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Thread: Will SHBG effect my cycle?

  1. #1

    Will SHBG affect my cycle?

    I plan on doing a 12 week cycle of test-c 500 per week. I just got my blood test results back and total test is 667ng/dl, free test is 1.32ng/dl so in total .2% free testosterone.
    I should mention that I am percribed Test-C at 1 cc "200mg" every 2 weeks however I have been saving it for the last 10 months so these levels are my natural levels. So it appears I have a SHBG problem, so the question for you is will SHBG bind the testosterone up or do you think the cycle will be effective?
    Thank you for your time.
    Last edited by Cidanvile; 02-06-2009 at 03:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    nettle root at 1500mgs can do nobody any harm! it will help to a mild extent with your shgb prob. Cheapest route to go, as there are other methods

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Cidanvile View Post
    I plan on doing a 12 week cycle of test-c 500 per week. I just got my blood test results back and total test is 667ng/dl, free test is 1.32ng/dl so in total .2% free testosterone.
    I should mention that I am percribed Test-C at 1 cc "200mg" every 2 weeks however I have been saving it for the last 10 months so these levels are my natural levels. So it appears I have a SHBG problem, so the question for you is will SHBG bind the testosterone up or do you think the cycle will be effective?
    Thank you for your time.
    what's the range on your free? do you have your E2 level with range?

    if you have high E2/SHBG now it will be pretty high on 500mg/week so you'll need an AI.

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