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Thread: First cycle

  1. #1

    First cycle

    I'm a few days into my first prescribed cycle.

    Test Cyp.

    The self-injection wasn't as bad as I was thinking it would be, and already I'm feeling like I've got increased energy levels. Went for a run, and barely got my heartrate above 140- where I'd hit 160 before in the same intensity.

    Not sure how much of that is psychosomatic, but it sure seems promising regardless.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    how much doses of each doc got you on? .dino

  3. #3
    Are you taking for low test or bodybuilding?

  4. #4
    They've got me on 1ml of 200mg/ml Test, and the same of Nandrolone, once a week. The Anastrozole is a caplet of unknown strength twice a week. I've been put on because of "borderline low" free test. My main interest is getting bigger/surpassing my current limits. If nothing else, I'm viewing it as an experiment.

    As I mentioned in my introduction a while back...

    "I'm 33, complete geek, vegetarian. I'm the guy you see in your gym sweating his nuts off every day and not really getting anywhere. Good form, good plan, good diet (but veg), and some serious dedication, but no real progress to speak of and it's been a few years now... just a hard gainer.

    So, aspiring to be a big burly Ox, I know my age window is closing. Its time to look at some of the other options out there...

    So here I am."



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Looks like a good plan if you are eating enough protein. I try to shoot for 200-300 grams a day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by quietasamouse View Post
    They've got me on 1ml of 200mg/ml Test, and the same of Nandrolone, once a week. The Anastrozole is a caplet of unknown strength twice a week. I've been put on because of "borderline low" free test. My main interest is getting bigger/surpassing my current limits. If nothing else, I'm viewing it as an experiment.

    As I mentioned in my introduction a while back...

    "I'm 33, complete geek, vegetarian. I'm the guy you see in your gym sweating his nuts off every day and not really getting anywhere. Good form, good plan, good diet (but veg), and some serious dedication, but no real progress to speak of and it's been a few years now... just a hard gainer.

    So, aspiring to be a big burly Ox, I know my age window is closing. Its time to look at some of the other options out there...

    So here I am."


    Nice apiration

    Welcome, and good luck

  7. #7
    So, at the end of week two:

    Most reactions are still nebulous enough that they could be psychological, but starting to see some physical differences as well.

    Perhaps most noticible is that I'm off the wall happy most of the time. Not that I'm a gloomy guy to begin with, but waking up and feeling "chipper" is new. And fun.

    Muscle density seems to be increasing, and I've gained 6 pounds since I've started- without the benefit of huge amounts of pizza! Thats new!

    No signs of the potential negatives so far.

    So... pretty exciting, looking forward to the rest of it.



  8. #8
    Oh, forgot to mention- the one problem I am having is trying to get in the levels of protein yall have reccomended. With meat (including fish) being out, how do you pull it off? Just shake after shake?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Exoneration. . .
    Quote Originally Posted by quietasamouse View Post
    Oh, forgot to mention- the one problem I am having is trying to get in the levels of protein yall have reccomended. With meat (including fish) being out, how do you pull it off? Just shake after shake?

    Technically you could do shakes yeah. I would introduce Eggs/Egg whites and Dairy like cottage cheese and skim milk into your diet (unless you're vegan or somethin)... Nuts and beans have good protein, as well, however not as complete as any animal proteins.

    I was a raw foodist for a couple years a while back, and veggie, etc.. after years I started introducing chicken into my diet, slowly and drinking milk helped with the stomach during this. I would recommend it, if you really want to get some good gains in. You can buy free-range hormone free stuff @ the health food store, if you're really worried about all the processed crap.

    Also, you may want to look into Vitamin B12 supplementation if you're a vegan/veggie cause you're most likely lacking that. Look for it @ grocery/health food/whole foods store.

    Look for Methylcobalamin (most natural form of Vitamin B12), not cyanocobalamin (contains cyanide) or hydroxy cobalamin when you check the labels.

    Hope this helps. Peace.

  10. #10
    Ohhh..... the holidays are killing me! I'm still dropping fat, but I dont' think I'm gaining more muscle... despite surfing everyday.

    Not as easy as I thought maybe this would be! Lol!


  11. #11
    So... week 4- and the first negatives are showing up... getting a little facial acne.

    Any tips?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Georgia U.S.
    Just don't pick at the blemishes. Use benzyl Peroxide, the usual stuff the teens do. The type of acne you are experiencing will hardly be effected by these treatments. I find that tanning beds are the best method. The harmful UV light kills the bacteria in your oily androgen-laced skin. It just comes with the territory.

  13. #13
    So... one week left of the first cycle. Definately seeing some real changes in body composition and the first addittions of mass. Feeling GOOD.

    A few noticable side effects: A little facial acne and backne... not such a big deal
    Shrunken nuts.... bigger deal. I like my nuts! Give 'em back!

    I'm curious, how do folks on HRT longterm deal with the nuts issue? I realize that when off-cycle most of the musclegods get them back up to size. But what about Low-T folks on adrogens for long periods of time? Just deal?



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