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Thread: What is the life like through the eyes of the trt patients?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Question What is the life like through the eyes of the trt patients?

    For example, if you chemically get a hypogonadism, so you are putted on a trt therapy, do your quality of life worses or even improve (in comparission with previous)?
    1. Does a doc prescribes only doses that return test levels to a normal, although the lowest range (your test is 1,8 ng/dl, by a therapy you got +/- 3,5 ng/dl, but a year or 2 ago you had on average 6 ng/dl)? Can you ask a doc to decrease an interval between injections, so you can also gain something more at a gym as an amateur powerlifter/ bodybuilder, who just love sport and working out?
    2. Will you need to increase dosage sooner or later, because your remaining test, would be almost suppressed?
    3. Can you have a qualitative sex, even without those blue pills, whilst on trt? Is it possible, your sperm quality and quantity decreases after some time, being on trt? Is it possible to have a child being at least 5 years on trt? Can trt make you infertile?
    By the time being I'm on thyroxin therapy for 4 years, because of slow thyroid (****ed-up by medicine...), but recently my test levles were tested and they were quite low, my endocrinologue advised one good anrologist... so, guys, it's really important to me to get answers to these questions, before starting the therapy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    between a hot ladys legs
    im on a trt dose and have been for years now, my son is 15months old,no problems in that department,i like being on,coming off sucks but its not for everybody and should be thought out and maybe even recomended by your doctor,who may perscribe androgel,this is ok but mine now gives me cyp

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    The Shire
    some of your questions i cant answer. i have hypopituitaryism. i produce zero test and hgh. ever since ive been on the hgh, androgel, levothyroxine, and cortisol my quality of life jumped significantly. im not quite sure with the sperm thing, i do know i shoot blanks and my chances of having children are 50/50. however, my case is much different then the average trt. pm me if you have some questions

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by hdd123 View Post
    For example, if you chemically get a hypogonadism, so you are putted on a trt therapy, do your quality of life worses or even improve (in comparission with previous)?
    1. Does a doc prescribes only doses that return test levels to a normal, although the lowest range (your test is 1,8 ng/dl, by a therapy you got +/- 3,5 ng/dl, but a year or 2 ago you had on average 6 ng/dl)? Can you ask a doc to decrease an interval between injections, so you can also gain something more at a gym as an amateur powerlifter/ bodybuilder, who just love sport and working out?
    Depends on you doc. Some are looking to put you in top decile numbers of a twenty year old. Others only want to bring you to "normal."
    2. Will you need to increase dosage sooner or later, because your remaining test, would be almost suppressed?
    Not really, I guess it would depend on blood work. By definition, TRT is called replacement therapy not supplement therapy.
    3. Can you have a qualitative sex, even without those blue pills, whilst on trt? Absolutely!!! Is it possible, your sperm quality and quantity decreases after some time, being on trt? Yes, it is possible. Is it possible to have a child being at least 5 years on trt? Absolutely, ask your doc about HCG. Can trt make you infertile? It is possible.
    By the time being I'm on thyroxin therapy for 4 years, because of slow thyroid (****ed-up by medicine...), but recently my test levles were tested and they were quite low, my endocrinologue advised one good anrologist... so, guys, it's really important to me to get answers to these questions, before starting the therapy.
    See bold. I would say just try it, the quality of life benefits are enormous. Life sucks for those with low test.

  5. #5
    Not sure if I understand all your questions.....

    1. Doctor will monitor your levels and adjust the dosage accordingly. Ideally, you want to be in the upper range. HRT helps with workouts, but dosages are just a fraction of what bodybuilders take.
    2. HRT treatment does shut down natural test production, but constant adjustment isn't really necessary. In the states, guys are tested every 6 months and dosages adjusted if necessary.
    3. Sex? HRT greatly improves that. All the guys I know can't get enough. As far as being infertile, I know it does effect it and I heard some are infertile. Maybe someone else with more knowledge can answer that.

    Best of luck to you

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by sinny View Post
    im on a trt dose and have been for years now, my son is 15months old,no problems in that department,i like being on,coming off sucks but its not for everybody and should be thought out and maybe even recomended by your doctor,who may perscribe androgel,this is ok but mine now gives me cyp
    What age are you? Did/do you use HCG?

    And what dose of Test are you running weekly?

  7. #7
    Finding the right doctor is key.....look for one that is willing to talk in detail about TRT process.... true TRT is for life......a good doc can try other methods to bring your natty levels back to life with others stuff but again TRT is for life....and as others have said above...if having kids may be an issue....HCG is good option, but have some your soliders frozen before you go on just in case.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    See bold. I would say just try it, the quality of life benefits are enormous. Life sucks for those with low test.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    2 yrs now. Glad to have my life back. Yeah, Drs prescribe to keep you on low side of "normal" but one can avail himself to means to get you where you feel like the "old" you again. More is not always better so if you bump it up do it gradually. At some point you will just be you again.

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