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    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Blood Work Came Out Bad

    I probably already know the answer to this question but I am going to ask anyway.

    I had some blood work done not to long ago. No recent cycles or anything like that. My Cholesterol was all out of whack, I havent seen the report yet but my DR. called and told me it was kind of weird...whatever that means. The only thing I can think of that may have messed up my cholesterol was that I had been drinking for a couple of weeks prior to the workup. Not that I was heavily drinking Just a few beers at night while I was studying. However the night before my blood work, I got pretty hammered at a bar with some friends. I was not expecting to get blood work done as I was going in for other issues I thought.

    Has anyone had their Cholesterol out of whack that bad from drinking the night before and or a couple weeks before hand?

    BTW everything else came out normal, and I am 27.

  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I probably already know the answer to this question but I am going to ask anyway.

    I had some blood work done not to long ago. No recent cycles or anything like that. My Cholesterol was all out of whack, I havent seen the report yet but my DR. called and told me it was kind of weird...whatever that means. The only thing I can think of that may have messed up my cholesterol was that I had been drinking for a couple of weeks prior to the workup. Not that I was heavily drinking Just a few beers at night while I was studying. However the night before my blood work, I got pretty hammered at a bar with some friends. I was not expecting to get blood work done as I was going in for other issues I thought.

    Has anyone had their Cholesterol out of whack that bad from drinking the night before and or a couple weeks before hand?

    BTW everything else came out normal, and I am 27.
    Isn't fasting required for blood work ? You can't just go to the doc and have it taken. So either your Doc is a moron or your lying.

    Which is it fool !! huh

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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Isn't fasting required for blood work ? You can't just go to the doc and have it taken. So either your Doc is a moron or your lying.

    Which is it fool !! huh
    Well I guess I am lying a little, when she asked me if I was fasting I told her yes. Which was technically the truth. It was an 8 am appointment. What I failed to mention was that I was up drinking until 2 or 3 in the morning and I had not slept yet.....LOL

  4. #4
    TranscriptionFactor's Avatar
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    no, drinking, esp in the quantities you mentioned, will not in the time frame mentioned, mess up your cholesterol. If anything it might bump your AST/ALT (liver) but not by much. What does "out of whack" that like "crack is whack"?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Well I guess I am lying a little, when she asked me if I was fasting I told her yes. Which was technically the truth. It was an 8 am appointment. What I failed to mention was that I was up drinking until 2 or 3 in the morning and I had not slept yet.....LOL
    You lying bastard !

    I can't say what it would do but it will def effect the results. The only "food" you can take in within that 8 hr period is water and or black coffee.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    1 cup of coffee with splenda or equal (no cream) b4 bloodwork fvcked my cholesterol up so I would imagine that an alcoholic binge would be even more extreme

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    Quote Originally Posted by TranscriptionFactor View Post
    no, drinking, esp in the quantities you mentioned, will not in the time frame mentioned, mess up your cholesterol. If anything it might bump your AST/ALT (liver) but not by much. What does "out of whack" that like "crack is whack"?
    have no idea, the nurse said on my voicemail that my HDL's were really low and my LDL's were high. I am guessing I had a funny HDL to LDL ratio. I didnt get out of class before they left the office for the day.

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    I got the results of my thyroid and Total test levels.

    Thyroid hormone was pretty low and I fell into the replacement range. So I am going to go onto synthroid at 50 mcg per day until further tests are completed.

    Test levels well I was also very low but I am in the normal range.
    Total test=301ng/dl.........

    I tried to get the doc to do a free test but she said that the results didnt warrent it. So instead we are doing additional tests for thyroid dysfunction.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 09-18-2008 at 08:30 PM.

  9. #9
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    You are dysfunctional

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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    You are dysfunctional
    I expected a funny picture, I feel cheated.

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    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post

    I got the results of my thyroid and Total test levels.

    Thyroid hormone was pretty low and I fell into the replacement range. So I am going to go onto synthroid at 50 mcg per day until further tests are completed.

    Test levels well I was also very low but I am in the normal range.
    Total test=301ng/dl.........

    I tried to get the doc to do a free test but she said that the results didnt warrent it. So instead we are doing additional tests for thyroid dysfunction.
    Isn't that kinda low at your age?

    How do you feel?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    Isn't that kinda low at your age?

    How do you feel?
    Thats what i told my doc, She said it was pretty low but within normal range.

    I feel like absolute dog shat, I have felt bad for years. But my primary care doc would never do blood work. he just said it was stress from school or something else and would prescribe me anti-depressants.

    I moved and got this new doc fresh out of med school and she has done more test on me in the past month than i think I have ever had in my entire life. I do feel better with the thyroid meds so far. It is hard to explain but it is like it brought back my personality of who i was three or four years ago. I all of a sudden like the things again that I use to. I know it sounds weird but I think it was one of my problems.

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    I am a little bit older than you but, I felt like crap at those levels and a rock star now that I am in the 800-1200 range.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    I am a little bit older than you but, I felt like crap at those levels and a rock star now that I am in the 800-1200 range.
    Did you get a script and if so how. I feel like I went through a full football through the day.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Thats what i told my doc, She said it was pretty low but within normal range.

    I feel like absolute dog shat, I have felt bad for years. But my primary care doc would never do blood work. he just said it was stress from school or something else and would prescribe me anti-depressants.

    I moved and got this new doc fresh out of med school and she has done more test on me in the past month than i think I have ever had in my entire life. I do feel better with the thyroid meds so far. It is hard to explain but it is like it brought back my personality of who i was three or four years ago. I all of a sudden like the things again that I use to. I know it sounds weird but I think it was one of my problems.
    If you want i could help. Ill just be needing a sperm sample.

  17. #17
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    What kind of fats are you eating? Try some Humanofort...I promise you'll see a huge improvement on the next go.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    If you want i could help. Ill just be needing a sperm sample.
    Interesting, these sperm samples you speak of. Would they have to be in liquid or powder form?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    What kind of fats are you eating? Try some Humanofort...I promise you'll see a huge improvement on the next go.
    I eat a broad spectrum of cold water fish. I cook with olive and fortified cannola oil depending on what I am eating and I get virtually no red meat.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Did you get a script and if so how. I feel like I went through a full football through the day.
    I went to a progressive anti aging doc.

    It's for life. You might look into doing HCG first. Maybe like 1000iu twice a week for 5 weeks.
    Last edited by FallenWyvern; 09-22-2008 at 08:15 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I eat a broad spectrum of cold water fish. I cook with olive and fortified cannola oil depending on what I am eating and I get virtually no red meat.
    Well Im willing to bet that your diet ratios are bad. You might be eating too many carbs in relation to your other macro nutrients.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Well Im willing to bet that your diet ratios are bad. You might be eating too many carbs in relation to your other macro nutrients.
    That could be, I am going to sit down and figure out a new diet for the fall/winter bulk I will be doing. I should know more then after I log my diet that i am on now.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    That could be, I am going to sit down and figure out a new diet for the fall/winter bulk I will be doing. I should know more then after I log my diet that i am on now.
    Send me a PM, bro.

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