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Thread: 5 weeks in. Some help and feedback please.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    5 weeks in. Some help and feedback please.

    Alright, so I started about 5 weeks ago.

    week 1: 200 mg
    week 2:100 mg
    week 3:100 mg
    week 4: 200 mg because I was going on vacation for two weeks

    so after two weeks I had blood work done and my testosterone is still
    low. It is at 256. Normal is 400-800. My estradiol is low also.

    My first blood test showed 185. So, it is higher. I am wondering if the reason why it showed low on this last blood work was because it was taken after two weeks of my last shot. How high would my levels have been a few days after the last shot..

    Is this normal? Seriously I am worried the testosterone cypionate is not working..

    Also, my shots never hurt. Except for week 3 when I had a different Doctors nurse than usual because my doctor was sick. That week I felt burning in my ass for like a day. I have been wondering about whether or not my Doc has even been giving me Testosterone.. Today they canceled my appointment because they said they ran out and I had to demand a referral to a different clinic. Then they said they still had some and I should come in for my shot..

    Let me know if this situation sounds a little fishy, or am I just blowing it out of proportion. I was really expecting to have higher level of test than I did.. I also wonder whether or not the testosterone blood test people are giving is providing inaccurate results, considering that they prescribe it to so many of their patients that they are virtually on the verge of running out or have already...

  2. #2
    I dunno. What do they say they are giving you? Did you check the bottles, or even your chart? You'd be well within your rights to see all that stuff. The 'shots don't hurt' thing is a bit odd too- I'm at a similar point in therapy as you (but self injecting) and the day of injection doesn't hurt at all. The next few days my butt cheek is sore- which I think is normal.

    I guess the most important thing is how do you feel? Are you feeling better? Loosing fat? Energy levels?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Really, I don't feel a whole lot different than before. After I take 200 mg shot, a few days after I get really horny. I don't get any special morning erections like I have heard people do and I don't get random erections like Ive heard guys do..
    I have no problem getting it up.. never had though..

  4. #4
    I would test again. Your levels should be higher at 4 weeks then they were at 2 due to the half life on cyp.
    Is this a anti aging clinic or regular doc?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    I am gonna guess that they will bump your up dosage.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    it takes a while but after five weeks you should be feeling alot better. Do you have a significant other? Tell them it is costly and time consuming to come for the tests and see if they don't offer to teach you or your other the way to do it.My better half does all the injections. I split mine into a 2x weekly cause if i do the whole 150 my butt hurts too much. My original was 143 test so i can empathize with wanting it to happen right away.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    My doc bumped me up to 200 mg a week and gave me my first prescription of 10 ML at 200mg per ML. So, I am off to the pharmacy to get my syringes and test.. I just hope I don't have androgen resistance.. I don't think that is the case considering I do have some test in my body.. Hopefully it just needs to be saturated.. I have been thinking about getting the prescription and using it, but still going in to see my doctor for shots.. Would he know I got the prescription.. I told him I might not get the script if it is too expensive..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Under a barbell!
    You should just get the script filled and take your meds, give it a little time. 200mg a week is a great dose, you don't want to mess that up by going in to the doc an telling him you didn't get your script filled, and asking for a shot.

  10. #10
    200mgs EW a week is a good script. I am on the same. I don't think your doc would know if you picked it up, but I wouldn't chance it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    ok. It only costs 38 for my script... not bad huh?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by TheKing. View Post
    ok. It only costs 38 for my script... not bad huh?
    Is that for a 10ML with insurance?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

  14. #14
    that is a killer deal. My pharmacy is $135 without insurance and $20 with.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    It is Wal-Mart Pharmacy

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    $38 for 10ml or the smaller dosage vail they carry. And is it Test C or Test E. Walmart here is 110 for 10ml of C. I"m curious cause that is way cheap for no insurance payment and I would think their prices would be comparable nationwide on things like that.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    How's it going for you now King?

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