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  1. #1
    SWOLLL's Avatar
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    Need new Dr. In Houston Desperately!!

    Well my dr doesn't seem to like any of my suggstions didn't even read any of the articles I provided him.

    Still wants me on 200mg a month and wont give me any hcg or ai.

    So does anyone know a decent Dr. in houston or close atleast?

    I checked lef and called several Dr.s Fri and the only ones who actually do TRT are only doing pellets and they don't prescribe hcg either.

    Not really interested in the pellets to expensive and to much time off work.

    I did talk to one dr. that sounded good but he doesnt take insurance and I've read on here how he took $1700 from two different guys on this forum and never prescribed any test.

    So if anyone can help or has any other ideas how to find a Dr. around here I would greatly appreciate it.

  2. #2
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Out of pocket may be your only option.

  3. #3
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    I hate Dr's like that. Good luck on your journey bud.
    If mine doesn't increase my test I'm just gonna buy some UGL stuff and add it to my HRT

  4. #4
    SWOLLL's Avatar
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    I'm not so worried about the out of pocket its that I read how this same Dr. took about $1700 from two guys on here and never prescribed them anything they both claim to need TRT, Don't really want to drop two grand to find out.

  5. #5
    SWOLLL's Avatar
    SWOLLL is offline Associate Member
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    Somebody has to know a decent Dr. in Houston.

  6. #6
    SWOLLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    I hate Dr's like that. Good luck on your journey bud.
    If mine doesn't increase my test I'm just gonna buy some UGL stuff and add it to my HRT

    That is exactly what I have been considering, but I don't even know where to begin to do that anymore.

    It feels so good having a script for it plus you know that it is dosed right and clean and none of the other worries you have with ugl.

    Then its legal and thats a plus in my book.

  7. #7
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SWOLLL View Post
    That is exactly what I have been considering, but I don't even know where to begin to do that anymore.

    It feels so good having a script for it plus you know that it is dosed right and clean and none of the other worries you have with ugl.

    Then its legal and thats a plus in my book.
    I hear ya bro. There has to be a doc in your area. If you go ugl, be sure to get blood work at least every 6 months.

  8. #8
    bd50's Avatar
    bd50 is offline Associate Member
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    check here:

    good luck

  9. #9
    SWOLLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bd50 View Post
    check here:

    good luck
    Thanks but I already went trough there most of the lef Dr.s in listed in Houston are plastic surgeons, or they do pellets, and or mo Ai or hcg .

    I am about through the w.h.o. also with no luck, I know there has to be a good Dr. in Houston as big as it is...hell I wil even drive a couple hours if its worth it.

  10. #10
    SWOLLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    I hear ya bro. There has to be a doc in your area. If you go ugl, be sure to get blood work at least every 6 months.
    That will be a last resort and I am really hoping I don't have to go that route. I even found a Dr. that would work with mine and my Dr. wouldn't even go for that...what could that hurt I said and he rushed me off.

    There are alot of Dr.s in the phone book here one of them has to know how to do hrt or trt.

    I have a friend that goes to a dr that just writes him scripts of whatever he wants pain pills and syrup so as much as I'd rather have a dr. that could be useful I am sure that is an option.

    Surely test, ai, and hcg are not as bad as oxycontin promethazine with codeine

  11. #11
    SWOLLL's Avatar
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    So I went back to the Dr. yesterday and brought him more articles by Dr.s about ai's and hcg and he offered to up me to 400mg test cyp a week but still no ai or hcg.

    He did tell me he was going to do some research on it, but I am afraid that means consulting his pdr or something else equally useless to trt.

    Oh well I guess I should just stock up on the extra test he offered. I just can't understand this guys reasoning but atleast he doesn't want me down to 1cc a month anymore.

  12. #12
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    [QUOTE=SWOLLL;4242917]So I went back to the Dr. yesterday he offered to up me to 400mg test cyp a week but still no ai or hcg .

    Are you sure he offered you 400mg ew, or could it have been eow? I know that 400 eow(or 200ew) is a good dose, it even says it in the insert 50mg to 400mg eow. I think that 400ew would be way to much for a trt program. I understand why you need the AI, but why is it that you want the hcg?

  13. #13
    SWOLLL's Avatar
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    Yeah he offered to raise me to 400mg every week. He didn't even do any labs.

    Blows my mind...I just wanted an ai and some hcg and his answer to that was "we can bump your dose up to 2cc a week" its like his answer to estrogen or estodial or whichever is to throw more test at it.

    I was so frustrated with the way the conversation was going I didn't even take his offer. I will tomorrow though.

    I was afraid when he saw me he was going to cut my dose, I have been hitting the gym hard and look like I am finishing a hella cycle right now.

    I have just been eating right and working my ass off in the gym and doing the prescribed dose of 200mg ew, well and I added some liquidex.

    The trt has definently made a world of difference I was still pretty strong before but wasn't growing now I am getting huge again.

    He also asked if I was interested in trying hgh but told me it can give me multiple types of cancer...I have lost all faith in my Dr...

  14. #14
    SWOLLL's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=natureboy;4242962][QUOTE=SWOLLL;4242917] I understand why you need the AI, but why is it that you want the hcg?[/QUOTE]

    Well aside from keeping my testes nice and plump,which actually means a lot to me, its also supposed to boost your serum test levels and all the other hormones that go along with test and keep it everything all nice and balanced,from what little I understand.

    When I used it back when I was cycling I don't know what it was but I felt great physically and emotionally, none of the crash I've had without it, and I believe if I'm not mistaken it keeps your testes functioning.

    I am far from an expert on this I am sure there are many other guys on here that know much more than I do.

    Two main reasons would be keeping my nuts from shriveling into raisins and keeping me in a good state of mind, which shouldn't be a problem with this low dose of test, but at 1000+mg I was using then was a big factor. I had a few mood swings at those levels...

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