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  1. #1
    Dr_BruceBanner is offline Junior Member
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    Will this mess up my Labs for test-levels

    Started androgel 1 month ago 5g. Doc upped it to 10g (2 packs) daily. It seems to be working pretty good although I'm sure I'm going to eventually start the shots which I know will work even better.

    Problem is about 2 weeks ago started taking d bol. Now up to 30 mg daily.

    How long is the d bol going to stay in my system and how is it going to skew my lab work?

    My appointment is Tuesday. If I don't take my Sunday and Monday and Tuesday doses how will that effect my Labs?

    Will d bol make my Testosterone levels go down or will they be inflated?

    Just wondered if I can do anything about it now before Tuesday.

    Any info will greatly be appreciated.

  2. #2
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Not sure but I do not think DBOL will show a spike in your test levels. If anything it will lower them.

  3. #3
    Dr_BruceBanner is offline Junior Member
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    That's what I was thinking.

    When I did a small cycle of oral winny it shut my system down completely. I couldn't believe how fast and to what extent my balls shrank. I've heard that oral winny would do this and now I can attest to it.

    The dbol hasn't affected my testicles like the winny did yet. But honestly taking the dbol and test gel together I feel better than I have in years. Not euphoric but just a good sense of well being.

    I didn't want to go in and have the Doc look at my labs and say WTF! LOL

  4. #4
    binder's Avatar
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    It will suppress your natural testosterone production. To what extent would be user specific, dosage, etc. You sound prone to testosterone reduction so I would think it would do the same for you.

    Oral and injectable winstrol is the same compound. Injectable will allow the body to use more of the same dosage, but i'm not sure the differences for hormone suppression between the two of them. I wouldn't think oral should suppress testosterone anymore than injectable, and actually i would think the other way around since 50mg oral is actually less effective than 50mg injectable due to the breakdown. It's not a great difference, but a difference. I did not notice any problems on winstrol. I used winstrol standalone to harden myself up pre-contest and noticed no effects to my testicles and my labs were "normal" (for myself) a few weeks after taking it.

  5. #5
    Dr_BruceBanner is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the info Binder. I know that injectable winstrol works a lot better the the oral as oral usually just comes in 5mg or 10 mgs and a person would have to take tons of the oral to match a desent dosage that one can take via injection.

    As far as the winny shutting me down. I've done other cycles both injections and orals and NEVER has anything come close to what the oral winny did to me. Don't know if this was an anomaly or what. the maximum I was taking was 30 mgs a day but I wasn't taking anything else with it. so it wasn't much of a cycle or anything like that.

    I was just trying to harden up and lose some fat. Not really trying to gain a lot of size and strength, just wanted to harden up. I won't make that mistake again.

    So you don't think I'll have a problem tuesday with my Labs being skewed?

  6. #6
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    dianabol has a pretty short half-life. You should be ok if you stopped using a while ago but then again it depends on how much it depressed your testosterone production.

    Nothing you can really do now though huh? lol

    and yes, that is weird about the winstrol with your body. Everyone is different though.

  7. #7
    Dr_BruceBanner is offline Junior Member
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    Well I finally got my new labs done today (Friday) instead of Tuesday because the Dr. canceled the appointment due to an emergency. So my last dose of DBOL was probably Saturday so that gave me 6 days, almost a week without dbol in my system.

    I don't think it will make that much of a difference. He's just rechecking my test and estrogen levels. My first Test level was 197. VERY low for a 40 yr old man.

    I mentioned arimidex for the estrogen sides and he looked at me like I was freaking crazy. He said "WHAT". He had never heard of the drug used for that problem.

    He said you know we usually reserve this drug for women who have brest cancer. (DUH!) I said I know that Doc. So instead of getting me a script he's also checking my estrogen levels.

    He's already raised my test gel script from 50mg test gel daily to 100mg test gel and said that he might up that if my levels haven't risen up that much.

    I think after about another month I'm just going to ask him to put me one the shots. Which he's already stated would be a shot every 2 weeks. Just don't know the dosage.

    I'll keep everyone posted on what transpires.
    Last edited by Dr_BruceBanner; 09-06-2008 at 12:00 AM.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_BruceBanner View Post
    Well I finally got my new labs done today (riday) instead of Tuesday because the Dr. canceled the appointment due to an emergency. So my last dose od DBOL was probably Saturday so that gave me 6 days, almost a week without dbol in my system.

    I don't think it will make that much of a difference. He's just rechecking my test and estrogen levels. My first Test level was 197. VERY low for a 40 yr old man.

    I mentions arimidex for the estrogen sides and he looked at me like I was freaking crazy. He said "WHAT". He had never heard of the drug used for that problem.

    He said you know we usually reserve this drug for women who have brest cancer. (DUH!) I said I know that Doc. So instead of getting me a script he's also checking my estrogen levels.

    He's already raised my test gel script from 50mg test gel daily to 100mg test gel and said that he might up that if my levels haven't risen up that much.

    I think after about another month I'm just going to ask him to put me one the shots. Which he's already stated would be a shot every 2 weeks. Just don't know the dosage.

    I'll keep everyone posted on what transpires.
    The deer in the headlight look

  9. #9
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    I mentioned arimidex for the estrogen sides and he looked at me like I was freaking crazy. He said "WHAT". He had never heard of the drug used for that problem.

    He said you know we usually reserve this drug for women who have brest cancer. (DUH!) I said I know that Doc. So instead of getting me a script he's also checking my estrogen levels.


    Jeez i ive said it before and i'll say it again but my DR must get around (alot of these quacks are dumb as pig shit), Tell the prick to off label script it if need be, which means you pay more but you get what you need. Off script means your dr can give it to you for a side effect reaction as opposed to the main purpose to which the drug was designed for.

  10. #10
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    dosage biweekly usually starts at 100 or 200 mg depending your levels and the common practice of your doctor. Most follow PDR which recommends 200mg biweekly.

  11. #11
    Dr_BruceBanner is offline Junior Member
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    Got the lab results back today from the doctor. First test was 197 and after a little over a month of androgel it went up to 280. Still NOTHING in the ballpark that I wanted. The dbol had NO effect on my labs other than to slightly elevate my liver numbers but the doctor thought it was due to the drug zocor that I was taking also for my high colesterol levels. which my Colesterol went down form 305 to 150. He suggested I start taking 2000mgs of fish oil a night? which should rainse my good colesterol and lower my bad even more.

    My androgel is now at 2 packs a day but I'm going to be taking the shots starting next month as I feel NO better than I did before. although just on the gel I've been able to put some muscle on faily easy.

  12. #12
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    ya, the gel takes a while to work. It's very small dosages over a period of time which will increase your test, it will just take more time. The benefit is the safety of it.

    And yes, i'm actually excited to hear that your doctor recommended fish oil. That's the best think you could do. It also helps joint recovery too. Studies show it aids in a better sleep cycle but i have yet to benefit from that. Mostly just lowers joint pain. It's great for that.

  13. #13
    Dr_BruceBanner is offline Junior Member
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    Hey Binder, Was wondering are you in the Medical field yourself? It sounds like to me that you have some experience in the Medicine. Are you a doctor or in Med School.

    I haven't tried the fish oil yet but I do plan to ASAP. It would be GREAT if it helped out with sleep too. I'm glad someone else has heard of this. I'm excited that he didn't just UP my ZOCOR as some other doctors would have done I believe.

    Anyway, thanks for the replies Binder and everyone else.

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    i'm currently a senior premed. I work in 2 doctor's offices (1 being internal medicine) and i also work at the hospital. I'm a CT tech and have a degree in radiology. Both my parents are doctors and my brother and sister are both in med school. I study everything about medicine i can and learn everything i possibly can in my internship with the internal med doctor. I'm what you would say a little more knowledgeable than most premed students due to my involvement in medicine all my life. I have a reference library in my house that is worn out from me going through

  15. #15
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    i'm currently a senior premed. I work in 2 doctor's offices (1 being internal medicine) and i also work at the hospital. I'm a CT tech and have a degree in radiology. Both my parents are doctors and my brother and sister are both in med school. I study everything about medicine i can and learn everything i possibly can in my internship with the internal med doctor. I'm what you would say a little more knowledgeable than most premed students due to my involvement in medicine all my life. I have a reference library in my house that is worn out from me going through
    binder, what's your opinion on the use of steroids and hgh as an anti aging method and also do you study stem cell use/testing?

  16. #16
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    I haven't gotten real deep into studying steroids and anti-aging. I do have to write another research paper on the *********ary basis of medicine in the united states. Maybe i'll look into writing it about the use of anti-aging drugs.

    Stem cell research is something I would like to get into as a long term goal. After doing a fellowship in neonatal care (newborn babies) I would like to study genetic diseases and disorders. Spend the last half of my career doing research along those lines to help better the chances of a genetically challenged baby live with a good quality of life or even effectively change their genetic coding to combat the disorder prior to being born.

  17. #17
    Dr_BruceBanner is offline Junior Member
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    I knew it! Darn I'm good,LOL. I could just tell from some of your posts that you had some sort of "schooling". As your posts are always articule and helpful. Congrats on your studies. I wish you the best Binder. I'm sure you'll make an excellent Doctor.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_BruceBanner View Post
    I knew it! Darn I'm good,LOL. I could just tell from some of your posts that you had some sort of "schooling". As your posts are always articule and helpful. Congrats on your studies. I wish you the best Binder. I'm sure you'll make an excellent Doctor.

    thanks. i try to add my 2 cents when i can about the information i know. I definately am far from the knowledge of a doctor but if i ever come across something i lack knowledge in I hit the books and learn all i can about that subject so i'll never be stumped again.

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