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  1. #1
    peter2008 is offline New Member
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    Newbie in need of testestrone advice

    I have just recently had an operation to remove an undecended testis, one was ok but the other was higher. I went to see the doctor and he told me that the lab said the testicle tthe guys removed didnt have any cancer, but it wasnt producing any sperm either, so I asked if it would have produced testosterone , he said he didnt know and I should do a blood test some time to find out what my levels are.
    I had got my blood tested last year but lost the results slip, so if I remember correctly it said something like 4.2 something something out of 12 something something, does anyone know what that could be, or take a guess at if that is normal? The doctor I got the test from said the levels showed they were kind of ok.

    I worried now because with the testicle removed that I may have lower levels of testosterone in me, because no one knows if the removed made testosterone, does anyone know the effects low testosterone would have on me? or what kind of injections the doctors would give me if I go and have a blood test which shows low testestrone?

  2. #2
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peter2008 View Post
    I have just recently had an operation to remove an undecended testis, one was ok but the other was higher. I went to see the doctor and he told me that the lab said the testicle tthe guys removed didnt have any cancer, but it wasnt producing any sperm either, so I asked if it would have produced testosterone , he said he didnt know and I should do a blood test some time to find out what my levels are.
    I had got my blood tested last year but lost the results slip, so if I remember correctly it said something like 4.2 something something out of 12 something something, does anyone know what that could be, or take a guess at if that is normal? The doctor I got the test from said the levels showed they were kind of ok.

    I worried now because with the testicle removed that I may have lower levels of testosterone in me, because no one knows if the removed made testosterone, does anyone know the effects low testosterone would have on me? or what kind of injections the doctors would give me if I go and have a blood test which shows low testestrone?
    Sorry to read about your surgery, but at least you didn't have cancer! IMO have your current doc do the blood tests to see what your current levels are and then you'll both know what's going on. The test results that you lost you can call the ordering docs office and/or lab and get another copy of the results and then compare it to the one you need to get done. Use the Search button (great tool) and you will find out tons of info on effects of low test and treatments available.

  3. #3
    peter2008 is offline New Member
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    thanks a bunch, the thing is I had my testosterone checked in a different country, and doubt they would have the results now, and the urologist told me to wait some time before getting the blood test done now so things settle down. Do you know how long it may take for testosterone to even out or anything?

  4. #4
    peter2008 is offline New Member
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    and I read that they are measured in pg/ml is that right? thanks bud

  5. #5
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    You're welcome. See if the docs/lab in the other country can fax, email or snail mail it to you. Your doc should still have a copy in your file unless the tests were done a long time ago in a far off galaxy. j/k.

    "Do you know how long it may take for testosterone to even out or anything?" I don't know, but your doc should and if he doesn't I'd go see someone else who does.

    Total Test and T-4 free is measured in ng/dL.

  6. #6
    peter2008 is offline New Member
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    it might have been in pg/ml or ng/dl cant be sure but it was one of them.
    by following what iv read on the internet about normal testerone levels I think my 4.2 is a very bad sign no matter which pg/ml ng/dl measure i use.
    look at this site and tell me if you agree

  7. #7
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    Just get retested when ready and then you can find out where you stand, which is most important! In the meantime you can go to another doc and get a second opinion.

  8. #8
    jasontriff22 is offline New Member
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    hi is anyone out there who can help. im a newish to al this so i dont know what im purchasing. i was takin omnadren on its own for 2 months ran out an bought some new stuff called maxtest250. its a 10ml bottle with a green stopper lid and grey rubbuer. says its from indonesia and its made by biochem! i really dont know if its real gear or not ive been using it now for a few weeks but havent noticed anything. its cost me 35pound for 10ml i think thats kinda cheap. i need to know if im wasting my time and my money. thanks ppl

  9. #9
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    To answer your questions about effects of low test on you, You experience a lack of energy, sex drive, strength, concentration, and you tend to gain belly fat.... You can do a Google test for low testosterone and get tons of symptoms too.

    I would get another test and go from there like FMH said. Good luck

  10. #10
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasontriff22 View Post
    hi is anyone out there who can help. im a newish to al this so i dont know what im purchasing. i was takin omnadren on its own for 2 months ran out an bought some new stuff called maxtest250. its a 10ml bottle with a green stopper lid and grey rubbuer. says its from indonesia and its made by biochem! i really dont know if its real gear or not ive been using it now for a few weeks but havent noticed anything. its cost me 35pound for 10ml i think thats kinda cheap. i need to know if im wasting my time and my money. thanks ppl
    Wrong forum buddy. Take a look at all the forums and I think you find one more specific for your question. You want to start your own thread too for best results. Good luck

  11. #11
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasontriff22 View Post
    hi is anyone out there who can help. im a newish to al this so i dont know what im purchasing. i was takin omnadren on its own for 2 months ran out an bought some new stuff called maxtest250. its a 10ml bottle with a green stopper lid and grey rubbuer. says its from indonesia and its made by biochem! i really dont know if its real gear or not ive been using it now for a few weeks but havent noticed anything. its cost me 35pound for 10ml i think thats kinda cheap. i need to know if im wasting my time and my money. thanks ppl

  12. #12
    peter2008 is offline New Member
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    I had the operation about 10 days ago, how long would you take a guess at the testosterone levels in my body to even out? iv read here that its 16 days, what would you estimate, I ask because I dont want to get the test done before the testosterone levels even out.

  13. #13
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    I don't know, I'm not a doctor.

  14. #14
    peter2008 is offline New Member
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    the questions for anyone who can help not only you fmhw

  15. #15
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    peter....i've been around this board over 2 years now and cant remember hearing any type of needs of your hormone levels to even out b4 a test
    so in this circumstance and you said your self that you want to wait and your doc is the one who told you that so its going to be when he tells you anyway, no?
    good luck with you
    we're here if you have any other questions, however, and like wolf can find a lot of answers by reading old posts and using the search tool
    take care
    keep us posted, ok

  16. #16
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Technically you can be fully functional with 1 teste, the other one will take the place of the missing teste and perform at close to 2x it's original capacity.
    Get levels checked every month or two for a while just to be sure. Dr should want to monitor it.
    BTW did you get one of those rubber coated titanium testicles? I've always wanted one :\

  17. #17
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peter2008 View Post
    the questions for anyone who can help not only you fmhw
    I understand and maybe there's a doc who's a member that will answer your question, but your best source of info is the one who graduated from medical school. It's a real bummer I'm sure, to have just had the type of surgery you did and I hope you get everything straightened out and feel better soon.

  18. #18
    peter2008 is offline New Member
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    spoke to the doctors office, she said unless my urologist told me what he wanted to test for, like testostrone, lipids, white cell count she could write me up to get a blood test and id have to see the doctor and ask him what he thinks needs to be tested. Does anyone know the things they test, like is it just testostrone or is it testosterone free, and testostrone total and what else could would they usually check?

  19. #19
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    Hepatic Panel, Testosterone Serum Totals, Free/direct Testosterone, PSA, IGF-1, CBC, TSH, Estradiol, and lipid panel.

  20. #20
    peter2008 is offline New Member
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    My test results are

    Serum Testosterone
    (PM) -Abnormal, Make an appointment
    Serum testosterone LO 5.2 nmol/L (10-30)
    Serum sex hormne binding glob LO 14 nmol/L (15-55)
    Free androgen index 37.1 (30-100)

  21. #21
    peter2008 is offline New Member
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    any one know what the results actually mean

  22. #22
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by peter2008 View Post
    any one know what the results actually mean
    u posted this same question in 2 threads

  23. #23
    peter2008 is offline New Member
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    shit, disregard this one

  24. #24
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by peter2008 View Post
    shit, disregard this one
    all good bro

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