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Thread: Need TRT Advice

  1. #1
    Cap'n Morgan is offline New Member
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    Need TRT Advice

    First time poster- sorry for the long one.

    37yo male
    192 lbs
    11% bf
    lifting for over a year but always been fit

    So I recently had a checkup- first one in several years so I decided to have my test level measured mainly as a second thought. My Dr. was cool about it and tacked it onto the list along with cholesterol and thyroid. Last week I went back to the Dr for the results and I was surprised to find I was on the low side of normal, 320ng/dl as I recall. Actually I was pissed because I do everything I know to boost naturally- heavy lifts, vitamins and supplements, fatty acids, etc.

    When he read the results I had to make him back up to tell me it was on the low side of normal. I was unprepared in my knowledge on the subject but I have been reading a ton since then. I asked can I get a supplement and he said “right cheek or left” so after I hesitated I said “right”. 100unit shot and he said come back in a month for another. Well since I have been researching I now know that won’t do shit so I am going to call next week and see if I can get it weekly for a while.

    Here is my dilemma- I feel and look pretty good (but we always want to be better, right) but I don’t know how far I should push it to get TRT. Maybe I don’t need it but I have already noticed a change in the gym and it seems like my mood is improved (I also just started Welbutrin). My doc seems cool but he also seems a bit ignorant on the subject. Any advice before I go back?

  2. #2
    THORSZ's Avatar
    THORSZ is offline Member
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    You might have just tested low at that time. Unless you want to jump on TRT, which is for life, I would do another test. Go in first thing in the morning when levels are at their highest. It doesn't sound like you are experiencing symptoms of low test. Stress, lack of sleep, and drinking can all lower your results too. If you do have low levels, I would go to someone with more experience. You should try to find out why your levels are low. You need someone to test you monthly until your levels are consistently in range. One injection a month won't cut it either. Not sure what he gave you, but a shot of test only makes most guys feel good for about a weeks or so.

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    good advice above and thats the problem with starting 2 meds around the same you going to know what's causing probs or helping
    hard to believe he would shoot you with test on one blood work
    welcome to the board cap

  4. #4
    Cap'n Morgan is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the advice and the welcome.

    Update: I called my doc and got the nurse to do 200mg every 2 weeks. I go in for my next one in a few days. I asked for 100mg per week to even out the level but I am not sure they understood. Oh well, I'm happy it was easy enough and I will see how it goes.

    I do have another question... Will I fell any worse than my normal self at the end of the 2 week period? Is there a rebound effect either on test levels or even moods? To put it another way- do you get addicted to the new level of test?

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cap'n Morgan View Post
    Thanks for the advice and the welcome.

    Update: I called my doc and got the nurse to do 200mg every 2 weeks. I go in for my next one in a few days. I asked for 100mg per week to even out the level but I am not sure they understood. Oh well, I'm happy it was easy enough and I will see how it goes.

    I do have another question... Will I fell any worse than my normal self at the end of the 2 week period? Is there a rebound effect either on test levels or even moods? To put it another way- do you get addicted to the new level of test?
    sorry i had to edit...i think i posted in wrong place

    about your 2 week question....due to the half life of cyp and enth...its better to split that dose up and do it EW like you are asking....some do shots twice a week to try to make it even more even level
    Last edited by zaggahamma; 09-04-2008 at 08:26 PM.

  6. #6
    natureboy's Avatar
    natureboy is offline Member
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    I have been taking 200mg e2w, for a little over a month. I take on a Monday by the end of the week I feel like crap again, I just done bloodwork Tuesday to check levels after a month, am hoping for an adjustment. I would think everyone is different, what works for me may not for you. You may be fine at 200 e2w. But you may crash after a week.
    Good luck I hope you get it figured out.

  7. #7
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    Every week works best for me too. I go from feeling great to not wanting to do anything. I even did 400 mgs once and crashed about 12 days later. You might be fine, but if not, insist on every week.

  8. #8
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    I've been using 200mg's every 10 days, and I've not experienced any undesirable sides.

  9. #9
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    You might also want to get your Estradiol levels checked because then being to high will cause you problems as well.

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