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  1. #1
    slayer94165 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2009

    New to board need some advice on trt

    First i like to say hi to every one .here is some info on me in 29 years old and have been on trt since june of last symptoms started about 4 years ago but no doctor wanted to listen to me .i was presscribed webutrin about two years ago for my symptoms .told doc he was a idiot and would not take .so off to find another doc.went to see endocronligst and he did blood works and my total test was 237 at age he gives me androgel 4 pumps a day for 2 months and re test went back and my test was 251 he said it will get better over time just stay on 4 pumps a day . so off to new doctor.the doc im seeing right now is cool gave me androgel 8 pumps a day but not doing anything for me.i want to talk about shots with him since its coverd by my just wondering anything the doc may be missing in blood work or stuff i should have them chack.maybe someting else is making my test low .I never did steriods or any other drugs .found out i have sleep apena 2 years ago on treament and doing fine maybe that did it.any info greatly appreciated thanks

  2. #2
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    i doubt theres anything they missed in terms of doing tests.

    especially if you went to an endo.

    id say just go in and talk to your doc. tell him what you told us. that youve been on the gel for so long... and its just not doing it and that youve researched injections and feel that they would be a better choice for you and you can do them responsibly.

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    welcome to ar

    i dont really think anybody knows exactly why their test is low in most cases and in my case i really dont care...i just am happy that i have the ability to fix it easily

    good luck

  4. #4
    Joxi's Avatar
    Joxi is offline New Member
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    Mexico, Guadalajara
    Test can cause sleep apnea. It didnt happen to me, but it can interfere with sleeping pattern. If so oral test can be better choice, like andriol , in the morning, by the night its gone, so you can sleep better. hcg also can make you not sleep well. But you have to try it on your own.

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