as your worry of it coming off...the packet insert should mention the exacts

    good luck

  3. #3
    Thanks alot. I don't know that my estro is going up - but I am looking for "signs" - not sure when they would appear? The packet insert says something like 5 hours before showering and I am sure that is to make sure it all gets in there - but like i said - I just wondered about actually sweating it out ... probably just worrying a little.
    Thanks again for your input.

  4. #4
    I never had a problem at the 5 dose, but did have some minor issues (tenderness) when they bumped me to 7.5. Oddly enough, this resolved after a few weeks.

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