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Thread: insulin resistance shbg

  1. #1

    insulin resistance shbg

    OK guys soo here is a question... does low shbg cause high insulin? Or does high insulin cause low shbg? Because my test dose is a lil high and IM going to drop it down to 150mg and go to dr john. My current endo has my on high amounts and doesnt even understand adrenal fatigue or how low shbg can cause tons of problems. I ate ice cream last night, woke up today and almost fell over. I was soo dizzy and tired and going into a ****ing coma from the reaction to all that sugar last night. I need to get this insulin resistance under control so I gotta raise my shbg which is 7 range is 7-49. So my guess is lower total test intake to 150mg a week and see what happens.. wait amonth and get everything retested and see what Dr John says? On a side note my adrenals might also be the cause of the insulin resistance but I will wait a month and get that tested. Regardless I think it is safe to say I have to raise my low shbg somehow correct?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    As far as I know insulin is not bound to or need to be bound to SHBG, to transport through the blood. Since insulin is a peptide hormone it is already a polar substance thus soluble in water/blood.

    Insulin resistance is in some cases caused by the fluid nature of the cell membrane or lack there of. The insulin receptor is a two part transmembrane receptor. When insulin is presented to the cell membrane two different pieces of the insulin receptor must travel across the membrane and come into contact for the second messenger cascade to happen. It is believed that excessive cholesterol content causes the cell membrane to become more viscous and thus prevent the parts of the insulin receptor to travel and come together.

    Interestingly the leptin receptor is believed to work much the same way. Some diabetics with insulin resistance paradoxally have high levels of leptin hormone in serum as well.

  3. #3
    hmm i was not aware of that. Many of these boards do suggest shbg and insulin resistance are related somehow.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by lattimershotgun View Post
    hmm i was not aware of that. Many of these boards do suggest shbg and insulin resistance are related somehow.
    Maybe as a indirect result, I know that low testosterone levels are associated with insulin resistance. I also know that treatment with testosterone causes and increase in insulin sensitivity. Whether or not that is a result of high or low SHBG or not I do not know. I can reason that high SHBG could lower total free testosterone levels thus causing insulin resistance but I could also argue that its only one of a multitude of factors that can effect insulin sensitivity.

  5. #5
    I have very low shbg and high free test and high total test but have insulin resistance. I have heard that it is from adrenal fatigue but also high test can cause it as well. I have low thyroid and possible adrenal problem. I am getting those tested soon.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    insulin resistance = diabetes or a pre-diabetic state
    This is your most important health problem. Needs to be controlled with medications, which may or may not include insulin

    [from Wikipedia]
    SHBG levels appear to be controlled by a delicate balance of enhancing and inhibiting factors. Its level is decreased by high levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Also, high androgen levels decrease SHBG, while high estrogen and thyroxine levels increase it. However, recent evidence suggests that it is the livers production of fats that reduces SHBG levels,not any direct effect of insulin and specific genetic mechanisms have been found that do this.

    Conditions with low SHBG include polycystic ovary syndrome, diabetes, and hypothyroidism. Conditions with high SHBG include pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, and anorexia nervosa. There has recently been research to link high SHBG levels with breast and testicular cancer as well.

    As far as I know there is no backward effect that SHBG levels have on your insulin level. This is one reason your Insulin level is the thing to get under control. Don't worry about the SHBG.

    Get your thyroid levels normalized - this requires medication, usually.
    Adrenal tests? I assume a 24 hour urine sample for cortisol and other adrenocortical hormones, as well as K, Na.
    You can't be pregnant or have PCOS, and I doubt anorexia.
    Last edited by TranscriptionFactor; 09-03-2008 at 03:55 AM. Reason: correction

  7. #7
    their are plenty of posts on ************* that suggests their is a relation. Also Dr. John talks about this very often as well as dr. Marianco.

  8. #8
    For example, SHBG is most commonly an indicator of high insulin levels - i.e. insulin resistance or diabetes. It would be then far more important to address insulin resistance or diabetes in treatment than to focus on SHBG.
    Dr. Marianco

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    ^^ what he said

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I have low SHGB and I am also type 2 diabetic. I have Metobolic syndrome and i do belive there is a relation to SHGB and insulin

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