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Thread: Is HRT for me?

  1. #1
    SFElite is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Is HRT for me?

    Ok, so here's my story and a short introduction, as I am new here. Forgive meif I give some details that are a bit graphic lol...I just want to put it all out there to see if I can get some answers. I'm 21 years old, have trained with weights with the aspiration of a powerlifting competition for the past 3 years. I started looking into steroids to increase my lifts as, but as I looked into it, I realized many of the problems I have that I thought were normal appear to be symptoms of low testosterone . I go through what I would describe as "waves". For about a week or two I'll be intense, driven, usually hungry, am very often horny, have proper erections, my scrotum seems to hang looser from my body, I have a very good outlook on life, enjoy everything, my strength and visual muscular tone in high and I basically just feel on top of the world and ready to take anything on. Then I seem to crash. For the next 2-4 weeks or so (it varies) Ill lack energy, lose interest in food for the most part, have a poor libido (if I even try to work up an erection it's weak and I'm prone to premature ejaculation) my scrotum seems to hold tight to my body and I get constant "shrinkage" as if it were always cold which is incredibly embarassing to admit here lol, I lack aggresion/drive/tenacity in all areas of life making it seriously difficult to deal with conflicts at work, in relationships, just life in general.
    My physique was always quite overweight and growing up I didn't really hit any signs of puberty until I was about 15. After that I became obsessive about health, nutrition, fitness and lost weight but still to this day maintain a large bit of fat around my abdomen and chest.

    I've been to the doctor and got some tests done, results as follows:
    Total T- 10.9 NMOL/L (approx 314Ng/Dl?)
    Free T- 33.5 PMOL/L ("normal" 19-94)
    Bioavailable T- 4.01 (Im not sure what the units are as this was relayed to me by phone message, but Im told it's "normal")
    I should note this test was taken on a day where I felt particularly fine.
    My background is, and this is causing me the most concern, I was born with abdominal cryptorchids (undecended testicles) that weren't surgically dropped until I was 6 years old, which as I understand could have caused some degenerative damage. One testicle is nearly non existent in my scrotum but the other seems to have developed, for the most part, to be fairly average. This leads me to belive that my production of testosterone is potentially lower than what i should have.
    Needless to say the doctor will not precribe as Im in an apparently healthy range, but Im still not convinced Im where I should be. I've been considering self medicating for some time, and still have lots more research to do before I take the plunge, and I wanted some opinions on my situation to see if anyone agrees with my views on this or not. Thank you much

  2. #2
    XNathan's Avatar
    XNathan is offline Associate Member
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    Your testosterone is low for your age. Check it after 6wks and also serch for estrogen and prolactine. Your problem with testes is common and can be from problems with veins or cover of your testes. Please visit urologist.

    You mood, energy and libido cycling will be IMO not associated with low test. I thik you suffer from light version of bipolar disorder called cyclothymia. Please evaluate visit of M.D.

    After all examinations, you can think to start HRT, but not before.

  3. #3
    FortKnox36's Avatar
    FortKnox36 is offline Associate Member
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    If you find the right doctor then you can be put on trt.

    However, I agree with the above statemnt. There are many tests that should be done before. Many things can cause low test. I am currently 20yrs old with 394 total test and I am on trt. I conducted about a year of tests though before hand and figured out I was just born with low test. Doc basically told me that sometimes the cause of low test. can be from the processed foods we eat growing up. I hope this helps a little.


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