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  1. #1
    aNuBiS99's Avatar
    aNuBiS99 is offline Associate Member
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    Blood test next week. Anything I should ask for?

    Well I got fedup of feeling like a robot. Waking up after a normal rest and feeling mentally foggy. Same way you do when you've been up for 24 hours or more and you're just reacting on instinct like a zombie. Lack of emotion and basically no major sexual interest at all. The odd time I can get excited enough to have a good erection, but not often. I am 30 years old.

    So I went into the doctors to explain how I felt and he ordered to get me some blood work done.

    He gave me a sheet with a list of things on it to get checked that I need to give when I go in.

    I never mentioned any AS usage cause I wasnt even sure if it is related. I've only done a cycle of dbol when I was uneducated, and then a cycle of test-e dbol, with nolva and hcg maybe 3+ years ago.

    I havent had any problems except for the last year or so.

    Here is what is written on the sheet of things to check my blood for.

    Glucose, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, AST (SGOT), Alk. Phosphatase, Bilirubin, Chemical Urinalysis, Blood film exam, Hemoglobin, WB count, Hematocrit, STSH, ESR, B12, Folate, iron, ALT, GGT, Monospot

    My question is, are any of these things related to my test levels? If not, would any of these things indicate problems with test levels.

    Also, if not, could I ask the doctor, or the person doing the blood work if they could also check test levels. What exactly would I ask them to check.

  2. #2
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by aNuBiS99 View Post
    Well I got fedup of feeling like a robot. Waking up after a normal rest and feeling mentally foggy. Same way you do when you've been up for 24 hours or more and you're just reacting on instinct like a zombie. Lack of emotion and basically no major sexual interest at all. The odd time I can get excited enough to have a good erection, but not often. I am 30 years old.

    So I went into the doctors to explain how I felt and he ordered to get me some blood work done.

    He gave me a sheet with a list of things on it to get checked that I need to give when I go in.

    I never mentioned any AS usage cause I wasnt even sure if it is related. I've only done a cycle of dbol when I was uneducated, and then a cycle of test-e dbol, with nolva and hcg maybe 3+ years ago.

    I havent had any problems except for the last year or so.

    Here is what is written on the sheet of things to check my blood for.

    Glucose, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, AST (SGOT), Alk. Phosphatase, Bilirubin, Chemical Urinalysis, Blood film exam, Hemoglobin, WB count, Hematocrit, STSH, ESR, B12, Folate, iron, ALT, GGT, Monospot

    My question is, are any of these things related to my test levels? If not, would any of these things indicate problems with test levels.

    Also, if not, could I ask the doctor, or the person doing the blood work if they could also check test levels. What exactly would I ask them to check.
    i wouldn't mention your cycle either. it was 3 years ago. if that was the cause you never would have recovered from the cycle...there's no delayed reaction.

    he needs to run a full hormone panel including estradiol (E2).

  3. #3
    CrazyCrew is offline Junior Member
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    here is a set of tests that should be run for TRT

    Bioavailable Testosterone #14966X
    Total Testosterone
    Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
    Lipid Panel
    Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
    Free T4
    Free T3
    Fasting Insulin
    Estradiol (“ultrasensitive” assay only) #30289X

  4. #4
    aNuBiS99's Avatar
    aNuBiS99 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks man. Can I actually go and ask to have that done? Or does a doctor have to specify that.

  5. #5
    CrazyCrew is offline Junior Member
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    Most of it would be run on a basic BW but some of them are expensive and the Dr has to order them . Good luck

  6. #6
    CrazyCrew is offline Junior Member
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    Last edited by CrazyCrew; 02-19-2009 at 11:58 PM.

  7. #7
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyCrew View Post
    here is a set of tests that should be run for TRT

    Bioavailable Testosterone #14966X
    Total Testosterone
    Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
    Lipid Panel
    Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
    Free T4
    Free T3
    Fasting Insulin
    Estradiol (“ultrasensitive” assay only) #30289X

  8. #8
    aNuBiS99's Avatar
    aNuBiS99 is offline Associate Member
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    Awesome links CC, thanks

  9. #9
    aNuBiS99's Avatar
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    So I'm bringing my own old thread back up from the dead. Its been a good 4 years now, not much has changed. Other than life got busy, my first child, own business etc. I am 35 now, stepped away from the gym for the last 3 years figured my body could use the break. However the same exhaustion demons have been following me the entire time. Before I became self employed I would get times at work (a physically demanding job) where I would have to stop because I could feel my heart start to race and a feeling of thinking I am going to pass out. Ive recently starting going back to the gym and its been a month or so and the same crap feeling from back in this old post is there. I have the drive to giver hard but my body wont do it. It's like that feeling of having your head down and getting up too fast and you get light headed. That's how I feel trying to do anything physically demanding for any length of time. If I try to ignore it and fight through it, I usually pay for it with a rapid paced heart beat and the feeling of passing out like I have no gas in the tank. I eat well, always have, and I stay hydrated.

    I did get bloodwork done back when I originally wrote this thread, Im going to go see the doctor and ask to have a look at it again, as well as ask for some more bloodwork and try to include as many things in it as possible. I read the bloodwork sticky and I would like to compare my results to the listed norms.

    One thing I do remember from my last bloodwork was that my creatinine levels were below the general guidelines. I do know I used ALOT of creatine in my early 20s and for a long period of time. Not sure if that has anything to do with anything.

    Hope to hear from others and get opinions or stories that can relate.


  10. #10
    LFH40's Avatar
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    Have you done TRT in the past 4 years? What were the results of your blood work? Can you post the results? What were the numbers? There are a lot of factors here. Without seeing any of those, I CAN tell you that pre-TRT (and I'm a TOTAL newb...only been 5 and a half weeks! ) that I felt EXACTLY the way you did. I have 192 total test, then in a month I did what I could to try to raise it with healthy fats, vitamin D, plenty of exercise and rest, etc. I was able to bring total test up to 433, however, that wasn't helping me when it was all bound up because my free test was only about a 6. So mine was from a pituitary tumor which killed the pituitary function. I had no real viable choice but to go on the TRT. It has been slow going, but it HAS been helping. The guys around here preach that it's a marathon, not a race. So I'm trying to be very patient and go about my life, but be dilligent about my injections and overall health, e.g. working out, eating clean. I do have slip ups with the clean eating, but I am lean to begin with and I know what I can get away with. I'm still eating clean 80% of the time and not so clean the other 20%.

    I'm curious to what your blood work said and if you ever got on TRT since 2009. Take care!

  11. #11
    aNuBiS99's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply,

    No I have never had TRT. Ya, I totally forget what my bloodwork was in 2009 so I am going to see if I can get it tomorrow and have a look. As well as book myself a new appointment and ask for alot more things to be checked because I dont believe everything I would like to see was ordered in that bloodwork back then.

    I am the same, I had a very forgiving metabolism although I do tend to eat well anyway.

  12. #12
    aNuBiS99's Avatar
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    I got my hands on my bloodwork from 2009 and I was wrong about the results, I am going for more bloodwork on Friday and looking to get alot more tests done more geared towards hormones etc.
    Here are my results
    I am a little concerned about my kidneys now, really looking forward to the new bloodwork, my issues might be kidney related and not hormone after all.

    Hemoglobin 161
    Hematocrit .46
    WBC 9.4
    RBC 5.43
    MCV 84.9
    MCH 29.7
    MCHC 349
    RDW 12.6
    Platelets 327
    Neuts 5.5
    Lymph 2.9
    Mono 0.7
    EOS 0.2
    BASO 0.0
    Hba1c 0.053
    B12 825 (this was flagged as high and it definitely is)
    Glucose random 4.3
    Creatinine 124 (this was also flagged as high)
    eGFR 59 (this was flagged as well for moderate chronic kidney disease)
    Potassium 4.2
    AST 27
    ALT 21
    Alkaline Phosphatase 68
    Gamma-Glutamyltransferase 17 (i noticed this is almost at the low end of the scale of 15-73)
    Amylase 101
    Sensitive TSH 0.74
    T3 1.4
    Ferritin 103

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