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  1. #1
    mcx's Avatar
    mcx is offline Junior Member
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    First injections today. Easy as pie.

    Finally started my HRT program today. And i gotta say, i literaly felt NOTHING when i injected the TEST. Not a damn thing. 23 gauge needle, good to go. Thanks for all you guys who posted up in my various threads about injecting and aspirating. Aspirated and no issue at all. On my way...............!

  2. #2
    rctriplefresh5 is offline New Member
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    what does aspirating mean? im gonna be starting trt in a few months( trying to hold off on it to see if i can find other ways to get better).

  3. #3
    mcx's Avatar
    mcx is offline Junior Member
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    You put the needle in to the muscle you pull back on the plunger a bit to make sure you haven't hit a blood vessel. You don't want to inject test into a blood vessel. So if you did get blood. You need to try another spot.

  4. #4
    mcx's Avatar
    mcx is offline Junior Member
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    Send me an email rct.

  5. #5
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    ***Be careful not to touch the needle to ANYTHING. Think about it, you are injecting deep in to your body. Any foreign particles will be transferred deep in your tissue and you risk a nasty infection.

    *Get all bubbles out of the needle - flick it until they rise to the top and then push them through the needle - make sure you get them completely out of the needle as well - don't worry about the liquid dripping down the needle and don't even wipe it as it makes for great lubrication.

    *In the injection spot - for glute you will look down on the 'cheek' and imagine splitting it into 4 quadrants, you would inject into the upper most outer quadrant. For the leg, if you were sitting down you will inject into the outer part of the leg (but more on top, not on the side) where you have the most 'meat'

    *Clean the site with alcohol and you are ready to inject

    *Quickly pierce the skin and steadily push the needle into the muscle. Push in smoothly until you have but a couple millimeters left of the needle (you never inject all the way in as you want to make sure some is still visible in case the needle should break off and you need to retrieve it)

    *Aspirate the syringe - pull back slightly on the plunger - you will see one of two things. (A). You will see a couple small air bubbles that when you stop applying pressure upward on the plunger will readily go back into the muscle or (B). Droplets of blood. (A) being the obviously favorable one. If there is blood you must pull out, switch needles and start over.

    *If all is well you may begin injecting. Push in slowly - you will come to find that you can 'listen' to your body and it will let you know how much it is willing to receive at once - when I inject myself I apply consistent pressure to the plunger but I go in only as fast or slow as my muscle wants to at that time. Going too fast will potentially result in an abscess. When you have completed this, wait a few seconds and then pull out and take your alcohol swab and firmly press down and massage the site to make sure everything stays in the muscle and the massage will also prevent soreness in the morning. You may bleed just a little bit, so it helps to tape the alcohol soaked cotton ball to your injection site.
    Last edited by ZonaDave; 03-08-2009 at 01:38 PM.

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