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Dear Davis!
Congratulation to you for your long time interets in sport and your concern in diet and excercise.
If you have genetic high cholesterol you should avoid orals. They will destroy your HDL and put you to number where you shouldnt be.
Ÿou can run testosteron, nandrolon, boldenone but stay away from 17aa.
My cholesterol off cycle is HDL 52-62mg/dl and LDL 85-105mg/dl on orals (var) my HDL was 18!!! And from my off cycle values you can see that I have good genetic in this area. Be carefull with them.
Use 500mg test for cycle and 200mg for your HRT.
Start with HRT for 3months with 200mg test each week and than do one cycle with 500mg EW and return for 3 months to 200mg EW.
And HGH 2IU/day 5 days on 2 days off.
And you can add some nandrolone decanoate in second cycle 200mg EW and next cycle 400mg EW.
Cycle 3months HRT dose with 3months cycle with higher dose.
1-3 TestE 200mg/wk + HGH
4-6 TestE 500mg/wk + HGH
7-9 TestE 200mg/wk +HGH
10-12 TestE 500mg/wk + Deca 200mg/wk + HGH
13-15 TestE 200mg/wk +HGH
16-18 TestE 500mg/wk + Deca 400mg/wk + HGH
19-21 TestE 200mg/wk +HGH
Watch your PSA values, liver and kidneys function each 3 months.