Ok, here's my story.
I've been feeling strange (down) since i was about 42 years old (I'm now 52), in fact, I often joked that I was losing my "mojo" (like in the Austin Powers Movie). I went from what was once considered a highly motivated businessman to a passive, lethargic, indifferent guy who eventually lost his business after 20 years. I spent the next 8 years trying to get back on my feet and scratching my head trying to figure out what's wrong with me. I have another business going now but theres no UUUMFFF behind it, it's like I'm just content to get by. I figured maybe I'm going through depression or a mid-life crises or something but, hell, 8 years??? I feel like I just have no desire to create anything new or see anything through to completion. I know the old me could have and would have but this new me these past 8 to 10 years just doesn't have the fire in him anymore. I did some research and found that low T could cause these affects so I got tested. (By the way, my first doctor who has been my doc for 20 years laughed and said you don't need your testosterone tested, I fired him and asked the hospital for a new primary care physician) So, I got tested and found my T to be in the low, bottom 3rd of the scale but guess what... my free T was wayyyy low, on an acceptable scale of 12 to 30 mine is 8.3. I was given a 2nd test 30 days later with the same results. My new, young, motivated Doc put me on 5mg Androderm patches immediately while I wait for my Endo appt in November. I'm on my 4th day on the patch as I write this and haven't noticed anything worth mentioning yet.
So here are my thoughts. If my T was fine but my Free T is low I don't think throwing more T at it will solve the problem; shouldn't they be thinking of doing something to increase the free T? Shouldn't they do something to reduce the SHBG so more T is left to be bio available?
Help me out here folks, I'm going call my Dr this week with that question. I need to nail down the right way of going about this before I'm to deep into it.
Also, isn't being on the patch for the next couple of months going to screw me up with my Endo doc? How will he know what's going on with me if I'm putting testosterone in my body VIA the patch?