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Thread: Is a 21-week cycle crazy if you're already on HRT?

  1. #1

    Is a 21-week cycle crazy if you're already on HRT?


    Since I'm already on HRT what would it hurt to run a 21-week cycle? I was thinking about doing a show in 21 weeks. Six to eight week bulk cycle and switching to cutting drugs after that.

    I was in thinking about running the HGH threw out and running the IGF for the first six weeks I was going to run Phenformin instead of slin. Since I'm on HRT I'll just bump my Cypionate up to 500 MG/week add a 100 mg of Prop EOD along with some Tren Enanthane. I'm still working on the rest of the 15 weeks. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    How often are you getting your blood work done?

    I know smokethedays advocates real long cycles. Because you are HRTer for life, I would think it would be okay. I would ask the question to the blast and cruise crowd.

    I would like to know the answer to this myself...

    Why are you adding more test with the prop and the E? Why not a 19 or a DHT type?

    NM you posted TREN...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Tryin to get Abs
    Dont bulk then cut right after youll lose alot let your body reach homeostasis before going into your cutting cycle

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    How often are you getting your blood work done?

    I'm planning on getting blood work done every six weeks.

    Why are you adding more test with the prop and the E? Why not a 19 or a DHT type?

    NM you posted TREN...
    The prop and enanthane will help me with some weight I need to put on in the beginning of the cycle. I normally respond really good to this combination except I will be replacing Deca for tren e. I've done Deca so many times over and over the years I've only done the tren e in a tri tren blend once and responded really good to it.

    This is the cycle that I'm planning to do I got it almost all worked out except for the exact stop and starts and maybe some of the mg. It's going to go something like this.

    The first six weeks or so

    Tren e 200-300mg/ week
    Enanthane 500mg/ week
    Prop 100mg/eod

    The second six weeks or so

    Prop 100mg/eod
    Masteron 100mg/eod
    Equipois 300mg/week

    The third six weeks or so

    Parabolan 300-500mg/week
    Masteron 100mg/eod
    Prop 100mg/eod
    Anavar 50mg/ed

    Last three or four weeks until show

    Halotestin 40mg/ed
    maybe Suspension I will decide that at that time

    I will be taking Exemestane and HCG throughout the cycle and maybe some HGH threw out as well with IGF the first six weeks with phenformin

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    Dont bulk then cut right after youll lose alot let your body reach homeostasis before going into your cutting cycle
    This isn't a really big bulk cycle I think I'll be fine but look over it and tell me what you think thanks for your help.

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