Yo,yo! Unfortunately, I haven't been putted on trt, thought. Both: my endocrinologist and andrologist have admitted, that although my total testoterone is at the normal range, it should be higher, according to my age (t.i., young male just should need it higher...). But, they couldn't indicate therapy, because there was no phathology. I had a bloodtest done and my test was 3,7 ng/ml. Docs calculated my "tied" testosterone and they said, it was good (I ve low shbg).
Why I want to be on a therapy? Because I wan't stable good testosterone levels. I'd like to get them at 7 ng/ml range, if I was putted on trt (Is it possible)?
So... I decided to go a cold turkey: I bought 8 ampules of sustanon250 for a 2 month "cycle" (injecting 1 amp weekly), then cold turkey for a month and a testosterone blood test. I have also injected 1 of them this monday.
I want to decrease my test around 1,8 ng/ml, no less, no more, so I can receive a trt (sust250 weekly injections would be good...). Will this work or it's too dangerous? Recomendations needed, please (so I don't transfer myself to a female or a neuter)!!!