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  1. #1
    bombguy is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2005

    Doc won't 'script me out of

    Hey gents...haven't been on here lately, but I'm running into a problem.

    Real quick stats on my TRT: 100mg/wk. Test. Cyp. Been on since last August. Also taking A-dex .5 mg/EOD....all doctor prescribed.

    I have been, and will be in training 50 hrs a wk for the next 5 wks and I am out of state from my doc....and I won't be going back to see him because I have relocated for a job. I am running low on my Test. Cyp and he won't prescribe since I'm out of state now. Now, how do I deal with this problem?

    1. Should I cut my dosages back to get me through the next 6-7 weeks to see a doc?

    2. Should I find a doc local to where I am right now and risk missing training?

    3. Should I contact a doctor's office at my future home location and set up an appt.?

    4. Should I go the "not-so legal" route and temporarily use that as a bridge?

    I don't really want to go with #4, for obvious reasons...but it might be a desperation thing to keep my levels normal.

    What are the ramifications if I come off the TRT until I find a new doc? Am I going to experience the depression and everything associated with not having the proper test levels?

    I'm really concerned about all this, so any serious input is appreciated!!!

  2. #2
    THORSZ's Avatar
    THORSZ is offline Member
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    Could you order from an online pharmacy and have someone mail it to you when it comes in?

  3. #3
    bombguy is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by THORSZ View Post
    Could you order from an online pharmacy and have someone mail it to you when it comes in?

    Theoretically I could, but I still need the 'script...

  4. #4
    natureboy's Avatar
    natureboy is offline Member
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    Do you have any refills left on your script? I know I take mine to the pharm, they put info in the computer, I call in the refill, my wife goes and picks it up. Could you not do something like this?

  5. #5
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    It sounds like you should setup an appointment and see a new doc where you live now. Also, if you are running really low you could cut your dose in half until you get a new script.

  6. #6
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by bombguy View Post
    What are the ramifications if I come off the TRT until I find a new doc? Am I going to experience the depression and everything associated with not having the proper test levels?
    You certainly want to avoid this, yes.

    Are your intentions with TRT to be on for life?

  7. #7
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    Find a new doc, have him contact your old doc and work with him to get you rescripted quick.
    Alternative, buy a 10ml vial and transfer it into your old viles so that it's still legal to be carried around.

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