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For example, if you chemically get a hypogonadism, so you are putted on a trt therapy, do your quality of life worses or even improve (in comparission with previous)?
1. Does a doc prescribes only doses that return test levels to a normal, although the lowest range (your test is 1,8 ng/dl, by a therapy you got +/- 3,5 ng/dl, but a year or 2 ago you had on average 6 ng/dl)? Can you ask a doc to decrease an interval between injections, so you can also gain something more at a gym as an amateur powerlifter/ bodybuilder, who just love sport and working out?
Depends on you doc. Some are looking to put you in top decile numbers of a twenty year old. Others only want to bring you to "normal."
2. Will you need to increase dosage sooner or later, because your remaining test, would be almost suppressed?
Not really, I guess it would depend on blood work. By definition, TRT is called replacement therapy not supplement therapy.
3. Can you have a qualitative sex, even without those blue pills, whilst on trt? Absolutely!!! Is it possible, your sperm quality and quantity decreases after some time, being on trt? Yes, it is possible. Is it possible to have a child being at least 5 years on trt? Absolutely, ask your doc about HCG. Can trt make you infertile? It is possible.
By the time being I'm on thyroxin therapy for 4 years, because of slow thyroid (****ed-up by medicine...), but recently my test levles were tested and they were quite low, my endocrinologue advised one good anrologist... so, guys, it's really important to me to get answers to these questions, before starting the therapy.