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Thread: 26/M Endo? Urolog?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    26/M Endo? Urolog?

    Since I was 23 Ive scored under 270-310 on my test. but my free test was always at the top of normal so my doc said I was ok. I work out, gotten decent results. Ive run 2 cycles now and I feel worse than ever even 7 months post cycle and I've run PCT. No ED issues at the moment, but have had em in the past.

    I'm looking for a doc that will check everything out and maybe put me on TEST Cyp 150-200mg wk forever... whats the longterm prognosis for this?

    How do you keep estrogen conversion down I dont wanna be on Noval all the time either..

    Anyone know any good docs in the so cal area? Ventura County?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    West Coast
    go see endo. ask if he also deals with trt. im from the 805 originally too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    How old are you now.

    Everyone wants to jump onto this HRT bandwagon without even thinking twice. Do you really want to have to stick yourself for the rest of your life ? I know i wouldn't.

    I'll wait it out as long as i can before i make this huge leap.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Im 27, however its been low forever...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Hey Bro. Well I'm in the same boat as you. I'm also 27 and I've been on Hrt for 2 months now. Depending on your insurance situation you might need to go see a general practice doc first and get a referal to a endo??? This is what I would recommend. Tell a doc about your prob and have him get your blood tested. If your T comes back low and your LH is normal/high then that means your testies aren't working and he might be willing to put you on hrt. If your LH is low(like mine was) then will have to get a MRI of your pituitary/hypothalmus. If that comes back clean then I would search for a good male endo and have him try to figure out the cause. I would look for one that specailizes in GH also. When you find a good endo listen to him and take his advice. Don't go in and tell him how much juice you want. He will only want to get your T in the normal range so you shouldn't have to worry about Gyno. If it come down to HRT I would think about it long and hard. Its a big commitment!! And most importantly educate yourself about HRT. Here is a good place to learn. Hope this helps

    Here's a good place to look for an endo
    Last edited by nwz71; 09-08-2008 at 10:27 PM.

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