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    Blood test results are in. need some explaining

    Just had the nurse at my primary copy my results so I could pick them up.
    Perhaps our resident scholars can help me make heads and tails of it.
    From what I can tell it appears that an anti-E is in order and I need to address my cholesterol.
    I am thinking the high estrogen levels are why on 100mg a week I still felt like crap.
    All i am on is test cyp I take nothing else at the present time.
    thanks for any help provided
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  2. #2
    ZonaDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    Just had the nurse at my primary copy my results so I could pick them up.
    Perhaps our resident scholars can help me make heads and tails of it.
    From what I can tell it appears that an anti-E is in order and I need to address my cholesterol.
    I am thinking the high estrogen levels are why on 100mg a week I still felt like crap.
    All i am on is test cyp I take nothing else at the present time.
    thanks for any help provided
    bingo! yup, my guess would be high E2. you need to add some adex to your will be like night and day. i don't see Free T on the report.

    did your doc have any suggestions about the high triglycerides?
    Last edited by ZonaDave; 03-13-2009 at 02:46 PM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZonaDave View Post
    bingo! yup, my guess would be high E2. you need to add some adex to your will be like night and day.
    I was thinking the same thing when I started looking them over.
    The cholesterol results do not bother me much as my diet has been crap no excuses.
    i just started back up in the gym after like a 6 month lay off and honestly I am a completely out of shape cow so once I get my diet and gym routine in check I know those figures will come down.
    I was pleased with my test numbers still wishing free test was listed.
    can anyone explain the PST results

  4. #4
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    hey whats the standard price on dex from the pharmacy?

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    OK did a quick search
    PSA levels under 4 ng/mL: "normal"
    so I am good

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    I really am loving this stuff granted being healthy would be best but I get to play mad scientist

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    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    hey whats the standard price on dex from the pharmacy?
    my anastrozole is a few bucks a capsule from compound pharmacy. it might be worth looking into liquidex or something similar.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    OK did a quick search
    PSA levels under 4 ng/mL: "normal"
    so I am good
    yes, your PSA looks good!

  9. #9
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    Yea I was wondering if research dex would be cheaper. I will give the pharmacy a call and see what the going rate is.

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    Ok off to the Diet and workout section to rework those, currently I am doing 45 minutes of cardio at lunch which I plan to move to prework.
    that will leave me plenty of time at lunch to get a decent workout routine in. (Plus i talked my boss in to giving me an extra 30 minutes at lunch that i will tack on the end of the day)

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    Yea I was wondering if research dex would be cheaper. I will give the pharmacy a call and see what the going rate is.
    i'm checking into it myself. from what i hear it's the same as adex but a hell of alot cheaper. a $60 bottle can last up to a year depending on the dose.

  12. #12
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    cool let me know what you find out.

  13. #13
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    Adex is expensive. I need my doc to write me a script that says like 1 pill a day for my insurance to cover it correctly.

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    some insurance companies don't pay for it because it's listed as meds for women.

    i'm going to try some Liquidex from an online source to see how well it works. $60 is worth a trial run.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    Adex is expensive. I need my doc to write me a script that says like 1 pill a day for my insurance to cover it correctly.
    my script plan is only 50% coverage so I will most likely being the research route myself.

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    i read some good things about Liquidex so i'm going to ask some friends and see what they say.

    i think i pay around $70/month for anastrozole caps and Liquidex would cost me about $15/month for the same dose.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZonaDave View Post
    i read some good things about Liquidex so i'm going to ask some friends and see what they say.

    i think i pay around $70/month for anastrozole caps and Liquidex would cost me about $15/month for the same dose.
    I am heading in to a refill on my test script so I will ask them for a price check.

  18. #18
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    Lady at the pharmacy was swamped so she couldnt give me an answer, I did however finally open my mail to see that my Doc thinks my E2 is fine?!?! Gonna have to educate him on what this issue I guess.
    What are we shooting for here on Estradiol levels? something like 25-30?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    Lady at the pharmacy was swamped so she couldnt give me an answer, I did however finally open my mail to see that my Doc thinks my E2 is fine?!?! Gonna have to educate him on what this issue I guess.
    What are we shooting for here on Estradiol levels? something like 25-30?
    yes, a good E2 level is around 20-25. many docs don't understand the importance of getting E2 down.

    you can always go the Liquid route for E2 control.

  20. #20
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    Yea I have a feeling I am going to have to self administer that one! Writing up an e-mail now explaining why i feel its to high.
    Anyone know of a good write up explaining the importance of periodic HCG cycles. I wanted to bring that one up but couldn't find anything I could regurgitate at him.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    Yea I have a feeling I am going to have to self administer that one! Writing up an e-mail now explaining why i feel its to high.
    Anyone know of a good write up explaining the importance of periodic HCG cycles. I wanted to bring that one up but couldn't find anything I could regurgitate at him.
    you shouldn't have to tell your doc that you "feel" your E2 is too high. doctors respond better to facts so blood testing is more effective.

    monitoring estrogen in men is TRT 101 but alot of doctors don't get this very important part. this is why many docs fail at administering TRT.

    HCG might be a harder sell because docs thinks it's only to maintain fertility. if he's open minded try showing him this document.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZonaDave View Post
    you shouldn't have to tell your doc that you "feel" your E2 is too high. doctors respond better to facts so blood testing is more effective.

    monitoring estrogen in men is TRT 101 but alot of doctors don't get this very important part. this is why many docs fail at administering TRT.

    HCG might be a harder sell because docs thinks it's only to maintain fertility. if he's open minded try showing him this document.
    you would think so but as he stated in his notes on the blood work that he mailed me he listed 43 as ok?!?!?! I just want the go ahead to take it I am trying to keep everything scripted and legal.
    I have another appointment on the 23rd so I will bring up the HCG idea again. while I care not about shrinkage I know that it has other purposes as well.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    you would think so but as he stated in his notes on the blood work that he mailed me he listed 43 as ok?!?!?! I just want the go ahead to take it I am trying to keep everything scripted and legal.
    I have another appointment on the 23rd so I will bring up the HCG idea again. while I care not about shrinkage I know that it has other purposes as well.
    i know where you're coming from. the whole "in range" thing is ridiculous.

    actually the size issue should be enough to get a script for HCG . tell him the shrinkage will affect your confidence.

  24. #24
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    I like the streamlined undercarriage lol..
    Got an email responses from him today and he is down with the Anti-E thank god.
    He also put me on to this tidbit of reading material.
    American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists guidelines for evaluation and treatment of hypogonadism. I downloaded that and it appears my Doc is putting forth the effort to further his knowledge on HRT so that is promising.

  25. #25
    KZRSOIZE is offline Associate Member
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    you should find an endo who specializing in hrt, but as for the e levels arimidex is the way to go, its pricey but imo its the best out there. Worked great for me....good luck

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    Thus far I have been very lucky with my primary so until he is unreasonable I will stick with him.
    I have another appointment on monday which we will discuss my Anti-E usage so like I mentioned if he all the sudden starts to become a hinderance then I will replace him, for now He seems to be the way to go.

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    Quote Originally Posted by KZRSOIZE View Post
    you should find an endo who specializing in hrt, but as for the e levels arimidex is the way to go, its pricey but imo its the best out there. Worked great for me....good luck
    I ended up going with Aromasin which I haven't priced at the pharmacy yet but after the research I did I was more impressed with Aromasin. Going to call and check the price in a second

    Anyone familiar with dosage specs for it?

    Edit just called ouch that is 400 a bottle, 200 after my crap insurance kicks in!
    I will be ordering that one online for sure!
    Last edited by ENraged; 03-23-2009 at 12:26 PM. Reason: Add info

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    I ended up going with Aromasin which I haven't priced at the pharmacy yet but after the research I did I was more impressed with Aromasin. Going to call and check the price in a second

    Anyone familiar with dosage specs for it?

    Edit just called ouch that is 400 a bottle, 200 after my crap insurance kicks in!
    I will be ordering that one online for sure!
    ouch, that is expensive! how long does a bottle last?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZonaDave View Post
    ouch, that is expensive! how long does a bottle last?
    That's for a month at 25mg a day, I can order some from the research sites so thats the way i am going to go.
    I am just thrilled that my Doc actually thanked me today for feeding him information and further educating him on HRT. He is up to 5 other men on HRT now and is using the information I feed him to better help them as well.

    Next on my list is HCG and a GH stimulation test just for the giggles of it.
    I am still working on my diet but it is getting cleaner by the day, my work outs are more steady as well.
    I am hitting cardio 5 days a week and lifting the major groups just 2.
    I am slowly phasing in the weight training as I have a habit of going to gung ho and ending up to soar to move lol..

  30. #30
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    Well let me just say this!!
    Aromasin in no joke for controlling E2 levels!
    I tanked in at 25mg per day as prescribed!
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  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    Well let me just say this!!
    Aromasin in no joke for controlling E2 levels!
    I tanked in at 25mg per day as prescribed!
    Thanx for posting , good to know the product is worth just like Arimidex .

    Wish to know how long have you taken Aromasin and what's your current TRT regime ...


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    Quote Originally Posted by Testomaster View Post
    Thanx for posting , good to know the product is worth just like Arimidex .

    Wish to know how long have you taken Aromasin and what's your current TRT regime ...

    I am currently on 100MG of test c every 5th or 6th day depending on how I feel. I Have dropped the Aromsin back to 12.5MG EOD
    That is all I am currently scripted I do not take HCG or anything for hair as I dont mind the shrink nor the touch of hairloss.
    My Doc declared today that he is comfortbable with me running the show from here
    I do not have to take another blood test until mid August and only need to meet with him again if something I see is out of whack!

  33. #33
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    Oh sorry I have been on Aromasin for almost 2 months
    past 2 weeks at 12.5 EOD and rite now I feel great finally!

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    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    Oh sorry I have been on Aromasin for almost 2 months
    past 2 weeks at 12.5 EOD and rite now I feel great finally!
    Thanx for the answers Enr. I was thinking to add.some Arimidex to my TRT with enanthate (200/week) + proviron 50ed. I'm very prone to estrogen...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Testomaster View Post
    Thanx for the answers Enr. I was thinking to add.some Arimidex to my TRT with enanthate (200/week) + proviron 50ed. I'm very prone to estrogen...
    have you tried Liquidex yet? i just started using it a week ago and so far so good. it's cheap and easy to dose...

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZonaDave View Post
    have you tried Liquidex yet? i just started using it a week ago and so far so good. it's cheap and easy to dose...
    yup L-dex works well I use liquid aromasin my script for pills would have cost me 200 a month if i took 25mg a day. The liquid Aromasin was 80 for 2 months at 25MG a day!

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