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Thread: I need help losing fat, gaining muscle and maintaining health.

  1. #1

    I need help losing fat, gaining muscle and maintaining health.

    Though I am new to register, I am a long time reader of this board and find it one of the safer places for noob's to post and get help. I was hoping to enlist some help in my HRT, TRT program that I would like to create. My desire and needs for training and hormone replacement are a bit different than most I have read and as such would really appreciate some input as I am struggling in designing an appropriate program.

    Allow me to explain a bit about me.

    Lifted since I was 15 years old and put on a lot of muscle, unfortunately put on about 24% BF to go with it. About three years ago I started rock climbing. I have never been back to a gym since. I climb and train aggressively about 4 or 5 days a week. I further realized that hauling my 240 lb butt up a wall was almost impossible. As I progressed and made strength gains I also began an aggressive diet and proceeded to drop 35 lbs over the next year. For me losing weight was one of the harder things I have ever done.

    Brings us too today. I am stronger and leaner than I have been since I was twenty. However I want to make changes. What I really want to do is combine HRT with some AAS administration. I wish to do the following:
    -Start GH for health
    -Lose approximately 5-7% more BF (get down to 10%)
    -Gain significant strength
    -Get my test. levels back to a younger me.

    Thus far I have been leaning toward cycles of: HGH, Anavar, Test, Insulin.
    The reason why I could really use the help is because of my desire to put together something that gets the fat loss and strength gains (Anavar and Test.?) but then use same compounds (or others?) as HRT going forward on a more maintenance type schedule.

    Some basic info:
    Height: 74"
    Weight: 207 lbs.
    Medical Conditions: Genetic cholesterol controlled with Lipitor
    Generally for my age and the fact that I have not lifted in years I am very strong, flexible, but just not where I want to be.

    Recent blood work:
    Test: 257
    T3 Uptake: 36
    IGF-1: 189

    So I throw my future on the mercy of the board. Financing this process is not an issue, I just want to do it seriously and do it correctly for the rest of my life.

    I look forward to any help you all would be willing to provide and I do appreciate your willingness to take the time and share the knowledge.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch
    stay away from insulin if you want to loose can be used but its have to time it just right or you will get even more fat.

    You dont really need to cycle just yet...the sides will be worse than the benefits with that bf%

    Continue to diet
    Continue to exercise
    Eat small frequent meals...avoid insulin spikes
    Dont eat anythine white unless its chicken breast or egg whites
    take in 1gm protein/lb
    Eat your complex carbs befor noon and your fiberous carbs up until 4 hrs prior to sleep
    Cardio 45-1.5 hr 1st thing in am WITHOUT EATING ANYTHING BEFORE 5 x/wk
    Drink tons of h2o
    NO beer
    Be consistant
    Dont give in to temptation....

    You can make it just fine

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    imo, i would go directly to a anti aging clinic they are the only place where you'll be able to get what you want prescribed legally and they are very knowledgeable on the subject and are likely tuned into this forum

    good luck and dont look down

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    imo, i would go directly to a anti aging clinic they are the only place where you'll be able to get what you want prescribed legally and they are very knowledgeable on the subject and are likely tuned into this forum

    good luck and dont look down
    I have been to two. The problem there is that these Dr's make me very uncomfortable. By uncomfortable I mean "greasy salesmen". They all want to sell their vitamins, charge $175 a visit PLUS the right to buy HGH at $25 per IU, I am becoming very disenchanted with the industry. Certainly I may have just meet the wrong Dr's and the rest of Southern Cal. is filled with great ones but I am not finding them.

    I never look down :-)


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pilsen, Czech Rep.
    Dear Davis!

    Congratulation to you for your long time interets in sport and your concern in diet and excercise.

    If you have genetic high cholesterol you should avoid orals. They will destroy your HDL and put you to number where you shouldnt be.

    Ÿou can run testosteron, nandrolon, boldenone but stay away from 17aa.

    My cholesterol off cycle is HDL 52-62mg/dl and LDL 85-105mg/dl on orals (var) my HDL was 18!!! And from my off cycle values you can see that I have good genetic in this area. Be carefull with them.

    Use 500mg test for cycle and 200mg for your HRT.

    Start with HRT for 3months with 200mg test each week and than do one cycle with 500mg EW and return for 3 months to 200mg EW.
    And HGH 2IU/day 5 days on 2 days off.

    And you can add some nandrolone decanoate in second cycle 200mg EW and next cycle 400mg EW.

    Cycle 3months HRT dose with 3months cycle with higher dose.
    1-3 TestE 200mg/wk + HGH
    4-6 TestE 500mg/wk + HGH
    7-9 TestE 200mg/wk +HGH
    10-12 TestE 500mg/wk + Deca 200mg/wk + HGH
    13-15 TestE 200mg/wk +HGH
    16-18 TestE 500mg/wk + Deca 400mg/wk + HGH
    19-21 TestE 200mg/wk +HGH

    Watch your PSA values, liver and kidneys function each 3 months.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by XNathan View Post
    Dear Davis!

    Congratulation to you for your long time interets in sport and your concern in diet and excercise.

    If you have genetic high cholesterol you should avoid orals. They will destroy your HDL and put you to number where you shouldnt be.

    Ÿou can run testosteron, nandrolon, boldenone but stay away from 17aa.

    My cholesterol off cycle is HDL 52-62mg/dl and LDL 85-105mg/dl on orals (var) my HDL was 18!!! And from my off cycle values you can see that I have good genetic in this area. Be carefull with them.

    Use 500mg test for cycle and 200mg for your HRT.

    Start with HRT for 3months with 200mg test each week and than do one cycle with 500mg EW and return for 3 months to 200mg EW.
    And HGH 2IU/day 5 days on 2 days off.

    And you can add some nandrolone decanoate in second cycle 200mg EW and next cycle 400mg EW.

    Cycle 3months HRT dose with 3months cycle with higher dose.
    1-3 TestE 200mg/wk + HGH
    4-6 TestE 500mg/wk + HGH
    7-9 TestE 200mg/wk +HGH
    10-12 TestE 500mg/wk + Deca 200mg/wk + HGH
    13-15 TestE 200mg/wk +HGH
    16-18 TestE 500mg/wk + Deca 400mg/wk + HGH
    19-21 TestE 200mg/wk +HGH

    Watch your PSA values, liver and kidneys function each 3 months.
    Good post! Cycling for TRTers!

    I would throw some arimidex in there also or at least have your estrogen levels monitored.

    Having all levels of natural test suppressed means tiny balls so maybe do hcg cylce 3 times a year.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Cycle 3months HRT dose with 3months cycle with higher dose.
    1-3 TestE 200mg/wk + HGH
    4-6 TestE 500mg/wk + HGH
    7-9 TestE 200mg/wk +HGH
    10-12 TestE 500mg/wk + Deca 200mg/wk + HGH
    13-15 TestE 200mg/wk +HGH
    16-18 TestE 500mg/wk + Deca 400mg/wk + HGH
    19-21 TestE 200mg/wk +HGH



    I am just wondering what the reasoning for alternating 3wks cycle doses and 3 wks trt doses is for? I was considering something similar but had a hard time finding any info about cycling while on trt.

    I was just going to do 12wks cycle then continue trt afterwards, if this is a better program I will consider it instead.

    Is this a program you follow, if you don't mind me asking?

    Sorry about jacking your thread, thanks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pilsen, Czech Rep.
    This dont mean weeks but months I suggest to cycle each 3months not each 3wks.
    1th-3th months

    Yes arimidex E3D 0.25mg and some hCG 125IU E4D.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    i would skip any thoughts of a cycle until you find out what you personally need to keep your levels at a healthy level. 200mg can be just right or way to much for you. This is an individual thing.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by XNathan View Post
    This dont mean weeks but months I suggest to cycle each 3months not each 3wks.
    1th-3th months

    Yes arimidex E3D 0.25mg and some hCG 125IU E4D.
    Ok that makes more sense, I guess I read it wrong. Thanks

  11. #11

    There are much better Dr's out there, I found one on my first try. No BS vitamins or sales pitches. I pay $125 a month plus the costs of my scripts nothing more. I also have an on call nurse that I can call anytime with problems or questions and she is very helpful. Keep looking and youll find the right one. Remember HRT is a life long commitment so make sure you know what your in for first. Good luck bro 5.0

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Portland, OR
    I am in your same age bracket. I started a run of HGH (genaric) about 5 months ago and love it. At this point I am only running GH at 4iu/ED. I have lost 4% BF and gaining strength. I will soon be adding in some T4 to cut additional fat. Shooting for 8% range. Once there I will look into adding a little test. I am not looking for crazy size or huge gains. Just looking to get lean and feel young again. Do some reading in the GH section. It is a very good and safe place to start. Remember, lean first, bulk second. You can't do both at the same time.

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